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I was sprinting after Harry as fast as I could, silently thanking Merlin for the fact he wasn't tall enough to outrun me.

It was instinctively that I rushed after him, down the stairwell, through the dark Great Hall and out of the castle. I knew he was about to do something stupid. I could see it in his eyes, in the way he acted.

But I couldn't blame him. I really felt like doing something stupid, myself.

"Snape!" My brother yelled, catching a glimpse of the professor and the rest of the death eaters by Hagrid's hut. "He trusted you!" He kept going, his voice pained and desperate.

Draco was with them. And my heart seemingly stopped just for a mere second when our eyes met for the first time.

He was so far, yet, I could see the way his brows twitched in confusion, disappointment. The way he looked at me after I basically promised him I'd stay in the dungeons tonight so I wouldn't have to witness this.

His mouth slightly parted, he just stood there, shaking his head slightly as we both watched each others every move. I didn't even take my eyes off of him when Bellatrix set Hagrid's home on fire.

I was too occupied to hope, pray, Draco would understand why I had to be here.

Snape said something to him, though the boy didn't seem to acknowledge it as he kept standing right there, not even looking at him.

"Incarserus!" Harry snapped, moving closer towards Snape who simply blocked his spell without much of an effort. "Fight back!" He yelled, not knowing what else he could do. "You coward, fight back!"

Neither of us saw Bellatrix coming, and I only noticed once her ugly cackling filled the dark night, and my brother flew several feet behind me. The motion making me break our eye contact as I rushed towards Harry.

"Fuck, are you okay?" I mumbled, trying to pinpoint where exactly her curse was hurting. Harry's face was scrunched up in pain, his hand flying up to hold his abdomen, where the spell had hit him.

"I'm fine," He seethed, clutching his side as he tried his best to get back up.

"No," Snape muttered. We were close enough by now to hear what they were saying to each other. "He belongs to the dark lord!"

Bellatrix sighed, acknowledging the fact even though she didn't seem very pleased by it. But then, her eyes snapped over to me, something sinister glimmering in them.

"She doesn't," She grinned, her foul teeth showing as her wand snapped in my direction. Both Snape and Draco's postures visibly stiffened, though, neither of them said a word; knowing that if they disobeyed in the wrong moment, and word got back to their Lord, they'd both be done for.

"And He'll be pleased to have her," She continued, suddenly right behind me as her wand rested on my temple.

My breath hitched, and a panicked look spread across my face as I looked back and forth between Harry and Draco; one to my left, the other to my right after she brought a fair amount of distance between my brother and me.

Harry looked ready to do whatever it took to get me out of her clutches, and while I would love for him to do just that, his chances of succeeding were not very high.

So, instead, I hoped he would listen to my silent pleas as I locked eyes with him. His face was twitching with irritation, not quite sure whether to point his wand at Bellatrix, Snape, or Draco.

"Careful with that one, Potter," Bellatrix giggled, addressing the wand in his hand. "Already lost your headmaster today. Don't want to add your sister to the list, do you?" Her wand jabbed right into the side of my throat at her words, yanking at my hair with her free hand.

My gasp made her giggle, tutting disapprovingly at the way I struggled in her grip.

Harry's gaze snapped to my left, landing on Draco. He looked desperate, his expression asking for something I couldn't quite place. Maybe it was a look of mutual agreement. I wasn't sure what he was trying to tell the blonde without using his words, but he seemed to understand.

Draco's eyes flickered over to me for a mere second before giving Harry a nod so small I almost didn't even notice it. And my brother visibly relaxed at the gesture.

"Let's just have a little fun, what do you say, Y/n?" Bellatrix said, trying to mimic an innocent voice that sounded entirely wrong coming out of her mouth. "You remember what you did to me the last time we met, don't you, dearie? It would be rude not to return the favour-"

"That's quite enough, Bellatrix." Snape's voice echoed through the night, making the witch behind me shut her mouth quietly. "Take her back with you. We'll find a use for her, I'm sure."

"No!" Harry yelled loudly. "You can't do that, you-" I was quickly out of range to hear what he was saying; Bellatrix dragging me along my arm, having made sure to take my wand off of me first.

"Draco, darling. What are you waiting for? Come on," She cooed, noticing the blonde quite a few feet behind us. "It's her, isn't it?" Bellatrix asked, amused as she shoved me a little harder. "She's irritating you. How very inconsiderate of me," The witch giggled, before throwing me onto the ground in front of her.

"Aunt Bellatrix, it's really not necessary-" He began, trying his best to sound strong and convincing, though his voice failed him. Not that his aunt was listening, anyway.

She interrupted him before he could finish his sentence, his eyes suddenly filling with worry and fear as he watched the nonverbal spell fly my way.

But I didn't feel anything. It wasn't a painful curse; instead, one that knocked me out for good as the world around me was tinted into a dark black.

✧ End of year 6. ✧

A/N: Oop, that's it!

What are we thinking?

Also, thoughts on the new cover? lol

See you in deathly hallows tomorrow!

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