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"I'm going to confront her." Wren blurted out, her voice blunt as she let me know.

"Hm?" My eyes peeked over the edges of the textbook in my hands, an eyebrow quirked at the sudden statement.

Despite Voldemort taking over the entire wizarding world; despite the fact literal death eaters controlled this castle, the staff was still very much set on treating this like it was any other school year.

McGonagall still gave us just as much homework, and the general rate in which Professors gave us assignments was through the roof.

So, I had my eyes buried in a potions textbook, of all things, trying to memorise the ingredients of various potions, while trying not to think of Snape, before Wren's words caught my attention.

"A bloody howler is what the bitch deserves, nothing less," She grumbled once more, and I wasn't so sure whether her words were actually meant for me, or if she was merely talking to herself.

In the past few weeks, she had come to terms with the fact her mum was a death eater. Though, coming to terms with it was a broad statement. And her coping mechanisms varied just as broadly.

Solitude was her initial reaction. I wasn't quite sure what happened during that time; wasn't even sure if Luna did.

The solitude was followed by an attitude. Towards anyone and anything, except Luna, of course.

Wren was lucky teachers weren't punishing students anymore in fear of having to report it to the Carrows.

Because those two did punishing quite differently.

I used to think Umbridge having us carve our own words into our skin was bad, but never did I think it would be topped by having the Cruciatus curse used as punishment, instead.

After the attitude came what I was experiencing now; Anger, almost rage, bitterness, all directed towards her mother, and a whole lot of humour to cover up the other two.

"You want to-" I began, but she cut me off right away.

"- send Delphia Inkwood the worst howler in magical-history ever sent? Why, yes, I do," She smiled dryly, nodding as if affirming her own plan to herself.

I sighed, closing the book in my hand and resting it in my lap. Unfortunately, the look on her face was completely serious, letting me know she genuinely thought it would be a good idea.

"Did you ever stop to consider that letting her know that you know might not be such a good idea?"

"And why's that?" She challenged.

"Oh, I don't know, Wren," I huffed, frustration building up within me. "Maybe because Lord fucking Voldemort wouldn't be so pleased to hear about it," I snapped, worry prominent in my low voice.

Even though she didn't seem bothered by my attitude, I felt bad as soon as the words left my lips nonetheless. "Sorry- I just think it might be dangerous, you know?"

She snorted, humoured by my words; I wasn't quite sure what part was funny, though.

"Merlin let him kill me if he pleases!" She laughed, her voice low to not draw the attention of the rest of the common room onto our conversation. "I'm not scared of a man with an incomplete face," She scoffed, shaking her head in disbelieve.

I groaned at her words, rolling my eyes and letting my head fall onto the wooden table we were sat at.

"At least talk to Luna about it before you go ahead and do that."

Her girlfriend always had a way of calming Wren down, and her normally already stupid ideas usually didn't get past that conversation with her.

I was glad it wasn't all my responsibility; Luna did a much better job talking her out of things, anyway.

"I don't need to run everything I do by my girlfriend, you know," She said matter of factly, the tone in her voice making my head snap back up and an eyebrow quirk.

She sighed. "I'm going to, of course," She gave in, though pointed a finger at me after. "But I'm just saying!" She stressed. "I don't need to."

"No, of course not," I nodded, a knowing smile on my lips as I picked the book that had been resting in my lap back up.

She nodded, too, pleased with my statement before her gaze flickered through the common room like it did before our conversation started.

"How's the potions homework going?" I inquired, knowing she hasn't touched that book I've been reading in weeks.

"Haven't started," She replied dryly, her attention entirely elsewhere as she watched two students play chess close by.

"And Flitwick's assignment?"

I flicked through the pages of the book, trying to find the page I had paused on earlier as I waited for her reply.

"Nope," She shrugged.

"Good thing that's only due tomorrow," I snickered, sarcasm lacing my voice as I shook my head at her.

"Yeah, I get it," She groaned, her head snapping in my direction once more. "Do you really feel the need to act like my mother now that I don't have one anymore?" She questioned, her voice humoured, though the words hitting a little too close to home. She realised, too, just a little too late.

I swallowed thickly, not quite sure what to say. Her lip twitched into a half-smile before she dropped it completely and her face went blank.

"Whatever," She sighed, shaking her head to get rid of her own thoughts. "I'll just go and do them with Luna," She stated, getting up while she took a deep breath. "Would that please you?" The tone in her voice was amused again, sarcasm and irony prominent before she bowed down slightly, awaiting my answer with a pretend-serious facade.

"Certainly, Inkwood. It would," I laughed lowly, and the words had a smile creep onto her face before she disappeared to get her stuff.

I sighed loudly when she was gone, repeating her own words in my head while wondering if she would ever truly be okay again.

She was strong, no doubt. I just hoped she was strong enough to slowly rebuild herself.

A/N: Wren slander is absolutely NOT allowed. I love her with all my heart lol

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