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"And what about your uncle, Belby?" Slughorn asked eagerly, seeming like he couldn't wait to brag about the next student in line.

Harry had quickly briefed me on the real reason Slughorn invited all of us here. Said he wanted to collect us, be well connected with soon-to-be-important figures in the wizarding world.

Then he scolded me for being flattered by it. But I was; kind of. At least if I didn't think too much about it.

"For those of you who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane potion," He presented proudly. "Is he working on anything new?"

"Dunno," Belby said, stuffing his mouth with spoons full of ice cream. I was just waiting for the brain-freeze, but it never came. "He and my dad don't get on," He explained with a full mouth, not bothering to swallow. Or take a break from eating while he was talking to his Professor.

I made eye contact with Wren next to me. Both of us stifling a laugh at the situation as soon as we made eye contact.

"What about you, Miss Inkwood? Your mother works in the ministry. I know that much. And your father?" Wren immediately shut up, sitting up straight and giving the man a polite small.

She cleared her throat once. "My father works with magical creatures, Sir. In the Ministry, too. But he's mostly out on business- well, wherever he's needed, really." She explained briefly.

I know she had always been fascinated with her dad's job; for good reason. The stories he would tell whenever he came home were better than most books I read.

"Ah, very interesting indeed," He nodded, seeming genuinely interested, too. "And you, Miss Granger? What exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?"

While Hermione explained what exactly dentists were, and how being one could potentially be a dangerous profession, I observed his precious Slugclub properly for the first time this evening.

Wren was sitting to my right. Next to her was an empty seat and then Harry, Hermione, and Neville. To my left, I had Blaise, his face completely blank as he listened to Hermione talk. Though, when he noticed my eyes on him, he shot me a charming smile.

"Enjoying yourself?" He whispered lowly, an eyebrow raised.

I shrugged. In case Slughorn overheard us, I muttered a "Sure," but in all honesty, the evening was rather boring.

I noticed a moment of awkward silence after something Hermione said, but it was quickly interrupted by the creak of the door before Ginny walked into the room. Her eyes were puffy and red.

"She looks like she's been crying," Wren observed in a whisper, and I nodded quietly. She did.

"Sorry, I'm not usually late," The ginger apologised, dragging her chair across the floor to sit on it.

I furrowed my brows as I watched Harry get up, his eyes fixated on her. Though, no words were coming out of his mouth. He just stood there, glancing around the room and probably asking himself why he just did that.

"No matter," Slughorn waved off, looking at Harry rather oddly, too. "Just in time for dessert."

Ginny sat down, and it took everything within me not to visibly cringe and burst out laughing all at the same time as Harry took his seat a few seconds after.

I threw him an amused look; An eyebrow cocked, and my lips curled up into a smirk. Harry glared at me warningly, though it just made it harder for me not to laugh.

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*✧

"I'm gonna wait for Harry. I'll meet you in the dorm?" Wren nodded casually at my words, walking towards the dungeons alongside Blaise. The latter turning his head just before they turned the corner, a soft smile on his face before they disappeared.

He was being a little too nice for my liking. Though, I wasn't going to complain about his attention. Especially when Draco wasn't giving me any.

I groaned lowly as the blonde crossed my mind once again. It's been happening way too often recently. He was there almost all the time. Him, and his messy hair, and his black suit, and that awful lazy smirk on his lips; His lips. And the way they felt on mine, the way his hands felt on my skin, wrapped around my neck.- See what I mean.

I shook my head violently to snap back into reality, an annoyed sigh leaving my lips in recognition of the intrusive thoughts. I hoped Harry wasn't planning on staying in there much longer, at least not long enough for my mind to wander again.

I gasped softly in relief as the door opened and Harry stepped out soon after, closing it behind him without saying goodbye.

"Y/n?" His brows furrowed in confusion as he noticed me, and I quickly skipped beside him, beginning to walk down one of the corridors. I was hoping this conversation was going to set us even on the embarrassment-scale; So that I could finally move on from what happened on the train months ago.

"Harry," I cheered, a genuine smile on my lips.

"You know I love seeing you happy, but you're a little too cheery for my liking. What is it?" His eyebrows raised curiously, and his hand went through his hair once.

He tends to do that when he was nervous.

"Tell me, Harry," I began. "How does your best friend feel about your crush on his little sister?" I chuckled lowly as I watched his cheeks turn a deep red before his gaze shot in the opposite direction to avoid my eyes. "It's almost scandalous, Harry Potter."

I had a wide grin on my face as the words left my mouth, deep down hoping he knew this was all just in good fun. "I heard he really doesn't like seeing her with boys. Do you think it'll be different with you?"

He gulped, eyes still roaming the portraits to his left.

"What are you talking about?"

"Stop, you made it almost too obvious in there." I nudged his shoulder playfully.

"I did?" His eyes were wide when he looked at me, panic written all over his face. "I did, didn't I?" He then groaned, realisation hitting him.

I ruffled through his dark hair, my head slightly tilted. "If it's any help; I'm rooting for you. Just make sure Ron doesn't beat you up beforehand."

He huffed, a hint of amusement in his voice as he did so.

"I'm sorry about what happened on the train the other day, I-"

"-Please," I interrupted him before he could go on. "Let's just, like, never speak of it again. Yeah?" I begged with pleading eyes, and he nodded.

"I'd love nothing more, actually." He sounded relieved, and I sighed in contentment. "Well, how are things... between you, then?" He visibly hesitated as he asked the question. It probably took all he had to ask it, too.

My brows shot up, surprised, and kind of taken aback by his question. "Uh, well, there aren't any things between us, really. You'll be pleased to hear we haven't spoken in a while," I confessed.

"Oh." It was silent for a moment. The only noise our footsteps echoing through the empty halls. "Are you upset about that?"

"It's okay." I shook my head slightly. I wasn't sure if I was.

"Probably for the better," He muttered under his breath, so quietly I wasn't even sure if I heard him correctly.


"Nothing." His eyes snapped up to mine just as we came to a halt at the corridor that leads down to the dungeons. "Goodnight, sleep well, yeah?" He threw his arms around me, and it took me a second to wrap mine around his torso, too.

My brows were furrowed slightly while my head was resting on his chest just for a few seconds before he pulled back, giving me one last smile and turning on his heels to leave.



Also not to worry, Draco content coming in the next chapter lmao. There have to be a few chapters without him to really show u they're avoiding each other - I hope you understand!

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