» 37 «

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"The Yule Ball." Snape entered the room, his voice raised, immediately having every single student stop their conversation. He waved his wand in one swift motion towards the doors, and they closed with a loud thump.

His eyes roamed the room, making a few students uncomfortably shift in their seats. "A formal dance held to celebrate the Triwizard Tournament. I expect you all know the basics of the arts of slow dancing." His eyes landed on me, making me divert my attention off of him; an attempt to make it seem like I definitely knew how to slow dance. "Yet, in the unfortunate event that you, in fact, do not - the practise today is required and mandatory."

Whispering broke out in the hall. Boys and girls making eye contact with who they wanted to partner up with, giggling and blushing while doing so. "I trust none of you will embarrass the Slytherin name."

And with that, before anyone was even able to pair up with their partner of choice, another swing of Snape's wand had started to automatically pair up a boy and a girl in the middle of the room.

A boy from the right side and a girl from the left where magically dragged towards each other, meeting in the middle and forcing them into a dance position before the spell seemingly wore off

The boys' hand was placed on the girl's waist, while the girl had her hand on the boy's shoulder. The other hand was intertwined with their partners.

Amused, I watched as Parkinson was paired up with Goyle. She tried to remove her hands from him, a disgusted impression on her face, but the spell wouldn't let her.

I felt myself moving towards the middle before being met with a pair of brown eyes. It felt like he was a little too close to me, but there wasn't much I could do about it.

A polite smile formed on my face when I remembered his name. "Zabini, is it?" He nodded, a warm smile on his face as well.

"Call me Blaise, please-" He spoke calmly, beginning to move to the music that was played. "-Y/n."

I gave him an impressed look, nodding in agreement. "Well, Blaise, I hope you know how to do this. Because I haven't got a clue," I laughed, referencing the slow dance part.

"'Course," He said smugly before beginning to confidently lead me through the room, explaining what I was supposed to do, how and why.

Once I kind of got the hang of it, my eyes began to scan the room. Snape didn't even bother showing anyone how it was done; but it didn't seem like he had to, anyway.

As he expected, most pairs were gracefully gliding over the stone floor without any problems. The ones who didn't know how to dance were paired up with the ones who did, solving the issue.

My eyes continued to wander, suddenly making out the platinum blonde hair I knew so well. He seemed to be distracted by the conversation he was having with his partner, but that didn't make their dancing any less flawless. A quick glance at her made my body stiffen, recognising the unique hair just as easily.

That couldn't be good.

Wren's facial expression was just as tense as his own; both of them drowning out their surroundings, emerged into the argument they were obviously having. The music was too loud to hear any of it, though.

"You okay?" Blaise asked confused, noticing the shift in my posture and the continuous tripping we both thought I had gotten under control by now. I diverted my attention back onto him, a surprised expression on my face.

"Yes!" I said, a little too quickly and a little too loud.

He furrowed his brows but didn't ask any further questions when I pulled myself together, concentrating on the moves again.

I didn't know how much time had passed when I felt the spell finally breaking, as well as the doors opening. The first to seize their opportunity was Parkinson, finally ridding herself off Goyle and running out of the room in utter disgust.

"As Miss Parkinson has so kindly demonstrated, you are dismissed," Snape spoke slowly, clearly not having enjoyed her sudden exit.

I gave Blaise one last smile before taking my hand off his shoulder and stepping a few steps back. "You did the seemingly impossible today," I laughed as we split.

"Please, you don't give yourself half the credit you deserve. You're a natural, Y/n," He said, waving me off as we walked towards the exit together.

I was forced to look away from him when Malfoy stormed past me, hitting my shoulder as he did so and I muttered an insult under my breath. Blaise watched the situation, an eyebrow raised when I looked back at him.

"So-" He began, unsure if he should ask the question that was on his mind. "The rumours about you two... from last year-" He still didn't seem sure of whether he should go on or not, and I would have preferred if he didn't. "-was there any truth to it? I mean, did you ever-"

I cut him off before he could finish that sentence. "Of course not," I shook my head as the words left my mouth; acting as if that would be the last thing I'd do.

"Right, okay," He nodded, before putting on a smile again. "Well-"

"-Y/n. Can I talk to you?"

I was surprised to hear Wren's voice, and I turned towards her, my face unintentionally shocked.

"Uh, yeah! Of course!" I blurted out before shooting Blaise an apologetic look. "Excuse me, will you?"

"Of course," He nodded gesturing me to go on, and I followed Wren down the corridors.

Whatever Malfoy told her during the dance, it must've been pretty awful to make her talk to me again. And I was ready to seriously harm him for it.

"I wanted to apologise. I really missed you these past weeks."

Or maybe I didn't have to do that just yet.

A/N: I'm going live again tomorrow (Saturday, 24.10.20) at 8 PM CEST, 2 PM CET, 11 AM PT!! This time on my Instagram: seselinamae because not everyone has or likes using TikTok! Hoping to see as many of you as possible and catch up on the past few updates + share what's planned for the future!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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