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Someone drew Wren Inkwood and I'm literally obsessed with her. Please feel free to still imagine her whatever way you want - but this is so close to how I wanted her to be it's SCARY!!

Anyway, enjoy the Chapter!


"Oh, Y/n!" Wren sighed as soon as I opened the door to our dorm. She was sitting on her bed, a bright, yet intoxicated smile on her lips as she looked over to me. Her movements were slow and uncoordinated at the same time.

Our dorm was empty; the rest of the girl's still in the common room. It was a Saturday night, so it might still be a while till they came back. Especially as they were pre-celebrating Slytherin's win in the quidditch game tomorrow.

"Didn't you just have dessert?" I asked, amused, eyeing the chocolate wrappers scattered around her bed and nightstand, while a tiny bit of chocolate was smeared around the corners of her mouth.

She hummed contently as she fidgeted with another piece of chocolate in her hand. "I didn't think anyone would care, or even notice if a piece or two went missing."

"I'm sure they're gonna notice now that the whole box is gone." A sly grin formed on my lips, though I quirked an eyebrow at the uncharacteristically giddy girl.

"They were just so good. I couldn't resist." She smiled, letting herself fall back into her bed, her eyes cloudy.

"Are you drunk?" I inquired as I sat down on my bed next to hers, watching her carefully.

"Drunk on love, Y/n," She sighed once more, turning on her side to face me.

"Well- uh, that's good. I'd hope you are." I cleared my throat, a silence hanging over us that I broke once more. "You're sure you didn't drink any actual alcohol, though? I saw Parkinson and the rest getting dru-"

"-Parkinson?" I've never seen her get up quicker. Seconds later, her body was pressed up next to mine, as she squeezed herself onto my bed as well. "Pansy Parkinson? You've seen her? Was she looking for me?"

It took me a second to find the right words. My brows furrowed, and a concerned expression on my face. "I- was she looking for you? No. What's-" I managed to say before she interrupted me again.

"Do you think she'll want to see me?

"Wren, the question is, why would you want to see her. You hate her." I grabbed her by both of her shoulders as she attempted to get up.

My best friend stopped in her tracks, a bewildered look on her face. "Hate her? I love her!" She squealed, her voice higher than usual. "Her silky black hair, and her beautiful eyes, and-"

As she continued rambling about her, my eyes fell onto the leftover packaging of the sweets Wren had been devouring ever since she'd gotten back from Slughorn's; a card next to it catching my attention.

Wren snuggled into my bed with a smile on her face as soon as I stood up. Inside the card; A moving picture of Pansy Parkinson waving at me with a smile on her face.

I've never seen her genuinely smile; She actually looked quite nice this way.

I snickered, my voice laced with a hint of amusement as I took another look at my best friend who was very clearly under the influence of a love potion.

"Where'd you find the box, Wren?" I asked curiously, sitting down beside her legs.

"One of the bed's, I don't know," She mumbled, her eyes staring out of the window and into the depths of the lake. "We're meant to be together, Y/n."

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