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"You must all know by now, the natural order is being re-established this way," The scruffy-looking woman snickered half-heartedly, a sarcastic smile on her lips.

Alecto Carrow had run out of things to talk about in her Muggle Studies class a long time ago. She was merely recycling old lines of hers in hopes nobody would notice.

Right now, she was pacing back and forth in front of the board, scanning some student's faces and being delighted by their vigorous nodding induced by fear rather than agreement.

"Muggles-" She spat the word so viciously it made some students around me flinch, and even Draco, though pureblood and all, seemed rather uncomfortable. "-Have been driving our kind into hiding for centuries now. They forced us to keep our magic away from them. They were vicious and cruel. Tortured and killed because we are better than them."

We've heard it all before. Though, up until now, nobody ever tried to argue with her. We all agreed the lesson would go by much quicker if we just kept our mouth shut.

Today wasn't one of those days, though. And I'm sure Wren would've mentally applauded the Ravenclaw boy who raised his hand timidly at Alecto's words.

She's been missing class quite regularly since the start of this term, and I couldn't blame her for missing this one in particular. But I knew, if she kept going like this, it would do her more trouble than good.

Our little scrab was blown over as soon as she apologised the exact same day. And while she did apologise, she distanced herself, anyway.

It was hard seeing her like this; completely detached from reality, eating less, sleeping worse, and her face paler than it's ever been. And the fact she wasn't accepting anyone's help didn't make it any easier for me.

Sure, I tried my best. Offered hugs, cuddles, my bed, even, to stop her reoccurring nightmares that would otherwise wake me up night after night. And while she did accept, it was hardly making anything better.

Though her nightmares subsided, I felt useless just watching her fall head over heels into a heavy depression, with nothing I could do to stop it.

After all, she had enough reason to feel like this. First her mother and now her girlfriend. We all knew life wasn't fair, but Wren Inkwood was just as much of an example of that now as my brother and I were.

I was ripped out of my thoughts by Carrow's "Yes?" as she raised a brow at the student who had put up his hand. Clearly, she expected comments on her little rant just as little as we did.

"But- that was centuries ago, like you said. The witch trials, Salem...-" He began, his voice not nearly as confident as it should've been.

Because he was right; all those things were centuries ago. Almost 500 years, now. The only reason they were brought up was that they seemed like a good enough excuse for death eaters to justify their prejudice.

Alecto snorted, a wheeze escaping her mouth before her demeanour turned serious at once. She stalked up to the boy's table, and he immediately sunk further into his seat, probably hoping it would swallow him whole soon enough.

The rest of the class watched in horror, expecting the worst - how could we not - as she came to a halt in front of his desk. Though, some of us nodded their head in agreement at his words ever so slightly. Most of those people weren't Slytherin's.

"And what about it?" She hissed, her hands propping her up on his table in an attempt to intimidate him. "Centuries, decades, it's all the same, is it not?" Her eyes narrowed further as she glared at him. "These animals haven't changed; still just as stupid and dirty now as they were back then!"

The boy flinched at the way her voice picked up in volume, screaming right at his face. It was a different side of her. She usually acted as if nothing bothered her; cruciating students left and right with a slight smile on her lips, even.

But he had really struck a nerve.

"Does anybody else share Mister Mallow's sentiments?" Her eyes diverted from the brunette in front of her and instead roamed the classroom, probably hoping to round up some more students she could cruciate later on.

As I looked around myself, I felt Neville's eyes on me, and as slightly as I could, I shook my head, begging him to not say a word.

Most of us did share Mallow's sentiments, but that didn't mean we had to let her know. I hoped Neville knew that, and I hoped the talk I had with him at the beginning of the school year had an impact on him.

And it seemed to have had one, indeed. Because soon after my subtle movement, he turned back towards the front of the classroom and, though his body was tense, stayed quiet.

"Very well, then," She hissed, turning to stand back in front of the class. "You may go and see my brother right away, Mallow. He ought to get some sense into you."

Perplexed, he just looked at her for a moment, only the roaring of a "Now!" making him scramble his things together before stumbling out of the room in a panic.

Alecto sighed, shaking her head as if nothing even happened after the door fell shut. Her greasy hair hanging into her face after the outburst.

"Of course, with a filthy mudblood as a mother, I didn't expect anything else from him," She shrugged, her words still laced with poison as they filled the room. "We should have locked all these half-breeds up right along with their filthy parents. Thieves is what they are. Did you hear that? Write it down!" She commanded.

A shame they'd have to lock their own Lord up, too, then.

"All mudbloods are thieves, stealing magical blood from worthy witches and wizards. Inflicting nothing but shame on our community. Did you get that? Write it down!" She continued, her voice louder again.

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*✧

Muggle Studies was the last lesson of the day, fortunately. I hurried back into the dungeon's as quickly as I could, exhausted by Carrow's shouting and her cruel words that went on until the end of the lesson.

I wouldn't mind just crawling into bed now and not leave it until I had to again, in the morning.

I expected Wren would join me, if I asked nicely. We could read a book together, a nice cup of tea in hand. The notion sounded like heaven to my ears, and before she had even agreed to it, I felt myself looking forward to it.

Though, once I stepped into our dorm, Wren Inkwood was nowhere to be seen. The beds were all empty, hers looking oddly untouched, and she wasn't in the common room, either. The bathroom door stood wide open, lights off, meaning she couldn't have been in there, either.

I furrowed my brows at the realisation she wasn't in the dungeons at all, and couldn't think of any other place, seeing as the rest of the school was swarming with Death Eaters and Dementors.

If she wasn't here, where the hell was she?

Before I could begin to worry, I noticed a little piece of parchment on my otherwise empty bedside table. I expected the worst as soon as I laid my eyes on it, picking it up with trembling hands.

I forced myself to calm down before I opened it, taking a deep breath before reading the words scribbled on it.

You know me enough to know where I'm going.

God damn it.

A/N: wren rlly said bye fuckers and dipped

my shift key on my keyboard is broken and only capitalises letters like half the times I press it so yall can imagine how much of a pain in the ass writing has been lmfao that's also why the whole a/n is lowercase today hehe

(also, in case you're an artist interested in helping me with a surprise I'm planning for yall slide in those Instagram dm's (seselinamae) with a portfolio/examples of ur work <3)

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