» 21 «

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In hindsight, that probably wasn't my brightest moment and I didn't pride myself on what happened afterwards.

It was about five seconds into the kiss when I started to realise how bad what was happening actually was. And it took me another five before I gently pushed the blonde away from me, too distracted by the taste of his lips and the sensations all over my body to do so earlier.

He opened his eyes slowly and I watched his expression transform into one of pure horror. He took a few steps back and looked me up and down once in confusion.

I felt exactly the same way and for the first time in a long time, I was speechless. I had absolutely nothing I could or would want to say right now.

"Why would you do that?!" He spat, his voice a little higher than usual.

"I didn't do anything, you did!" I quickly corrected, a hint of panic in my voice. There was no way he was gonna blame this on me.

"This never happened." - "Of course not."

We nodded in agreement just as the door to the classroom opened. Malfoy turned around, quickly picking up the paper he threw at me and placed it in the pocket of his robe.

Snape wandered around the classroom, trying to find a spot we missed but was unsuccessful. "Very well," He said. "It's almost time for dinner."

He gestured for us to get out of the door and I didn't waste another second before leaving. I grabbed my things and rushed out of the room.

Malfoy did the same and we both fled the scene in opposite directions without saying another word to each other. My head so full it took me five minutes to realise I was walking in the wrong direction.

I sat on the floor of one of the many corridors of the castle, my back against the wall, and took a deep breath.

My eyes were closed but I couldn't even get a second to organise my thoughts before I was interrupted again. Wasn't there a single spot in this castle where I wouldn't accidentally run into someone?

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Hermione said with a worried look on her face when she approached me. She really had a talent of finding me in my worst moments.

I put on a smile and shook my head dismissively. "Of course."

She raised her eyebrows at my reply, a humorous smile on her lips, "You don't look like it," She said.

"Just Snape giving me a hard time in detention, that's all." She nodded knowingly, even though I doubt she's ever had to go into detention before.

"Well, if that's all I'll see you at dinner, yeah?" She said with a smile on her lips and I nodded quickly. "Definitely!"

She went along her way down the corridor and I sighed once more. That definitely wasn't the last time I would have to lie to someone about this and I couldn't stand the thought.

If my motives were good enough, I didn't mind lying for them, but because of Malfoy? All he really did was make my life more difficult and I was sick of it.

Who did he think he was, anyway. You didn't just kiss someone like that. Especially not someone you hated and bullied literally every single day. Even if that was a mutual thing, that didn't make it any more acceptable.

I decided to skip on dinner tonight and just sneak into my room while everyone was out, not in the mood to talk to anyone. Until they came back I was just lying in bed, staring at the ceiling and hoping this was all just one big nightmare I was about to wake up from.

While it was all fun to pretend to do things like that with Malfoy to annoy my brother, actually kissing him wasn't the plan, neither something I should've enjoyed. And just thinking about Harry finding out made my stomach twist.

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