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Despite all doubts, Severus Snape really kept his mouth shut, and without any noteworthy complications, I was sitting in the Hogwarts Express safe and sound.

Well, as safe as one could be on their way to a school run by Voldemort.

Knowing Snape might actually be on our side eased the nerves regarding that, at least.

And for the first few hours, I had some faith that if they sent me back here time and time again, Luna would be, too. Though, after walking the train up and down twice, I gave up on that.

And I dreaded stepping into that castle more than I ever had before. Because I knew as soon as Wren would notice Luna wasn't with me, she'd ask where she was.

And I couldn't say I didn't know, because I did know.

It was one thing to lie about my own whereabouts, but I wasn't about to lie to my best friend about her kidnapped girlfriend. Not after she had already lost her own mother, in a way.

How many more things did life have to throw at her?

I was almost jittery as I walked into the castle, luggage in hand to bring it to my dorm before dinner- not that I had an appetite to still.

I lost my appetite at the realisation that it was me who had to deliver the bad news to Wren once again. Just like it had to be me last time. And just like it will have to be me in the future.

Now that she cut all ties to her family and her girlfriend was rotting in a cellar at the Malfoy's, who did she have but me?

I sighed as soon as I saw her leaning against the wall at the entrance of the castle. The smile she carried even before she saw me widened once she did, and she opened her arms immediately.

Merlin, why, why, why.

"There you are!" She murmured into the crook of my neck, arms tightening around my upper body. My arm still around her shoulder, I pushed her to walk along with me, not feeling like wanting to catch any of the Death Eaters attention.

Hogwarts was a lot stricter now. More orderly in all the worst ways.

So, I doubt they'd appreciate the welcoming committee.

It's not like Wren cared, though. She'd love to stick it to them any way she could, which is why she dared to come here in the first place. After all, she was the one who said she wasn't scared of a man with an incomplete face.

And while many people might say that, she most definitely meant it. After what he had done to her family's dynamic, I understood why she might feel that way.

"Those surely were the worst two weeks of my life. Your time at the Weasley's couldn't compare," She chatted away, though I could tell her attention wasn't entirely on the words coming out of her mouth.

Her head tilted and turned every possible way in hopes to catch a glimpse of her girlfriend. I hated the fact that I knew she never would.

"Hogwarts just isn't the same without you and Luna," She continued, the name coming out of her mouth so carelessly almost making me flinch. "Where is she, by the way? Did you two not get here together?"

The seemingly harmless question escaping her mouth made me swallow thickly. Little did she know Luna never got here, at all.

"No, we didn't," I forced out just as we turned into the corridor leading down to the dungeons. "Come along," I mumbled, my hand slipping off her shoulder to rest on her back in a comforting manner.

"Oh." She furrowed her brows, though stopped turning around every other second now that we stood in front of the Slytherin common room.

Before I could say the password, the heavy stone wall opened up from the inside, revealing Blaise and Pansy as well as the rest of our dorm. They didn't pay much attention to us, already on their way back up to dinner.

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