» 17 «

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"Now, would you all please move towards the great hall in a calm and orderly manner," one of the prefects said, his voice was calm but he seemed alarmed nonetheless.

Of course, calm and orderly was the opposite of the way the Slytherins went about their way.

While Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were running around the corridors scaring unsuspecting classmates, the majority of students were talking loudly about their suspicions of what was going on.

"It must be a surprise from Dumbledore, or maybe an important announcement?" The boy next to me said to his friend and I was shaking my head, knowing that's not what was going on.

I doubt we'd have to take our sleeping bags if this was just an announcement.

"I heard the fat lady was missing," another one said and I perked my ears at that.

I remembered her from that time I was hanging out with Harry and a few other Gryffindors in front of their common room. She was in the painting that protected it.

How could she have gone missing? Why?

As soon as we entered the great hall, the rumour was quickly confirmed and my questions answered by the Gryffindor students who were all talking about one thing. Or rather, one name. Sirius Black.

"There's no way. What does Sirius Black want in Hogwarts?" Wren asked, her body was stiff and I could tell she didn't like this one bit. We spread out our sleeping bags at an empty spot in the back of the hall and Wren immediately tried to make herself comfortable in it.

"I've got an idea," I mumbled, my eyes scanning the room and inevitably falling on the big doors leading out of it.

Surely he was here for me and Harry. And I couldn't let him slip away like that. Not after what he had done to my parents. Not after everything that happened because of him.

The least he owed me was an explanation, while the appropriate price was probably his life.

Without another word I walked towards the exit of the Great hall, determined to talk to whoever I had to find Black. Even if they happened to be paintings.

"Where do you think you're going, Potter?" Snape's voice stopped me in my tracks and I cursed under my breath. I was almost able to slip out, where did he come from?

"Just to the bathroom, Sir," I lied, an innocent smile on my lips.

There was a look of something close to disgust on his face and I dropped my smile as soon as I saw it. "You must think I'm a fool if you thought that would work on me," He began and I sighed. "You Potter's are always trouble. Nobody is leaving the great hall until the castle is cleared and Dumbledore says so." His voice was demanding and his expression cold.

While this would've probably worked on most of the staff, it was obvious it wasn't on Snape. I silently scolded myself for panicking when he stopped me. There was nothing I could do about it now, though.

"Sir-" I began, trying to talk my way out of this one but he interrupted me quickly. "To your sleeping bag. Now."

I sighed loudly in defeat and slowly walked back to Wren.

I furrowed my brows when I saw her talking to Ron and picked up my pace to get there before they finished their conversation.

As soon as the ginger-haired boy saw me he quickly nodded towards Wren and then left in a hurry, probably back to Harry and the rest. "What did he want?" I asked confusedly and her rather concerned look turned into a smile.

"Nothing, just some.." It took her a little too long to think. "-this charms homework we had, he just had a question." She avoided eye contact and looked around the great hall trying to find anything even remotely interesting.

"He came to you about charms homework when a murderer who literally escaped from Azkaban is supposed to be roaming the halls of our school?" I asked in disbelieve, knowing there was something she wasn't telling me. "When Hermione Granger is his best friend?" I raised my eyebrows as I finished my thought and tried to catch her eye.

"He must think I'm pretty good, then." Was all she said, her tone dismissive. She didn't even look at me.

Annoyed, I rolled my eyes at her behaviour and decided to bring it up again tomorrow.

It must've been something important for Ron to come over and talk to a wizard who will probably end up going bad, seeing as he hated us so much. I scoffed at the thought. It's been a while now since I've talked to him but the least he could've done was apologise.

While Wren was busy talking to one of her friends, my head was full of different ideas and plans on how to sneak out of here once everyone was asleep.

So, once the Hall started to fall quiet, more and more students falling asleep, I stayed up, hoping it wouldn't take much longer before it was completely silent.

Another hour went by before I was sure everyone was asleep and I sat up in my sleeping bag.

I had never seen the great hall this quiet. Especially not with this many students in it. It was a strange feeling and the quiet was eery.

I could hear my heart pounding against my chest as I started tip-toeing toward the door, making sure to check around for anyone who might be awake.

"Pst! Potter!" I heard someone whisper quietly and I stopped dead in my tracks. I didn't like the sound of that voice at all.

I turned to my right, searching for the source of the whisper and my attention fell on the blonde boy. His grey eyes were staring directly at me. This really couldn't get much worse.

First Snape and now Malfoy? Maybe I just really wasn't supposed to be doing this.

"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice still as low as before to make sure he didn't wake anyone else up. "None of your business, Malfoy," I said quickly, trying to shake him off.

"You see, if I just simply raise my voice a little-" He began, suggestively doing exactly that. My eyes got wide and I jumped toward him, pushing my hand in front of his mouth to shut him up.

"Okay, okay. I get it!" I hushed. I could feel the smirk forming on his face and I quickly removed my hand. "Just shut up!" I reminded him as I did so.

There was no point in trying to get out of here now anyway, was there? He would simply rat me out. It was too risky. I tried thinking of an excuse to feed him but my thoughts were interrupted by steps approaching from outside.

"That'll be a whole lot of trouble for you, missy," Malfoy said sarcastically when he noticed them, too.

The muted voices were getting clearer as they approached the hall and I panicked, not quite sure what to do next. My eyes fell on Malfoy's big sleeping bag and I cursed under my breath.

Desperate times called for desperate measures.

A/N: I know, I know! I messed up the timeline badly here but I kinda like it more this way, lol. Let's just imagine Harry snuk to Hogsmeade the first time they were allowed to go and found out about Sirius then, thank u

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