» 18 «

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"What do you think you're doing?" Malfoy hissed as soon as I slid into his sleeping bag. I was lucky this thing was for a person three times his size.

"Getting myself out of trouble," I spat back with the same attitude just as the footsteps reached the room. I glared at him, letting him know he better not make a sound.

To my surprise, he actually didn't and just placed his head onto his pillow, pretending to sleep. He pushed me further into the bag so that I wouldn't be seen and then closed his eyes.

Air was scarce in here, but I would manage for a few minutes.

I couldn't help but notice how close we were to each other. When I tried shifting a few inches away from him he kicked me in the shin, probably letting me know it was too loud.

So I was stuck here. My body only inches away from his and running out of air. The situation wasn't ideal, to say the least.

"I've done the dungeons, headmaster. No sign of Black, nor anywhere else in the castle." Snape said when he entered the room. I perked my ears at the mention of his name.

"I didn't really expect him to linger."

They kept talking about how Black might've gotten into the castle, and it was obvious to me they had no idea how. Nobody did. I mean, the Dementors outside the school were there for a reason. And no one was supposed to get past them.

"You may recall, prior to the start of term, I did express concerns about your appointment to our professor-" Before Snape could finish his thought Dumbledore interrupted him harshly.

Malfoy was listening just as intensely as I was. He could only be talking about Lupin, couldn't he? To my knowledge, he was the only new professor this year. But why did he have concerns?

"-Not a single professor inside this castle would help Sirius Black to entries. So, I'm quite convinced the castle is safe and I'm more than willing to send the students back to their houses." Dumbledore said without a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"What about the Potters? Should they be warned?" Snape asked, and they both came to a halt. "Perhaps," Dumbledore began, "but for now, let them sleep."

From the location of their footsteps, I could make out that they weren't close to my sleeping bag and therefore didn't get a chance to notice I wasn't in it, either.

A sigh of relieve escaped my lips as the big doors closed behind them, and I emerged from Malfoy's sleeping bag, gasping for fresher air.

He didn't say anything for a while. Just inspecting my every move, seemingly deep in thought.

Again, our faces were only inches from each other, and I felt glued into place. I wasn't quite sure if I actually couldn't move or just didn't want to.

I gulped when my (y/e/c) eyes met his, uncomfortable with the intense eye contact we were holding. I wasn't used to him being this quiet, ever.

Malfoy's gaze fell onto my lips, lingering there for a second before quickly shaking his head, seemingly snapping out of whatever came over him. "What would they have to warn you about?" He asked.

"Well, if I knew they wouldn't have to warn me now, would they?" I lied, rolling my eyes as I did so. He huffed in annoyance, accepting what I told him.

That was easier than expected.

"Besides, if I knew you'd probably be the last person I'd want to tell," I added with a raised eyebrow. I guess it was worth a try for him to ask, but he should know it was highly unlikely for me to tell him at all.

"What are you still doing here?" He grunted in reply to my comment before nodding in the direction I came from.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, I shuffled out of the sleeping bag and snuck back to my spot next to Wren. To my satisfaction, the girl was still deep in sleep, and I slipped into my bag next to hers.

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*

It was Saturday afternoon, we just had lunch and Wren and I were sitting by the lake, enjoying the last few rays of sun for the year.

Just like Dumbledore said, first thing in the morning we were moved back into our houses and dorms after he assured us the castle was thoroughly searched last night.

A few students didn't seem too fond of the idea, still scared Black was lingering somewhere in the castle, waiting for the perfect time to attack. But most students were delighted to spend the following night back in their comfortable beds.

"My back is killing me after that night on the floor," Wren complained, doing various stretches to try and relieve herself from the pain.

I shook my head with a smile. "You're literally acting like a sixty-year-old" I joked, and she just waved me off with an eye-roll. "I'm an old soul, Y/n." I laughed in response but was interrupted by a hearty yawn.

I really didn't get much sleep. Firstly, the fact that most students were up far longer than I would've imagined, meaning I had to postpone my plan as well and stay up longer, too. And that combined with the fact I barely closed my eyes last night at all, due to way too much going on in my head.

"You didn't sleep well either, then?" She asked while admiring the beautiful autumn scenery around us.

"Nope," I sighed, followed by another yawn.

"Well, I assume your tutoring thing will drain the last drops of energy out of you," She said sarcastically, a sorry look forming on her face as she reminded me.

I groaned at the thought. I had completely forgotten about Malfoy's tutoring with everything else going on. And while I might not hate him as much as I did last week, I still did. And I still wasn't looking forward to it.

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