» 39 «

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It's gotten pretty late, to the point where there weren't many students left. "I'm going to bed, you coming?" Wren announced, immediately yawning afterwards.

"I'll come up in a bit, I'm not very tired yet," I said, smiling at her and she got up. In all honesty, I just wasn't ready to get into the same room as Parkinson. The girl would probably not stop talking about Malfoy for days, now that they spent some time together.

Speaking of, he was still sitting at the same spot, the only thing missing was the girl.

Another hour must have gone by, by now him and I were the only people left in the large room. I was sure the rest of my dorm was asleep by now, meaning it was probably time for me to go.

I was walking past the couch he was sitting on when his hand on my wrist had me stop in my tracks. "Where do you think you're going?" He said, the usual cold tone in his voice.

He nodded towards the free space next to him, prompting me to sit down, and I followed his directions. He didn't give me a chance to say anything, pulling me closer as soon as I sat down.

Only a few inches were separating our faces from each other, and I bit my lip as I realised. His eyes lingered on them for a moment, before I felt his lips on mine, and I automatically melted into the kiss.

It was safe to say common sense and clear thinking were no longer present whenever I was within a few feet from him. I didn't want to really think about why that was, too scared to face what I would discover.

My hand found itself in his blonde hair, playing with it before he pulled away a little, his forehead still touching mine. "I know we're not going to the ball together, but that doesn't mean you have to go around flirting with every boy that talks to you, does it?" He growled, a hint of sarcasm in his voice but his manner still serious.

I gave him an amused look, wondering what on earth he was going on about. "I saw you with Zabini the other day, and I know Alex asked you to the ball; you don't have to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, Potter."

I scoffed, trying to keep myself from laughing. "You saw me being forced to dance with Blaise, and my friend asking me to go to a ball because we both didn't have anyone else to go with," I corrected with a smirk. "I, on the other hand, saw you clearly flirting with Parkinson."

He sighed at the mention of her name, clearly annoyed she had been brought into this. What did he expect if he was going to start a conversation like that?

"You saw me not being completely repulsed by her," He mocked my argument from earlier and I rolled my eyes just like he had.

"Same thing," I mumbled, looking back into his eyes. We were still close to each other. His finger tracing down my jawline while we were talking, making it impossible for me to be angry about the topic of conversation. I knew I wasn't even supposed to be here with him after Parkinson probably sat on this exact spot not even two hours ago.

There was a part in me that knew he didn't have the right to say these things and I shouldn't even care about him and Parkinson; but the other part did care, and kind of enjoyed that he did, too.

Neither of us spoke, waiting for the other one to say something before we both did at the same time. "You're jealous."

I smiled at the situation, and not even Malfoy could keep his serious manner at that moment. "Well, what do we do if we both are? Only hypothetically speaking, of course."

I raised an eyebrow at his statement, shaking my head in amusement at the same time. "You're not asking me to the yule ball, are you? Because-"

"-Of course not, even you must know that would be silly," He quickly corrected, basically finishing my sentence for me. "Which is why I'm going with Parkinson, that makes sense, doesn't it?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he spoke. I nodded.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it, though," I blurted out before even thinking about it, and the smirk on his face grew wider.

"I guess we'll just have to live with that," He leaned closer to my ear, whispering in it and sending shivers down my spine doing so. "For now, at least."

I gulped at his words, not knowing what to say. I wasn't one to struggle with finding the right words, but the number of times I had found myself in a situation like that with him was starting to make me feel some type of way.

It shouldn't be that easy for him to leave me speechless. Yet, it was.

He seemed accomplished by it, too, leaning back into the couch with a smile on his face.

"I should probably sleep now," I said suddenly, too embarrassed by how much his words affected me. A half-hearted smile formed on my lips, and I walked towards the dorms. "Night."

He observed my every move, seemingly trying to figure out what made me leave. He stood up as well, his eyes following me up to the door, his brows furrowed.

I gave him one last glance when I reached the room and his facial features relaxed.

"Sweet dreams, Potter."

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