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"Draco, I'm here begging you!" I cried out sarcastically, emphasising the begging in an attempt to show how desperate I was for this to work out.

But, instead, he just laughed; shaking his head as if it wasn't even worth some consideration.

"And I'm here politely declining," He shrugged, his arms crossed as he sat in the other corner of the leather couch in our common room. "There's not a chance in hell I'm helping him. There just isn't."

"Come on!" I pleaded, a pout spread across my face before I scanned the half-empty room quickly. My eyes grew bigger, and I moved closer towards the boy until I sat right next to him. "I'm sure there's something that would change your mind?"

A lazy smirk formed on his face, looking me up and down once before scoffing. "I don't know, Y/n. That's not gonna be a matter of a few hours. It'll take weeks. Probably months, knowing Potter," he said, a condescending tone in his voice.

"Just think about it?" I asked in my sweetest voice, my fingers tracing up his arm while my (y/e/c) eyes were locked with his grey ones. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck with the other hand.

"I'll think about it. No promises," He warned, a hint of disbelieve in his voice that he was even considering helping Harry Potter in the first place.

A wide smile replaced the pout on my face, and I placed a quick peck on his lips before even realising what I was doing.

Yeah, we've kissed probably hundredths of times. Though, there was a big difference between making out and placing a quick kiss on somebody's lips.

Parents did the latter, Luna and Wren did the latter; couples did to show affection in a sweet way.

Draco and I definitely did not.

"We should probably get going, the train is leaving in like an hour, isn't it?" I asked quickly, nervously shifting a few inches away from him. My eyes were looking anywhere but him, knowing his little smirk will just make the whole situation even worse.

"Not so quick, missy," He snickered amused, holding me by my wrist and gently pulling me back towards him; resulting in my upper body awkwardly landing on his.

And there it was, that awful smirk that made me want to apparate on the spot because of how flustered it left me most of the time.

"That was quite the 'I-caught-feelings'-kiss, wasn't it, Y/n?" He asked mockingly, his head tilted while the smirk was proudly resting on his lips.

I huffed, furrowing my brows and looking at him with a bewildered expression. "Huh?" I asked, confused. "Don't know what you're talking about."

He rolled his eyes while his head was shaking slightly, clearly not buying it. "If you wanna be my girlfriend that badly, all you have to do is ask, love," He whispered, his mouth suddenly so close to my ear his breath sent shivers down my spine.

I was taken aback by his words, trying to understand the meaning behind them to make sure I didn't take this the wrong way. The nickname having fireworks go off in my stomach.

I enjoyed the feeling of it for a moment longer, closing my eyes as I leaned further into his lips. They grazed my ear, his lips slightly parted, and my eyes snapped open.

A smirk formed on my face as well, glancing at him, my eyes travelling up and down his whole body once I moved away from him. "That's quite the 'I-caught-feelings'-sentence, isn't it, Draco?" I teased, tilting my head just like he had.

He groaned in annoyance, though I could see he was trying to fight back a smile. "You know I'm not going to ask," The blonde said nonchalantly, one eyebrow raised as he watched my reaction carefully.

"And you know neither am I," I challenged, making him roll his eyes once more.

"Great," He said.


We both stood up at the same time, eyeing each other carefully before disappearing into our dorms to grab our suitcases for our Christmas at home.

Well, his Christmas at home, and my Christmas at the Order. Though, that was probably the closest thing to an actual home. Especially with the Weasley's there, it would feel like one big family.

Wren did invite me to spend the holiday with her again, but I thought it to be more appropriate to spend it with the only real family I had left.

Plus, I wouldn't just waste my chance of calling Sirius out for the fireplace incident. And if his excuse was that I was a Slytherin, I was going to lose my mind.

Coincidentally, just like Draco and I had entered our dorms at the same time, we stepped back out of the doors leading towards them almost simultaneously.

Him closing the door behind him while I just opened mine.

We walked out of the dungeons, towards the train station together. Hardly saying a word to each other during the whole time.

"Least you could've done is wish me a merry Christmas, though, asshole," I mocked once we arrived at the station, sarcastically glaring at him.

He shook his head, a laugh escaping his lips at the same time. "So could you have, asshole," He shot back with a smirk, making me roll my eyes in return.

"Okay then," I sighed, and he quirked an eyebrow at my words, waiting for me to go on. "Let me make up for it and offer you to sit with us," I said, an overly-polite tone in my voice while I mockingly bowed.

"Well, it would be rude to decline," He said, gesturing for me to get into the carriage before he followed me inside himself.

Wren and Luna were in one of the compartments here somewhere. It was just a matter of time before we found them.

"You just walked past them," Draco sighed, pointing at the compartment I had just passed with a smug smirk.

"Just testing whether you were paying attention," I said quickly, and before he could protest, I opened the door to the compartment and greeted both of the girls. "I brought company," I cheered lowly when their eyes fell on the blonde.

They both smiled at him before continuing the conversation and including both him and me in it.

A/N: The upcoming 3 chapters are like my absolute favourites. I really cannot wait for you guys to read them!! Hope you liked this one, too!

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