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I didn't want to think about what we would've done if we didn't have that spell.

Lucky for us, Draco was a fast learner; perfected it in no less than an hour. He had to, seeing as my underaged magic would've easily been traceable for the ministry; which Voldemort had already infiltrated.

I stressed the fact that Draco had to actually want to find them for the spell to work.

And I've been hoping and praying for two weeks now that the little light that had shot out of Draco's wand was leading us in the right direction.

There was nothing I could do but trust that his whole focus was on the Weasley's burrow when he cast the spell every morning before we got going.

At least until tomorrow. July 31. The day I'd turn seventeen and therefore the day the trace would be lifted off of me; finally allowing me to do magic freely outside of Hogwarts.

"You know, that's our first birthday spent together," Draco commented casually, his attention on our surroundings rather than on me.

It was dark by now. However, we haven't found a good place to stay the night yet, which is why we were still up and walking.

"Why, yes, that's true," I realised, brows raising in recognition of the fact. "It would be almost romantic if we weren't on the run from a bunch of wizards who surely want me dead by now," I huffed in amusement.

"Trust Y/n Potter to always know how to ruin the moment," He sighed, rolling his eyes in an amused manner. "It could still be romantic, you know." He stopped in his tracks, turning to look at me with a sly smirk on his lips.

A singular laugh escaped my mouth at his words as I came to a halt right in front of him, planting a small kiss on his lips.

He huffed against my lips in contentment at the gesture. Though, something was different when I opened my eyes again.

"Is it just me, or did it become darker?" I wondered out loud, twirling around myself once to find the small ball of light that had been guiding us for the past few weeks now; to no avail.

Sure, the grass was high enough for the light to get lost in it, though, it would've simply come back to us at the realisation that we lost it. So that wasn't the case.

And if we didn't lose it, that meant it disappeared.

As soon as the thought crossed my mind, something else began occupying it. A dull sound that I definitely wasn't imagining.

"I'm not going insane, am I? You can hear the music too?" Draco asked carefully, brows furrowed as we listened into the darkness.

Without an answer, I grabbed his hand tightly and walked towards the noise. And sure enough, in the not so far distance, I could make out lights, and laughter, and voices excitedly conversing over the music.

Did we really make it?

I was able to answer that question as soon as my eyes landed on the burrow. It was, 100% and without a doubt, the burrow; I knew from all the articles in the Daily Prophet when it burned down.

They reconstructed it to look exactly the same.

"Ten galleons that's my brother celebrating that he's finally rid of me," I mumbled, my eyes latching onto the large tent in front of us as we stepped out of the tall grass.

"Can't blame him," Draco scoffed, amusement lingering in his voice as he nudged my side.

"Fuck off, Malfoy," I simply responded, my words accompanied by a dry laugh while my feet carried me closer to the tent almost automatically. Though, as I realised Draco was, in fact, not moving with me, I stopped.

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