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"Could it be?" - "Y/n Potter?"

I turned around at the two familiar voice, a grin spreading across my lips as Fred and George both stood in front of me, an excited expression on both of their faces.

"Back from the dead!" They finished their sentence in unison, pulling me into a big hug afterwards.

"You know you'd miss me too much if I were gone for good," I shrugged, and though they knew I was right, they were too busy excessively rolling their eyes.

The sight was amusing, to say the least, and had a singular laugh escape my mouth. I shook my head at them before shovelling the first bite of cake into my mouth, the taste making a content sigh leave my lips.

"And she brought her boyfriend. Look, Freddie," George continued, nodding in Draco's direction; Fred's eyes following his gaze just like mine had.

He was sitting at one of the round tables with Wren and Luna, looking like he was holding a rather serious conversation with both of them.

As if he noticed my eyes on him, his head casually turned in our direction, eyes flickering over the Weasley twins before lingering on me. He raised his brows, silently asking why we were practically staring at him.

I simply shook my head at his question, letting him know there was no particular reason. Though, I couldn't help the small smile creeping onto my lips at the prolonged eye contact.

At the same time as he turned away with a smirk on his lips, so did I.

"Well, personally I think it's good you're introducing him to the family already. Can never start too early with that. Isn't that right, George?" Fred teased, nudging my side and earning himself a stifled laugh as well as an eye roll.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Fred. Especially with the, well, the conflict of interest," He laughed, pointing to his left ear that was covered by a band-aid wrapping around his whole head.

"A conflict of interest, is it?" I mumbled, shaking my head at his light choice of words. "Might be a bit more than just that, don't you think?" A humourless laugh escaped my mouth as I turned his head to have a look at the injury. "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing, really," He shrugged, a smirk spreading across his face. "Just good ol' Snape cursing my ear off while we were taking your brother here. Same old, same old," He explained casually.

"Well, he never could stand either of you," I joked back, not wanting to ruin the rather joyful atmosphere with the seriousness of the situation.

Though, in my head, my brain was running overtime at the revelation.

Up until now, I pretty much gave Snape the benefit of the doubt.

Just like with Draco, there could've been something Voldemort held over his head. He could have had valid reasons for doing what he did-a higher purpose for it all.

But I didn't really see a higher purpose in cursing George Weasley's ear off when they were trying to get my brother to safety.

So, at this point, he was simply one of them. No questions asked-no benefit of the doubt.

I shook my head to snap myself out of my thoughts, plastering on a smile when I looked back up at them. "So, family, huh?" I wondered out loud, Fred's words reminiscing in my ears as a genuine smile replaced the fake one.

"Yeah, family," Fred rolled his eyes, mocking the way I said it. "What? You've got a better offer lining up somewhere?" He joked, pretending to look around the tent with wide eyes.

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