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White hills, bodies of half-frozen water and beautiful forests flew past me as my gaze steadied outside of the window of the Hogwarts express.

I would've been mesmerised by the way the untouched snow resting on the grounds outside glistened in the daylight if it wasn't for the thick clouds and gloomy atmosphere that we seemed to carry with us.

Apart from the trolly-witch, adults didn't take this train; not normally. They had other means of getting to their homes over the holidays or just stayed at the castle altogether.

Though, nobody seemed to tell the Death Eaters that.

They've been patrolling the train ever since we had gotten on it, not that I really had the chance to observe their wrong-doings because I was thrown into the first compartment with my own personal guard.

My heavy eyes diverted from the scenery outside to the scrubby looking man opposite of me, my nose scrunching up in disgust at the sight. He hadn't taken his eyes off of me since we entered, probably in fear I'd escape, and Voldemort would kill him for it.

But honestly, how the fuck am I supposed to get off a moving train without so much as my wand? That, they were smart enough to take off of me before even boarding.

So, now I was sitting alone in a compartment with a bloody Death Eater guard. Away from Draco, and Luna, and Blaise.

Even Pansy fucking Parkinson would've been better company.

I scoffed at my thoughts, eyes meeting the unknown man's once more, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you not have anything better to do?" I spat, rolling my eyes as my head fell against the window, and my eyes focused onto the scenery outside once more.

Quickly, it became darker and darker outside, letting me know we'd roll into King's Cross station any minute now. I wish my pulse wouldn't have picked up at the realisation.

I didn't want to admit that I was honestly, and utterly scared of what would happen after.

My brows knitted together tightly at the thought, small wrinkles surely forming on my forehead as a sigh was about to escape my lips.

Though the air that was about to escape my lungs, deflate them and make me feel calm as they did so, got stuck in my throat as a loud rumbling noise startled me, and the door of the compartment slid open forcefully.

My head snapped into said direction, and as I turned around, I tried to look as unbothered as I could even if the sound just almost scared me to death. Whoever walked in didn't have to know that.

Only when I fully comprehended what I was seeing, that that pretend-composed look on my face fell. It happened within seconds, and I wasn't prepared for it to happen. Not at all.

I gasped loudly as I watched the blonde being thrown onto the ground with a scoff from the bastard who dragged her unconscious body in here in the first place.

For a second, I felt as if petrified as I stared at Luna's motionless body, the way her silver-blonde hair fell over her back and face, revealing nothing but a split lip and a dark bruise on her cheek.

"Take her to Malfoy Manor with the Potter girl. Her old man won't shut up in that bloody newspaper of his; I'm sure this will make him, though," He informed the man opposite, who eyed the girl rather curiously for a moment.

His eyes snapped up to the tall man in the door, an amused gleam in them as well as a smile tucking on the corners of his mouth. He nodded, and the man disappeared back to the way he came from.

The door closed loudly, and the sound seemed to snap me out of the trance I was in as I pushed myself out of the seat towards the floor, my hands already reaching for Luna.

"Don't move!" He hissed, though I could care less about what he wanted or didn't want me to do.

When he attempted to stagger towards me in order to pull me away from the blonde girl in front of me, a simple look from me was all it took for him to be forced right back into his seat.

Right at that moment, I felt powerful. Knowing all it took was a single look to heave up enough magical force to push him back and strain him against the seat. Without a wand, at that.

It made me think back of Dumbledore's memory; what he had said about my power and being Harry's darker counter piece. The odd phrasing made me shudder slightly, my attention completely on Luna again.

My hand reached for her wrist, turning it in my hand and pushing her sweater up far enough to reveal it. She was wearing a turtle neck, making it impossible to take her pulse anywhere else.

Two fingers found the spot her pulse should be at, and I unconsciously held my breath as I waited for a sign of it.

"Oh my god," I breathed out as I felt the even throbbing of her heart rate against the tip of my fingers, and I let go of her arm with a relieved sigh.

I tried to shake her gently, hoping she might regain consciousness that way. I must admit, I should've paid more attention to our healing classes. But regretting it now was no use.

Instead, I heaved her up towards the seats lightly, resting her head on my lap as her legs spread out across the rest of the seats next to me.

My breath still heavier, I kept my eyes intently focused on the Death Eater opposite of me. And though the man didn't move, I wasn't quite sure why he didn't.

I doubted he was smart enough to pretend to have passed out to overpower me in a surprise attack, so I assumed he actually did pass out. Or he was asleep. However, the latter wasn't likely.

A content hum escaped my lips at the realisation I knocked a man out with nothing but a look, and I wondered whether I could harness that power without someone I cared about being injured.

Absently, my hand brushed over Luna's head and through her hair; the motion not merely calming her down in case she woke up, but me, too.

My thoughts wandered back to that memory of Dumbledores once more. "She's what Harry is not," Dumbledore had said to Snape. Was this what he meant?

Would Harry have been able to do that?

Would I have to learn how to use that part within me in order to actually defeat Voldemort?

Maybe I had some time to learn that in the two weeks of confinement I was about to get thrown into.

A/N: LUNA :((((

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