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"You should have your dog on a leash. It's getting embarrassing."

It was around 11 on a Friday night, and just like countless other times, Malfoy and I were sitting on the Astronomy Tower, our feet dangling off the edge. The Yule ball was weeks ago.

"Again?!" He groaned, his voice full of annoyance, and I nodded, amused.

"This is the fifth time she tried to hex me this week alone." A giggle escaped my lips at the thought of Parkinson's countless attempts that had always failed.

"Well, there's nothing more I can do. She keeps clinging onto that yule ball night as if it was something special. I've told her it wasn't." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disbelieve.

The girl had it out for me from the beginning, but now that she's somehow caught wind of Malfoy and me spending time together, it was on another level.

Whenever she saw an opportunity, a spell flew my way. And whenever that happened, I was quick to block it. It's gotten her into countless detentions, and she's probably lost us hundreds of house points, but she didn't seem to care.

"It probably was. You know, special for her," I sighed, turning my head to the right to look at him. "From what I've heard she's been in love with you for years now. God knows what she sees in you." A grin formed on my face after the words left my mouth.

He snickered, a small smile on his lips as he rolled his eyes. "You know exactly what she sees in me, don't you?" His voice was low as he whispered the words in my ear. I practically heard the smirk on his face and didn't even have to look at him to know it was there.

I could feel my cheeks burning up and was thankful it was a cloudy night; making it dark enough he wouldn't be able to notice.

"No idea what you're talking about," I said, shaking my head in denial and he scoffed.

Without looking at me, he placed his hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently. His thumb was rubbing circles on the fabric of my pants, and I could see a smirk forming on his face. "Sure."

The situation wasn't really helping my flushed cheeks go back to their normal colour. Instead, I felt them turn into a deeper shade of red.

"Anyway," He began, his hand still on my leg. "I can't help you with that girl. I told her how annoying she'd been way too many times. I said that I only took her to that stupid ball to make someone else jealous. I even told her I was just passing my time with her until I got to get away with you. If none of that scared her off, I don't know what could."

Hold on, what?

"You told her..what exactly?" I asked carefully, a surprised expression on my face when I looked back at him.

"Everything I just told you. Are you deaf?" He mocked, confused as to what I was going on about.

"No, I mean- You, like-" I cleared my throat. "You told her you were with me?"

He raised his eyebrows once he understood what my point was, before the confused expression on his face turned back into the familiar smirk. "Is there a problem with that?" He asked, his voice cocky.

"Well, it would've been useful information. Don't you think?" I rolled my eyes, and my voice sounded annoyed, but I wasn't in the slightest. "I didn't even know why she had it out for me all of a sudden; now it makes sense," I explained, and he nodded rather nonchalantly.

"Hm. I must've forgotten about it," He said, a hint of amusement in his voice and I groaned at how little he cared.

"What happened to you'd rather die than, and I quote, 'have people find out what or who you do', anyway?"

He scoffed once again, remembering his words, and thought for a second. "It's not like it really matters anymore. Potter already saw us, so did Weaselbee. And you told that mud-"

I glared at him before he could finish his sentence, and he paused, rethinking his choice of words. He sighed.

"And you told Granger." He paused again, waiting for my approval, and I nodded, gesturing for him to go on. "And obviously Inkwood knows, too. And she probably told her little Ravenclaw girlfriend." He shook his head slightly, "It's really not a secret as well kept as it once was, you know." He shrugged.

He was right; it really wasn't. "She's not her girlfriend. I doubt she'd tell her either way, though," I mumbled, hoping I was right about that one.

"Really? I could've sworn she spent more time at their table than ours these past weeks. Just me?" He asked mockingly, an eyebrow raised. "You're welcome, by the way. For having her spend any time with you at all after what happened."

I tried hard not to be offended by what he said, but again, it was true. We did spend less and less time together since the yule ball. And I was happy that she was happy, of course.

The only reason I wasn't as bothered about it was that I still had Alex and Vik to keep me company. And that I did still feel a little bad about the whole thing with Malfoy.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, confused about what exactly I should be grateful for.

"She only spoke to you in the first place because I talked to her about it first," He said as if it was the most obvious thing.

I remembered the day she apologised to me, and their heated argument during the dance practise. So that's what it was about the whole time?

"Wait- You told her she should tell me that she likes me?" My brows were furrowed, and it was hard for me to keep up. Why would he do that?

As soon as I noticed his reaction, I threw my hands in front of my mouth, my eyes wide. "You didn't hear that! I didn't say that!" I panicked, which just made him laugh.

Clearly, he didn't tell her to do that, because he didn't even know she liked me.

"Well, that makes sense," He thought for a second before nodding to himself, affirming his thoughts. "So, I've got competition?" He mocked, and I took a deep breath.

"Draco Malfoy, if you tell a single soul about this I will personally make sure you'll regret it!" I hissed, my face moving closer to his in an attempt to intimidate the boy.

A smirk appeared on his face, prompting the opposite of the reaction I had hoped for. Yet, I couldn't blame him for not being intimidated by me when he was literally looking down on me.

"And how exactly would you do that?" He asked in a low voice, and his hand found itself on my thigh again. This time, he didn't grab it as gently as earlier. I huffed.

"Let's hope you don't find out."

A/N: I just finished writing Year 4 (I'm a few chapters ahead). So, now my question is: Are there any storylines, scenes or anything at all you would like to see in year 5? Please feel free to leave all of that in the comments so that I can make this story as much of a pleasure for you to read as possible! And don't worry, spicy scenes are already planned! lol

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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