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Weeks passed by like days, and before I knew it, there were hardly any leaves left on the surrounding trees and the temperature dropped down to single digits.

The past few weeks, Harry tried to fix his wrongs the best he could and at this point, I wasn't really holding onto my grudges anymore.

We spent time together like we used to, trying to figure out the whole situation or just having lunch together, but most of my time was spent with Slytherins these days.

In all honesty, I understood why the sorting hat put me here. And while Malfoy and his goons deserved the bad rep, the rest didn't. I loved Harry, but I couldn't imagine spending all my time with my brother or the people around him.

Since he apologised, Malfoy and I haven't exchanged anything but bickerings with each other. We sat on opposite ends of the table again and the only form of communication in the halls was an occasional glare.

Even during our weekly tutoring lessons there were hardly words spoken that weren't offensive or insulting. It felt like that's how it was supposed to be, like it was the natural order of things.

"You have an hour to make me an acceptable bottle of Girding Potion. I don't want to see a single one blowing up," Professor Snape growled while walking through the aisles. "You'll be working in pairs."

The students started scattering around the room, partnering up with their friends and getting the ingredients needed for the potion in question.

"We all know Potter will have a problem following those instructions," Malfoy laughed when he walked past me.

"And then wouldn't that be your fault?" I spat back quickly. He turned around, his hands tightly gripping the cauldron he had just picked up.

"You're blaming me for your inability to brew a simple potion? You're a lost cause, Potter, just like your brother," he hissed. "Better just accept it now."

I rolled my eyes before a muttered "that little toad," escaped my lips. Wren elbowed me in the side, but had an amused grin on her face as she did so.

"What did you just say?" He raised his voice when he spoke, drawing everyone's attention on our third argument of the day. "I said-"

"That's it!" Snape interrupted me from behind, his voice as demanding as ever. "Detention," He declared. Malfoy had a victorious smile on his lips, but it dropped immediately when Snape finished his sentence. "The both of you."

I groaned once he turned his back and looked at Malfoy with narrowed eyes. As if this whole thing couldn't get any worse.

Wren gave me a sorry look before getting the rest of the ingredients and sitting back down next to me. "You really have to learn to just ignore him," She said while adding a set of fairy wings to the potion.

I watched the concoction turn turquoise and sighed at her comment.

I knew she was right. I just didn't know what it was that made me want to react to every little thing he did just to annoy him more than he annoyed me. And every single time it got me into trouble, too.

I watched Wren add various ingredients, heating the potion and seeing the colour change multiple times before ultimately turning into a deep green.

I thought it to be best to just hand her the ingredients she needed instead of actually doing anything with the potion itself and we actually made a great team like that.

She wore a proud smile on her face when she spotted the green colour and called for Snape right away. He approved the potion, a hint of suspicion in his voice as he did so.

One after another, the rest of the pairs finished their potions, and ultimately only one of them exploded. Finnigan seemed to be the only student worse than me.

"Dismissed!" Snape shouted through the classroom as the last pair finished and everyone practically ran out of the room. I didn't even try to follow them, just accepting my punishment and hoping it wasn't too cruel.

Snape looked back and forth between Malfoy and I before walking towards the exit. "When I'm back I want to see this classroom clean and tidy. Just the tiniest left-over from Mr Finnigan's.. accident and you will be right back here tomorrow, cleaning out the shelves." He reached the door and turned around one last time. "No magic," he warned and then closed the door behind him.

Without another word to the blonde boy, I began to move the empty cauldrons back into the shelves, a sigh escaping my lips every now and then.

We've been cleaning the room for a while now and had almost finished completely. I was surprised at how quick we were.

Neither of us said a word so far and I was just hanging after my thoughts, ignoring Malfoy the best I could. A piece of parchment hitting my head drew me back into reality.

I looked at Malfoy, the familiar smirk plastered across his face. "Asshole," I muttered under my breath and diverted my attention back to what I was doing.

"What was that?" He asked in a threatening tone.

"You heard me."

Without another word he stormed toward me, pushing my body against the wall behind me. His hands were holding me by my wrists and he held them above my head, shoving them into the wall as well.

Neither of us said a word, the only thing audible our hitched breaths.

"I'm not gonna let a filthy half-blood insult me like that. Twice." He hissed, his mouth only inches from mine.

I made sure not to break our eye contact, the sign of weakness too much of a victory for him. "Oh, so once a day is fine with you? I'll make sure not to overstep your boundaries like that again," I replied with a challenging smirk on my face.

"God, would you just shut up," He spat back, his voice annoyed and his grey eyes still locked with mine.

"Make me."

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