» 22 «

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"You got in pretty late last night, didn't you? I woke up just as you walked in. It must've been past 12?" Wren asked interested, but her eyes were focused on the ground.

We were looking for wild Valerian for our Herbology class, the professor promised us extra credit if we found it and we could honestly both use it.

"Yeah, I waited for the common room to clear out but fell asleep, I guess. I woke up in the middle of the night and went straight to bed." I explained, leaving out the part were Malfoy was the one to wake me up. And that he kissed me. Again.

"Oh, I swear I heard you talking to someone, though?" She said confused, her eyes still scanning the floor. "Nope," I lied quickly.

I felt awful. I hated lying to her. And I hated lying to her because of Malfoy even more. I hated that kid.

I could feel the anger I've tried to suppress over the day come up again. Instead of avoiding him, this time I just glared at him every chance I got. He deserved nothing more but nothing less, either.

It was almost pitch black by now, the only light being full moon that just appeared from behind a dark cloud. We still didn't find what we were looking for and I let out a groan, questioning whether the credit was really worth it.

"Well, I hoped it wouldn't come to this but I'm almost certain there should be some growing by the Whomping Willow," Wren said when she noticed I was beginning to grow impatient.

"It's not far, is it?" I asked, hopeful. We've been running around the grounds for hours now and quite frankly I've had enough.

My friend just shook her head, accompanied by an eye-roll. "It's right around the corner there," She explained and pointed her finger in the direction.

We managed the rather small distance and turned the corner, expecting the space to be empty. Instead, we were met with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Snape's horrified faces in the distance, while they were watching the scene unfolding before their eyes.

I jerked Wren back around the corner to give us cover. "That's a werewolf!" I hissed, not quite sure what to do now. She was terrified, and I could imagine my face didn't look much different.

Just as I was about to have another look, the creature chased past us, following a large... dog? I didn't have much time to question it, more thankful it was too busy to notice us.

I ran towards the group, expecting an explanation as soon as they would notice me."What is going on?!" I shouted and the three of them looked at me with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here, Y/n?" Harry asked quickly, his voice full of worry as he grabbed me by the arm. "You shouldn't be here."

I furrowed my brows and shook my head at his comment. "I told you before you don't have to protect me, Harry!" I snapped but immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry," I sighed. "It's just... what's going on?"

"It's Sirius, he- didn't do it! Kill your parents, I mean. It was my rat!" Ron stumbled over his words in an attempt to explain what I had missed.

"He didn't do it? Are you sure?" I looked at Hermione for confirmation and she nodded quickly. "So-" My eyes were locked with my brothers and he cut me off.

"-He really is the only family we have left, Y/n."

Was this the reason why I felt such a strong urge to come here this year?

I smiled at Harry, not quite sure what to say. I never even dared of dreaming about this. Having a family, a guardian, someone who could look after Harry and I? It was always just the two of us.

The silence was broken by a whining noise coming out of the darkness, almost like a dog in pain. I remembered the werewolf chasing the dog and corrected my thoughts. Exactly like a dog in pain.

"Sirius!" Harry muttered, staring into the direction the sound came from. I threw a confused look at Hermione and she understood. "Sirius is an Animagus! He's the dog Lupin ran after," She quickly explained. Nothing she said really cleared anything up at all, though. If anything, it just sparked more questions.

"Lupin?!" Wren chimed in, who, up until now didn't draw any attention to herself.

Harry seemed indecisive of what to do next for a second, before running off into the darkness.

I groaned, knowing I had to go after him.

"Potter..-s!" I heard Snape yell from behind us, but I didn't give it another thought as I set off after Harry.

I sprinted, almost running into my brother when I reached them. He side-eyed me but quickly focused back on the werewolf in front of us.

"Maybe you should've come up with a plan before you ran off," I joked, trying to defuse the tension. "I did," He lied, looking around the scene with panic in his eyes. Without another word he picked up a rock and threw it at the animal. I glared at him.

"That's your plan?!" I hissed as soon as the werewolf turned to face us. At least it wasn't Sirius he was interested in anymore?

Before Harry had the chance to answer my question, the creature began moving in our direction. For every step he took toward us, we took two back until we had nowhere to go anymore.

One last growl warned us that, without a miracle, neither of us would make it out of here alive and I gave Harry a look of concern. He mirrored it.

The last thing I saw was the large paw of the werewolf swinging right at me. The sharp claws digging into my lower body.

The last thing I heard a distant howl.

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