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And boy, was he fighting.

Once we had made our way to the lower levels of the castle with relatively few incidents, that's when all hell broke loose.

I was surprised Draco and I hadn't lost each other between the panicking masses, falling debris, and smoke coming from the explosions around us.

Currently, though, my attention wasn't really on him but instead on the bulky man in black robes shooting a jet of green light right at me; the only thing keeping it from hitting me square in the chest my own wand casting a curse just as nasty at him.

The white out of my wand and the green out of his connected mid-air, battling for dominance as we tried our best to overpower the other.

My brows were knitted together tightly; eyes narrowed as they scanned the large corridor we were in. The chaos around us was undeniable. Students of all ages fighting against pure evil as walls and ceilings around them collapsed.

I scrunched up my nose at the scenes unfolding in front of me, the thought making me rethink my strategy as my eyes dragged up towards the ceiling that was decorated with what was once a beautiful archway.

Quickly, I jabbed my wand up towards it, directing our combined spells to hit the wobbly stones of the arch he was standing right underneath of.

As expected, they came crashing down on him before he had the chance to react, and fortunately, my eyes diverted off the scene quick enough to deflect the next spell sent my way before casting a nonverbal onto the woman it came from, myself.

I watched her long enough to make sure she hit the wall behind her forceful enough and then turned around my own axis to assess the situation I found myself in.

A tight grip on my arm stopped me from spinning, and before I could finish the assessment of my surroundings, I turned back around a little startled.

"Slughorn said they could use a few more of us up at the Quad battlements," Draco informed in a hurry, eyes anywhere but on me as he looked out for any spells flying our way.

I was about to reply when he raised his hand; his mothers wand perfectly fitting into it as he deflected two spells coming from behind me. By the time I had turned, whoever he was battling was just another body on the floor.

After that, he dragged me up the stairs without waiting for another word.

We hurried up and along the corridors leading to the battlements; probably a little too fast for our own good.

I noticed that when I was just about to turn the last corner, and Draco quickly pushed me back with his own body as a jet of light shot past us, hitting the opposite wall of the corridor, pieces of it flying around and hitting the floor loudly.

He peeked around the corner quickly before retreating once more. His body pressed against the wall, and his arm pressing me against it next to him, he furrowed his brows as he processed what he saw.

He waited around ten seconds, biting the inside of his cheek in anticipation and taking the time to push his hair out of his face before pointing only his wand around the corner and shooting a spell at whoever was waiting for us around it. When he didn't get a reaction, he checked the coast once more before stepping out from behind the corner to continue along our way in a hurry.

And Slughorn didn't lie when he said they needed more people up there.

I noticed most of the Order members were stationed here, making me assume they anticipated it being one of the hotspots.

But not even they could do what was needed to keep the Death Eaters at bay.

Draco and I quickly used the fact nobody knew we were here to our advantage and levelled the playing field; knocking out at least three death eaters each before they noticed us.

Kingsley was the first to send me a quick, grateful nod before focusing back on the task at hand, and, with a new burst of hope, hurled the Death Eater he was fighting off the battlement.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I yelled loudly, freezing the man who was running my way before I mirrored Kingsley's motion and let him fall off the castle, and into his death.

Just like earlier, I spun around once to check where I could be needed next, swiftly blocking a spell mid-motion before sending the same one back towards the man as if it was nothing.

I was just about at that point of wondering how many people I had killed tonight, when an explosion-spell hitting the wall a few feet away from me caught my attention, instead.

I was almost too late deflecting the bricks from scattering around the place forcefully, and a few managed to hit the two boys standing close by. Though, the shield I cast managed to contain them and the initial explosion well enough not to cause them any serious injuries.

It was only when I took a second, closer look that I realised who I was looking at.

Fred turned around quickly, the smile on his face slowly fading when he noticed what just almost happened.

"Pay more attention to what's happening around you and less on the jokes you'd like to tell, won't you, Weasley?" I mocked, watching him roll his eyes as the shield catching the debris disappeared, and the stones fell to the ground inches from him.

"I absolutely had that one," He insisted, his eyes falling on something behind me as he quickly raised his wand and shot a spell that missed me by mere inches. "But why don't you do the same?" He challenged, nodding towards the Death Eater he just knocked out, a smile still threatening to force its way on his lips.

"Touché," I huffed, though the smirk was knocked off my lips at the voice penetrating the walls of my mind way too clearly. 

A/N: Fred <3

It was lowkey hard to figure out how Fred died ??? Not sure if he died from the initial explosion or the aftermath of a brick hitting him or something. Doesn't matter in this book anyway cause we saved his ass hehe

You're welcome 

This one is a bit shorter, I'm sorrrrryyyy

See you tomorrow <3

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