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"Liar!" Was the first thing I heard, the words roaring out of Bellatrix' mouth loudly before she gave the Goblin in front of her a swift cut across the cheek. "Consider yourself lucky," She muttered at the gesture, before standing up straight again and walking away. "The same won't be said for this one," She sighed, looking down at Hermione's still body on the floor.

And before we, as a group, could agree on an approach, Ron did it all on his own.

"Like hell," He muttered before jumping up and running right towards the witch. "Expelliarmus!"

Harry, Wren and I quickly went on to join him. Though, as soon as I saw both Narcissa and Draco, I wasn't much use anymore.

I had no justification for harming either of them. After all, Narcissa was the one to hand me my wand the first time I escaped. She was kind to me— yet looked quite the opposite as she fired one spell after the other at Ron.

And Draco— well, Draco was Draco.

The boy who made all the wrong choices, and the one I loved regardless.

I didn't think he even noticed me; too busy deflecting every spell my own brother was shooting at him. For a moment, it even seemed like Draco wasn't going on the offence, at all. But I didn't have enough time to observe them further.

And I was just about to join Wren against Lucius - she didn't have a wand and was going for physical combat, instead - but I didn't get the chance.

"Stop!" Bellatrix' shrieked, her loud voice echoing through the otherwise empty room. All of our eyes darted over to her, and we watched in horror as she held her knife dangerously close to Hermione's throat. "Drop your wands!"

A sick smile spread across her face before she hissed once more. "I said drop them!"

And we all did.

It was bittersweet, seeing as I've only had it for a few minutes in total, at most. And it was only when it hit the floor alongside the others, and Draco was ordered to pick them up, that he noticed me.

His eyes widened, and his already trembling breath picked up even more as we locked eyes. I watched his brows furrow in confusion, trying to piece the pieces together all within a time reasonable enough to pick up a wand.

Mine was the last one, furthest to the right and he quickly straightened his back after he picked it up; walking past me only to position himself no more than a few feet behind me. His breathing was still so loud I could pick it up.

I wasn't sure if that was because he was standing so close or he was just breathing that loudly.

"It's Harry Potter," Bellatrix whispered loudly, a gleam of amusement in her voice. "Just in time for the Dark Lord." At that, she smiled. "Call him," She instructed, a full-on grin on her face now.

When Draco didn't move, she repeated her words a little harsher. "Call him!"

It was then, that Lucius rolled up his sleeve, revealing the black mark on his forearm; ready to call Voldemort.

Though a squeaking sound had Bellatrix' smile fall and Lucius stop whatever he was doing.

My gaze following hers, it dragged up to the chandelier, a house-elf sitting on top of it; screwing it loose.

For a moment, I feared it was Larbey. But it wasn't, fortunately.

It came crashing down towards Hermione and Bellatrix moments later, both of them shooting apart as Bellatrix let go of her with a loud scream.

I staggered back a few steps as well, bumping right into Draco who simply grabbed me by my wrist before rushing to the side of the room, taking cover by a chair; the chandelier hitting the floor in the centre of it at the same time.

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