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My head was a mess. It had been for the past few days now.

It didn't take a genius to puzzle the pieces together by now. There were so many; it would've been a miracle if I didn't realise they were talking about Voldemort and me.

I should've known when they first mentioned 'the dark lord', but I was too naive to do so. And a good percentage in me simply didn't want to understand. Part of me still didn't want to.

It took me a few days to wrap my head around, at first.

Not that finding alone time was hard, now that Draco was back at the point where he was ignoring me to the best of his abilities.

This back and forth was simply going to be the death of me.

I could tell he was trying to be as nice about it as he possibly could, but he still ended up being rude and kind of disrespectful.

It was annoying, really. I didn't need a knight in shining armour to save me. I was able to take care of myself perfectly well. I was tired of boys thinking I couldn't.

If he would just talk to me; tell me what was going on, and how I could help him fix it.

Whatever it was.

But he didn't. And I had enough dignity left not to beg him to do so. Again.

Add the fire at the burrow into all of that, and you'd understand why I was completely and utterly exhausted from life itself.

I will repeat myself when I say this, but why did these things always happen to Harry when I wasn't there?

My nights were pretty much restless. All I was doing was counting down the days until my brother would be back at Hogwarts so that I could keep an eye on him.

It seemed like that was more necessary than the other way around.

Now, I had just woken up from my second nightmare in a single night. I managed to fall back asleep after the first one; but, as lucky as I was recently, it just triggered a worse one.

So, I was completely awake in an empty dorm, with nothing but the sound of my heavy breathing to listen to.

Usually, when I had nightmares like this one, I'd wake up Wren, and we'd talk until I felt comfortable enough to close my eyes again.

Though, unfortunately, this time she wasn't here. Nobody was.

I cursed myself when I thought of Draco again. He was here; he was the only one who was here.

I quickly rid myself of the idea, noting how stupid it sounded while I did so before trying to close my eyes once more. But nothing. My body was awake and ready to run a marathon; it seemed.

It was only 2 am.

I groaned when I sat back up, rubbing my eyes and stretching the muscles that had gone dormant during my time in bed.

And then I tried it all. I took a shower. I walked around my dorm. Then, I walked around the common room, thinking that walking in bigger circles might tire me; but none of that made me any sleepier.

I was sprawled across the couch in the common room now, the fireplace illuminating the room just slightly while I enjoyed the warmth it was radiating.

And when an hour had passed, and I was still wide awake, I simply couldn't help myself. And I regretted my action as soon as my knuckles hit the door to his dorm.

I was almost relieved when Draco didn't open, exhaling loudly as I turned around to walk down the corridor again. But then I heard the door creak behind me.

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