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"You have fought validly," Voldemort's voice whispered. "But in vain." I swallowed thickly, holding onto the low walls surrounding the outside of the battlements. "I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilt is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forced to retreat."

The way his whispered voice echoed around my head made it feel like the whole world was spinning, making me wonder whether I had already fallen off the castle. It sure felt like I had.

"In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity." I almost scoffed at that. "Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you," My breath hitched at the sound of my brothers name out of his mouth, and my eyes widened slightly. "On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me."

I could feel the way his claws retreated out of my mind and exhaled loudly once I was alone in my own head again.

My heart was racing in my chest, still, and my eyes met Fred's in passing. He looked worried as he scanned me intently, probably wondering whether asking if I was alright would be appropriate.

Even if he would've asked, I didn't think I'd hear him. I could only think of one thing.

Even when Draco rushed into my field of vision, hands quickly on my cheeks as his grey eyes pierced into mine; Dumbledore was all I could think of.

His memory was all I could think of.

And before I could even begin to decipher what Draco was saying to me, I forcefully ripped myself away from his touch, sprinting off towards Dumbledore's old office.

They must have hung up his painting in there.

And even though it wasn't even close to the satisfaction I'd get out of this if he was still alive, yelling and cursing at his painting had to suffice for now.

How dare he lie to me?

How dare he tell me Harry and I had to do this together.

How were we supposed to fight Voldemort together when I knew my brother well enough to know he was probably already on his way to the forbidden forest.

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*✧

Though when I reached his office and stepped into it angrier than I think I've ever been, but instead of finding the portrait I found Harry sitting on the stairs in the middle of the room, all I could do was gasp loudly.

The sound caught his attention, and his head snapped in my direction, eyes wide as he looked at me.

That's all he did. And that's all I did, too— just stare at him in hopes the moment won't pass as quickly as it was destined to.

"Harry—" I chocked out, tears accumulating in my eyes as he suddenly shot up and rushed over to me in a heartbeat.

I didn't think I've ever hugged anyone tighter before.

"It's me," He mumbled almost incoherently, voice too quiet and breath too loud.

My brows furrowed at the words, and with an aching heart, I brought a bit of distance between us so I could look at him.

And he guessed the question I was about to ask before I said the words. "The last Horcrux. It's me. When he killed mum and dad, a piece of his soul latched onto me—" The situation hard for him to explain for obvious reasons, I just pulled him back into a tight hug, letting him know he didn't have to talk about it if he didn't want to.

I knew how hard it was.

"So, what do we do—?" I asked, my gaze falling over his shoulder and scanning the rest of the office behind him. My eyes fell on the Pensieve in the background; it looked out of place, somehow. "—About the forest?"

As the words left my mouth, he shook his head quickly. He was the one to break the hug apart this time, looking at me with his brows knitted together tightly.

"We?" He repeated quietly. "I'm going there now." There was a hint of determination in his voice that I couldn't stand.

How could he be so determined to just die when we were supposed to be doing this together?

"You can't!" I blurted out, the tears that had blurred my vision earlier now shamelessly rolling down my cheek as I shook my head vigorously. "You're the only one I have left, Harry. You can't—"

"You don't understand..." He muttered, green eyes staring right in mine, his own tears blurring his vision. "He cannot die as long as I live—"

"No, you don't understand! It's you who—" I interrupted myself with a stifled sob, squeezing my eyes shut in hopes it would help me calm down. "Dumbledore said it himself!" My voice was louder than I anticipated as the words rolled off my tongue.

"Dumbledore?" Harry's brows raised at the mention of his name.

"He— left me a memory. 'Said it himself in it— He said it has to be us. Together! Do you hear me? Together! You can't just die now! Please don't—"

My brother swallowed thickly at the words, processing them in his mind as he tried to wrap his head around the new piece of information.

Though, before he managed to say anything in return, my attention was caught by movement in the corner of my eye, and I quickly turned towards it; staring right at Albus Dumbledore's portrait.

"This is how it has to happen, Y/n," He said calmly, moving further to the front of the picture until he was right in the frame. His eyes wandered over to Harry, standing about a foot behind me, and he sent him a warm smile. "'Evening, Harry."

My breath hitched at the calmness in his voice, and my brows knitted together tightly. Though, I didn't move closer towards the painting. It was like I was glued in place.

"That's not what you said to me!" I shouted back, not having a hint of control over the wave of emotion hitting me. "That's not what your memories showed— You said—" I trailed off.

He nodded slowly, giving me an empathetic look before opening his mouth one last time.

"It's not what you needed to hear."

And with that, he disappeared. 

A/N: All my homies hate Dumbledore 

Pls we all know this is some shit he would actually pull FUCK YOU

Next chapter is VERY interesting I actually love it and cried when I first wrote the idea for it down :) 

I'm also uploading my new book very soon; I'm finally done with finding a name (the process was infuriating) and making a cover (that process was even MORE infuriating) and I've got two chapters written!! Very exciting. 

See you tomorrow <3

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