» Epilogue «

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14 years later

"Stop worrying, they'll be fine," I sighed, giving Draco a sympathetic smile from across the room. His elbows were propping him up on the kitchen counter, his head resting in his hands lazily as he was looking at nothing in particular to his left.

He scrunched up his nose at my words, though turned his head to look at me intently. "Will they?"

"Oh my— of course," I emphasised, the utter helplessness in his eyes making me get up from my spot on the divan to walk over to him. "Was I fine when I first arrived—?" I asked rhetorically, trailing off half-way through the question as a smirk found its way to my lips. "Come to think of it; I did meet you on my first day, so I'm not quite sure about—" I began, voice dripping in sarcasm as I watched his reaction carefully.

The corner is his mouth twitched into a smile only for a mere second before he interrupted me sharply.

He straightened his back, arms crossing in front of his chest. "I dare you to finish that sentence, missy," He challenged, eyebrows raising as he waited for me to retaliate.

Though, I was just glad he was finally loosening up a bit; getting used to the idea of his children leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow.

Not that it was an easy concept for me to grasp, either. But he sure seemed to take it worse than I was.

When he noticed I wasn't going to say anything else, he hummed contently at the fact before his eyes found their way onto mine again.

"What about quidditch?" He continued. "Do you think they'll make the team?" I repressed the urge to sigh at his continuous questions as if we hadn't already talked about this at least five times, reminding myself it was just because he cared.

And I remembered times where that was a rare sight.

"Well, divination was never a strong subject of mine, but—"

"—None of them were," He smirked proudly, and I gave him my best eye roll, completely forgetting what I originally wanted to say.

"All I know is they won't be buying their way onto the team," I shrugged in a teasing tone, raising my eyebrows accordingly.

The surprise on his face was quickly replaced with narrowing eyes and a scowl on his lips, an exasperated sigh accompanying the look.

"I really need to talk to your bloody brother about keeping his mouth shut about certain things," He muttered irritated, leaning himself against the kitchen counter with a shake of his head. "Or was it Weasley, this time? Wren, maybe?" He followed up, an eyebrow raised in interest now.

Though, his inquiries only made me snort humorously, shaking my head in disbelieve.

"Let's just say I have my sources," I shrugged, giving him a wink right as two pairs of footsteps were heard racing towards us.

Adhara was quicker, standing proudly before us before her brother had even made it through the doorway. Though, he turned the corner soon after, a face just as expectant as his sisters now.

While she quickly blew the strand of blonde out of her face, fallen into it probably during their race down the stairs, Rigel reached his hand up to his brown hair in hopes to fix the mess it was in; to no avail.

Despite the opposite hair colours, their mannerisms were still twin-like.

"All packed for tomorrow?" Draco wondered, ruffling through Adhara's hair and earning him a stern glare as she forcefully pushed his hand away with a huff.

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