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"The fucking Weasley's, Y/n?" He groaned in irritation, letting his head fall back in visible annoyance at my plan. "There isn't a way you could possibly make me regret this more," He then sighed.

"Well, it's definitely where they're going to bring Harry," I shrugged, walking a little faster to keep up with him as we made our way through the field.

"How do you even know about that?" He wondered, clearly taken aback by the piece of information I just let slip.

"Not important right now, is it?" I shook my head, hoping he'd drop the subject.

He sighed loudly, though, to my surprise, didn't ask again.

He was learning; I liked that.

"So," He began, dragging the word out comically. "Where are we going, then?" He came to a halt just as we made our way out of the rather long field, finally getting to something that could resemble a path.

A small dirt road, leading along and around the fields.

I furrowed my brows at his question, coming to a halt next to him.

"I'm sorry, did I just imagine our whole conversation of going to the Weasley's?" I wondered out loud, shaking my head in an amused manner at his apparent loss of memory.

He snickered loudly, rolling his eyes. "What direction?" He corrected, turning around himself twice as if that would magically point him towards the burrow.

A dry laugh escaped my mouth, making his eyes snap onto me as realisation hit him at the same time as it hit me.

I had no idea what way we should go. Hell, I didn't even know where he apparated us to.

"Don't look at me like that," I quickly managed to say, raising my finger as if to scold him. "I don't even know where we are."

He sighed. "Not far from the manor," He explained, his head turning to look behind us, probably into the direction his home was. "Which is why we should really get going."

I nodded, spinning around once myself to get a sense of my surroundings. Though, instead of helping me orientate myself, instead, it planted an idea in my head.

My eyes widened in excitement, fiddling to get a proper grasp on my wand.

"Okay, so, I don't know if this will work," I began, scratching my head with the tip of my wand while I paced back and forth in hopes I'd remember the damn spell. "Back at Durmstrang, Alex, Oleg and I used to play hide and seek a lot. And, well- I cheated. Almost all the time," I admitted, earning me a smug smile from the blonde.

"Of course you would," He huffed, humoured by the thought.

I rolled my eyes, a faint smile forming on my lips. "Shut it," I hushed, slapping his shoulder lightly. "Anyway, I cheated with this spell. It would lead me to any place or person I was thinking of at the time of casting it," I quickly explained, and I could tell he realised where this was going. "If only I'd remember the bloody thing," I mumbled to myself, sighing loudly.

"So you know the perfect spell to get there, but you don't know it?" He scoffed, tilting his head with a hint of disappointment showing on his face.

"Well, I'm working on it," I sighed, shaking my head at how impatient he was. "It's south, definitely. Let's go south, and I'm sure I'll remember that damn spell on the way."

Though, Draco didn't move at my words, making me furrow my brows and snap him out of his thoughts as I waved my hand in front of his face.

"South?" I asked, suddenly eager to get going. "Where's south?" I muttered more to myself, turning away from him again and around my own axis once.

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