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Spells flying left and right, destroying the glasses, tables; the whole tent was down after less than ten minutes.

I still hadn't let go of Draco, clutching his hand tightly while our backs were pressed against each others in an effort to cover all of our angles.

As my gaze flickered across the plain field, I saw a lot of people.

I saw Ginny Weasley, bravely battling one death eater after the other all by herself.

I saw Fred and George Weasley, both ducking as a green jet of light closely missed them before one, and the same spell came from either of their wands and hit their opponent flat in the chest.

I saw Professor Lupin blocking one spell after the other as his gaze flickered the scene just like mine was.

I saw Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood, her bright yellow sunflower dress catching my attention even in the midst of battle.

Her usually soft and relaxed face was contorted, fully concentrating on the task at hand as she blocked each and every spell coming her and her fathers way, while the latter helped them retreat further and further away.

And then, I saw Wren Inkwood. Standing in between her girlfriend and her best friend. She looked quite conflicted, not quite sure what to do and where to go.

But before she could make a choice, a cloud of black smoke formed not too far from her, letting me know there was a bigger problem than choosing between Luna and me at hand.

I furrowed my brows as a figure emerged out of the smoke; Wren too busy with attacking and defending another one of them to notice they were coming right for her from behind.

I quickly yelled the first spell that came to my mind, flicking my wand in the direction simply to get their attention, as well as Wren's.

Though, they blocked the spell with ease. Turning around in a harsh movement, their eyes locking right with mine.

Delphia Inkwood.

Her facial features were so distinctive; I could still recognise her through the chaos, fire, and smoke.

Her expression remained blank, simply turning around and picking up her pace to get to her daughter.

"Wren!" I yelled, hoping it would be loud enough to catch her attention.

It was. Both Draco and her turned towards me. The blonde probably startled slightly by my loud voice right next to his ear.

But just as Wren turned, her eyes meeting mine for a mere second, Delphia got to her, grabbing her arm gently and making the girl's attention shift onto her.

Her eyes flickered back and forth between her mother and me, her lips parting slightly as her brows lowered and pulled closer together before she disappeared at once.

My breath was heavy, and I felt tears in my eyes sting, begging for me to let them go. Though this surely wasn't the best place to cry, I remembered, as I pulled Draco out of the way of another spell shooting our way, almost grazing us.

The only person I didn't see was Harry. Harry Potter, of all people, was the one not even here anymore. The reason they probably attacked in the first place.


If they'd get to him; they'd kill him on the spot.

If they got to any of us, death wasn't a given. Torture might have been, but we weren't destined to die like he was.

Draco tugged on my hand harshly, pretty much throwing me several feet to his left. It took me a second to realise it was to keep a spell from hitting me straight in the chest as I watched him block several more afterwards.

Though, I couldn't keep my attention on him for long; a dark shadow cast over me, making me divert my eyes off of him.

The figure hovered over me, a rather threatening position, seeing as I was still laying on my back, my arms barely propping me up on the grass.

At the sight, my heart already beating as if it was to jump out of my chest, suddenly stopped as I felt it sink. Suddenly, everything around me seemed to drown out as I looked right into those oddly familiar eyes.

The way her dark, coily curls framed her face making it even more distinctive before the rotten teeth revealed by her gruesome laugh gave it away completely.

I tried to crawl away, a motion that was supposed to be as swift as it was quick so that I could stand up to her. Though, one foot of hers on my chest quickly stopped me in my doing, her heel digging into the skin on my chest as she pressed me further into the ground, instead.

A sharp hiss escaped my lips at the pain, only making her smile wider, her face distorting as she tilted her head back and forth.

"Look who we have here," Bellatrix sighed, her wand in her hand lazily swinging back and forth. "You've caused my family quite the trouble. You know that, dear?" She murmured, amusement still lingering in her voice.

I struggled against the pressure on my chest, simply making her dig her heel into my flesh with more force, as well as snatching my wand from my hand before I could even lift the hand.

My eyes snapped onto Draco at the same time as a muffled cry escaped my lips.

I tried everything in my power not to give her the satisfaction of seeing me in pain, but it was just so hard when I really was in a lot of pain, her sharp heel surely drawing blood from my skin by now.

The sound must've gotten to him, too, as Draco's eyes now darted back and forth between his opponent and me; stunned for a second before his eyes lingered on his own aunt, who still didn't seem to have noticed him.

In one swift motion, he turned back around, firing a spell so powerful it had the man fly backwards at least thirty feet. Draco turning around and walking over to us with determined steps right after.

"Where have you hid my nephew, then?" Bellatrix smiled sickly, almost sitting on top of me now with her wand jabbing right into my throat. My eyes falling behind her and locking with Draco's only for a moment.

"I'm right here, auntie," He spoke slowly, her head snapping in his direction immediately.

His face was blank. And it stayed that way, even when she got up; when she got closer to him; when she circled him like he was her prey.

His expression stayed blank, and he looked straight ahead; not at me, and not at her.

"Ah," She simply stated, a sick smile still on her lips as she came to a halt behind him. Her hand was tracing along his shoulders, whispering something into his ear only he could hear.

Following her words, she broke into a fit of laughter once more, cackling and giggling in the worst way possible before her demeanour changed back into a cold one.

She pulled me up by my shirt harshly, clutching both mine and her wand in her hand, as well as grabbing Draco and me alike.

And then, once more, it felt like my body was forced through a tube too small to fit it, making me remember like it was only yesterday that Draco had apparated us out of his house.

We had just made it here; just got to my brother less than three hours ago.

Two weeks of travel just to end up right back where we started?

A/N: I know people wanted to go Horcrux hunting with the trio or whatever but I simply could not do it lol way too boring and predictable imo, let's see where this goes.

I'm also going live on my Instagram seselinamae in two hours!! I know I usually do Saturday's cause it's more convenient for the timezones, but I'm busy tomorrow :( Hope to still see u there tho!!

Also, wtf thank u for 7 million ?? mwuah

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