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Both Muggle Studies and Dark Arts were scheduled for the end of our week; the first thing in a while I was actually grateful for.

Unfortunately, the end of the week came quicker than I had anticipated, and now Wren and I were lingering outside of the classroom, making sure we had to spend as little time in it as possible.

The subjects were back to back; Dark Arts, followed by Muggle Studies. Nothing more than a mere ten-minute break in between.

I didn't think Friday's could ever become my least favourite day of the week, but here we are.

Casually, I was leaned against the wall next to the door, observing one student after the other as they hesitantly entered the classroom. My leg was angled up against the wall, and I tapped it against it nervously.

There was talk about the Carrow's teachings from those who already had the pleasure of their first lessons with them earlier on in the week, though, none of us really knew what to expect.

How much truth there was to the rumours going around. And the unpleasant anticipation was visible in everyone's facial expression.

In Draco's, too; I noticed right as he stepped into my field of vision as he walked down the corridor leading here. His brows were knitted together tightly, faint lines forming on his forehead. He twisted one of the rings on his finger back and forth in an attempt to keep himself busy, lost in his thoughts. His gaze on the floor.

Though, when he lifted it, and his eyes fell on me, his whole demeanour changed. Quickly, he had a lazy smirk playing on his lips, and he straightened his back as he came closer.

"Aw, scared, Potter?" He pouted, amusement lingering in his voice as he came to a halt in the doorway.

His words drew the attention of a few Gryffindor's standing close by, the lot watching and listening closely to see how our interaction would transpire.

Good, I thought. They were the ones spreading gossip the fastest, anyway. Which was exactly what we needed for Voldemort and his death eaters to get off our back.

With how close we had gotten last year; and especially with that story of how we spent our Christmas night together, we weren't really a secret anymore. So, to hear us go back to our old ways, was surprising, to most of them.

So surprising, actually, it was all anyone talked about; They were probably happy to be talking about anything but Hogwarts' current situation, and therefore clung onto the story like their life depended on it.

Which made it all the more fun; all the more exciting. Fooling everyone. Though, I knew I had to let Wren in sooner, rather than later. I was still figuring out the best way I could explain without having to mention my second, even less pleasant stay at Malfoy Manor.

Leaving my thoughts behind, I rolled my eyes at Draco's words, my gaze meeting his right after. His grey eyes were glimmering with anticipation for my next words.

In all honesty, this little game was probably the only thing keeping us sane here. It was a way to escape everything else; made us feel like we were thirteen again, the time where we had nothing to worry about, but how annoying the other one was being.

Good old times, they truly were. And to think all that had changed so drastically in the course of a few years.

"Oh, piss off, Malfoy," I sneered, his eyebrow quirking at the words before a stifled laugh escaped his lips.

"Come on, that little brain of yours must be able to come up with something better than that, surely?" He mocked, shaking his head almost in disappointment before he continued his way into the classroom without another word.

I snickered, though pushed myself off the wall to follow him in, nodding for Wren to follow me. The latter still rather confused about the sudden change of attitude between him and me.

"You're the one recycling line's you used on Harry before on his twin now," My best friend chimed in, her voice stern though her facial expression not quite sure about it all.

I felt almost bad, seeing her like this, and silently decided I'd tell her soon enough.

Draco scoffed, and I shot Wren an impressed glance at her comeback. She had always been good with them. After all, one of the first time's I've spoken to her was after she pissed off Draco with one of them on my first day.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I quickly overtook the blonde on his way in, my shoulder hitting his on purpose to catch his attention. I ignored his confused glance and swiftly lifted my robe off of one of the chairs in the last row; effectively saving him a seat in the back so he wouldn't have to sit on the only chairs still free.

All of them in the front row, of course.

My eyes darted back and forth between the seat and him casually, gesturing for him to sit before one of the Gryffindor's took their chance and did so before him.

And then, as if nothing happened, I walked over to the spot Wren and I had saved with our bags on the other side of the aisle. Risking one last glance over my shoulder, knowing his eyes were still on me even after he sat down, I shrugged and then sat down myself.

"Should I be worried about you two?" Wren asked as soon as I sat just moments after her, my head tilting in confusion and an eyebrow quirked. "I mean-" She cleared her throat lightly. "-is this like, some kind of role play? Do you, you know-"

"Absolutely not!" I quickly interrupted, eyes wide, and my voice a little higher than usual. "Merlin's beard, no."

Her facial expression made it clear she didn't believe a word coming out of my mouth; her eyebrows raised with an amused smirk on her lips.

"Listen, I don't judge, nor do I kink shame-"

This time I interrupted her with my hand covering her mouth, pressing the damn thing shut before another word slipped out of it. Eyes still wide, I just shook my head.

"We're not-" I scrunched up my nose before the word left my mouth. "role-playing," I whispered, hoping no one else heard her or me.

We just managed to get the right rumour spreading; didn't have to risk one about us roleplaying in bed going around, instead. "We're fine," I insisted. "Just a petty fight, is all. You know us."

I gave her one last warning glare before taking my hand off her mouth, hoping she wouldn't bring it up again.

"Well, you're rather defensive about it," She huffed, a victorious smile on her lips. "But sure." And with that, she let it be.

Just in time, too, as not moments later, the door behind us shut with a loud thump. The classroom grew quiet immediately, nobody daring to turn towards the door.

But we all knew who just walked in.

A/N: Stan wren inkwood for clear skin

How do you think their first dark Art's lesson is gonna go down? I'm very excited lol

Anyway, hope you enjoyed today's chapter and I'll see you tomorrow!

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