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The Dungeon was narrow, dark, and smelled of damp air and death.

The thought of Luna Lovegood, of all people, down here all alone made a chill run down my spine; the contrast between her bubbly personality and the atmosphere held in here immense.

The state of her didn't make anything much better.

She was still wearing her red turtleneck, though it looked much more worn down than the last time I saw her. There were specks of dirt splattered around the fabric as well as her pale face- the bruise underneath her left eye still visible.

Though, when she noticed us, she smiled. Despite all of it, she still gave us her careless smile.

"Oh, how nice to see more friendly faces," She spoke in her airy voice, tilting her head after stepping into our field of vision.

I sighed, relieved she seemed to be okay for the most part, and my arms reached through the bars to clasp her hand in mine. I had to restrain myself from giving her a forceful hug despite the metal separating us from each other.

"Are you okay? Are they hurting you?" I couldn't help but feel protective of her. I knew she was very much capable of taking her of herself; she showed that on multiple occasions.

Though now, in the dim, unflattering light, trapped in a wet and mouldy dungeon, she seemed so helpless; most definitely the last person who should be in here.

"Oh, no. They haven't stepped a foot in here since I first arrived," She began explaining. "I must admit I'm not sure how I'd feel if I didn't have some company. But I am okay, for the most part."

While I was relieved, I couldn't simply ignore the information she had just revealed to me. One glance at Draco showed he wasn't nearly as surprised as I was.

"Company?" I asked with a frown, not quite sure who to expect in the dungeon with her. It was a strange thought, and for a mere moment I thought she might have just invented an imaginary friend, or she met a ghost she found comfort it, but then a strange man, back a little hunched and long, white hair the first thing I noticed, stepped out of the shadows behind her.

"Mister Olivander, of course," She said with a small smile, feeling his presence behind her before she gestured towards him.

I felt Draco flinch as the figure stepped further into the light we had cast, and the state of him was considerably worse than the girls. He looked like he's been here for weeks, if not months.

Malnourished and weak, nothing more than the shell of a body.

"Miss Lovegood really lifted my spirits, I must admit." His voice was scruffy, his words sounding dry, but his lip twitched into a smile, and he nodded slowly as he scanned both me and Draco.

A look of recognition struck his features as his eyes scanned Draco, though when they moved over to find mine, the recognition in his features faded and he knitted his bushy brows together a little tighter.

I gave him a warm smile, suddenly painfully aware of the metal bars in between us. I let go of Luna's hands, clearing my throat and shaking my head.

"Why don't we have this conversation in a-" I trailed off, eyes darting over the cold, stone floors and ceilings of the Dungeon. "-more pleasant environment?" I sighed. "Open the door, Draco."

I stepped aside, making space for him to unlock it with a spell. After all, he was the only one who had a wand as well as the power to do magic down here.

I could feel the wards around this place without even trying, letting me know only selective people were able to wave their wands around down here effectively.

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