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A few weeks had passed, and I had grown used to Draco's absence again. But that didn't mean I didn't think about him all the time.

I cursed myself every time I did, though that didn't help anything, either. So I just decided to live with it. It worked out quite well this way.

The problem with it was that the first thing I'd do when I walked into a room, or along a corridor was look for him. I'd be able to make him out in any crowd. It's not even a conscious action anymore.

In the beginning, I stopped myself whenever I noticed looking for his grey eyes, his blond hair, though, after a while, I just let it be.

Which is why, now, while I was walking towards the Great Hall for dinner, the first thing I saw when I turned the corner was him. And how he was hurrying away from the hall and towards the staircases leading upstairs.

He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice me. He looked awful. Worse than usual, even.

Skin pale, cheeks hollow; I had grown used to him like that by now. But almost trembling, breathing as heavy as he was and his eyes red; that sure was something I'd never seen before.

Something that worried me from deep within, even if I might not have liked that it did. And it made me turn on my heels and follow him to wherever he was headed.

Apparently where he was headed was all the way up on the sixth floor, and I felt my pulse picking up quickly while I tried to follow him up the stairs as quietly as I could. Though, right now was not the time to complain about that.

I hesitated when I watched him disappear into the boy's bathroom, feeling uncomfortable with the thought of following him in there. And I stood in front of the door for what must have been a minute before convincing myself this seemed more important.

I didn't expect the sight I was met with when I pushed the door open, and my brows furrowed slightly.

He was standing with his back to the door, both hands clutching the sink on either side, and his head hanging low. He was breathing heavily, his upper body rising and falling irregularly.

"Draco?" I said, my voice so soft I almost didn't recognise it. He startled, anyway, and turned around to face me immediately. When he saw me, he shook his head slowly, almost in an amused manner if it wasn't for the obviously pained expression on his face.

He let his head fall back, a loud sigh escaping his mouth as he mumbled something I couldn't understand.

When I attempted to come closer, his head snapped back into my direction, his eyes piercing into my own as if he was trying to figure out what I was doing here.

"Don't," He tried to say sternly, though his voice was shaky as the words left his mouth. I looked at him, my head tilting in confusion though I kept walking towards him as slowly as I could. "Don't come any closer," He continued, his breath growing even heavier; almost panting by now.

"What is it?" I wondered out loud, my facial features just as soft as my voice was when I came to a halt just a few feet away from him. He didn't move.

"I told you to stay away, Y/n," He snapped, his brows furrowing in annoyance and anger as he raised his voice, too. "Can't you listen to me just this one fucking time?"


"What's wrong, Draco?" I insisted, ignoring his previous inquiry as best as possible as a bad feeling formed in my stomach. I couldn't quite place it, though I knew something wasn't right with him.

"Nothing is wrong, Merlin, just leave. me. alone," He seethed through gritted teeth, though the way he looked, spoke, and acted told me that was the last thing I should do right now.

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