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I was surprised to see Luna when I walked into the room of requirements for the first time, and immediately wondered if Wren knew about this?

Throughout the whole meeting, I tried my best to ignore the glances and glares that were constantly thrown my way.

I would have loved to confront every single one about them, but honestly, that would only prove their point. Instead, I concentrated on being the best one in the room.

I had Fred Weasley levitating like a light feather without a problem before George showed up. Who thought it was a good idea to tickle me while his brother was 10 feet up in the air, relying on my full concentration.

Sorry, Freddie.

Apart from that, the meeting was quite uneventful. Harry had just dismissed us, and the little groups of students that had formed were all wandering towards the exits.

"Give me a second. I'll catch up with you?" I said, smiling at Luna and Cho before rushing off towards Harry to talk to him about the whole thing.

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*

"Well, do you really think it's a good idea for her to be a part of this?" As soon as I heard the voice, I stopped dead in my tracks, my back against the wall of the corridor to try and hear more.

I recognised the voice to be Cho's, Luna's friend, and furrowed my brows. I thought we got along quite well, to be honest. But, instead of jumping to any conclusions, I wanted to make sure she was actually talking about me.

"Why not? She did so well today, didn't she?" I smiled at Luna's words. She was always so kind; I kind of admired it.

"I'm not talking about how well she did, I'm talking about how she's definitely going to tell Malfoy about it. And then we're screwed!" She hushed, trying to whisper but obviously failing.

"Why would she do that?" Luna sounded confused, and I could imagine her head slightly tilting as the words left her mouth.

"Because she's in Slytherin, Luna," The girl sighed, and I rolled my eyes simultaneously.

"I thought you liked Harry. Why wouldn't you trust his sister?"

The smirk on my face appeared almost automatically as I processed the new piece of information. Interesting. I'm sure Harry would love to hear all about this conversation.

"Listen, I know you're with Wren-" As soon as she mentioned my best friends name, my face turned serious again; moving closer to the edge of the corner to make sure I could hear everything. "-Even though I don't think you should be. And you trust her, even though I don't think you should." I furrowed my brows as the words left her mouth.

I had no problem when people I didn't even know talked badly about me behind my back. Frankly, I didn't care. But as soon as they talk trash about any of my friends, it was on.

"I just don't think you should be dating a Slytherin... for your own sake. You're so kind, and honest-"

"-And so is Wren, as far as I'm aware." I wasn't planning on saying anything. Honestly, I could care less about what she thought of me. But, like I said, as soon as Wren's name left her mouth, that was thrown out the window.

"-Y/n!" The girl said, her eyes wide and what little colour she had in her face faded. She tried to force a smile on her lips, but it looked just as fake as her.

She stuttered, stumbling over her words as she tried to justify herself before turning around and walking away at a fast pace without saying another word.

I scoffed, looking after her for a second before turning towards Luna, brows still furrowed.

"Maybe you should go and find Wren?" I suggested, my facial expression softening a little, and she nodded.

"Yeah, I will." She sighed, giving me a small smile that, for the first time, didn't seem as genuine. "Thanks," She whispered before leaving, and I leaned against the cold wall, hands over my face.

I took a deep breath. Annoyed by Luna's friend. Confused why Luna would be friends with her in the first place. Frustrated because Luna is too nice to not be friends with someone. And kind of hurt that all people saw in me was someone they couldn't trust.

I didn't care some random girl I've spoken to twice didn't, but most of the time, not even my own brother did.

Another sigh left my mouth, and my hands slowly slipped off my face, though my eyes were still closed.

"Where have you been, then?" The sound of his familiar voice had me snap my eyes open, and just like I expected, I was looking right at Draco.

He startled me, which just made the smirk on his face wider. My hand automatically found itself on my chest, and a gasp escaped my lips.

"Jeez, you don't have anything better to do than sneak up on me?" I asked, a hint of sarcasm in my voice as I looked at him with my brows furrowed. Another sigh left my lips before I put on a smile.

"Someone's had a rough day," He joked, his eyebrows raised, and the same smirk still on his face. "What have you been up to? Don't tell me you were with Umbridge again?" The smile on his face fell, and he looked at me with worry in his eyes. I quickly shook my head.

"Heavens, no," I sighed and watched as his facial features relaxed a little. "I was actually-" I began, dragging my last word out while trying to come up with a believable story.

"Yessss?" He mocked, eyebrows raised as he was waiting for an explanation.

"-Looking for you." I nodded, the smile on my face growing while observing his reaction and hoping it would be a good one.

The suddenly furrowed brows weren't making it look like that was the deal, though. "Huh?" He huffed, thinking for a moment. "That's funny because I was looking for you. Everywhere, actually."

My eyes widened a little, but I quickly tried to relax my face; Hoping I did so before he noticed something was off. Usually, I was a great liar, so I wasn't sure why this was suddenly going so badly.

"We must've just missed each other, then?" I chuckled, ruffling through my own hair in an attempt to calm myself down before clearing my throat. "So, why were you looking for me everywhere?" I teased, a sarcastic undertone in my voice.

He rolled his eyes, seemingly forgetting about my bad lie, and, for my sake, buying it completely.

"I've got something I need to show you. You'll love it, trust me."

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