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Once you read this, hopefully, I'll be gone already.

Well, that, or, I'm dead. In that case, you'll probably know before you read this.

If all goes well, I'll never have to come back here. Though, I do hope to see you as soon as I can. (Don't try to follow and find me, they'll just kill us both, yeah?)

I'm not good at goodbyes, so this letter will have to do.

I love you,

- Y/n

Some would call it cowardly.

I called it; cautious.

Because, of course, all Draco would do if I said goodbye to him in person was try to make me stay; and waste precious time I could use to try and get out of here.

Now, all I had to do was hope he would be the next person to enter this room, and, therefore, find the letter.

It was around three in the morning now; the manor completely quiet for the first time tonight.

Their guests had been drinking loudly, their screeches and cackles echoing throughout the whole house. At least this way, I was sure they had all dozed off into sleep quickly with the amount of alcohol they probably had in their system.

Even if not, aiming at me drunk still gave me more of a shot of getting away, anyway.

So, either way; them drinking as much as they did was a good thing.

I was wandering around the corridors, wondering how exactly I'd find the storage room Bellatrix mentioned my wand should be in.

This house was huge enough for it to take the whole night before I found the right door. Apart from the fact that death eaters were sleeping behind half of them.

So, opening the wrong door could very well end badly, to say the least.

I assumed it had to be somewhere downstairs, though I wasn't quite sure why.

As quietly as I could, I tip-toed down the staircase, skipping the first step as I remembered how loud it was last time.

In contrary to how noisy it was the last time I arrived down here, this time it was completely quiet. Eerily quiet, even.

I took a deep breath, stepping into the large dining room; the whole room dark and empty. A shiver crawled down my spine at the memory of what happened in here last time.

The seat Voldemort had sat in then, was now empty. The seat Draco had sat in; empty. The seat Wren's mum had sat in; empty.

I quickly rushed through it into the next room, honestly not quite sure where I was even headed. I hadn't a single clue where that damn storage room was.

I sighed quietly, finding myself admiring the small library I found myself in. I turned around, walking backwards now to take a longer look at it without wasting any time.

Though, that way, I walked into the neighbouring room without seeing it was already occupied. I stopped in my tracks immediately as I turned around; noticing the fire burning in the fireplace and the dark silhouette sitting on the sofa in front of it.

I held my breath, though, it was way too late by then.

"I expected you," The familiar voice spoke, my breath hitching as Narcissa turned around to face me. Her facial expression was blank, not giving me a single clue of what was about to happen.

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