» 27 «

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"What's going on?" I asked one of the students in the crowd that had formed outside the castle. Everyone was cheering and clapping; all rather excited with whatever was going on.

"Look!" Was all she said while pointing up at the sky. My eyes followed her hand, and I caught a glance of the beautiful carriage that was being pulled by a herd of white-winged horses.

It was a magnificent sight; seeing them fly over the black lake effortlessly while getting closer and closer to the ground, ready to land.

But my attention was caught by something coming out of the water, not flying over it. My eyes got wide as I spotted the familiar flag rising out of the depths of the lake.

I gasped, completely shocked by what was happening in the distance. The rest of the students were starting to catch a glimpse of it as well, reassuring me I didn't just imagine things.

It couldn't be, could it?

Before I had the chance to see if my suspicions were true, McGonagall hushed the remaining students back inside the castle. "God, what are you still doing here? The sorting is about to begin! Go, go!"

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*✧

"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement," Dumbledore began his speech, not letting Filch running up the aisle interrupt him. "This castle will not only be your home this year-"

It was hard for me to contain my excitement. I could hardly sit still. Were they really going to be staying here all year?

"-but home to some very special guests, as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament!" Whispers broke out in the hall, reminding me of how it was like when I first walked in a year ago.

"Now, for those of you who do not know the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests; for each school, a single student is selected to compete," Dumbledore went on to explain the rules of the tournament, and while it was all rather exciting, I couldn't wait for him to stop.

"And now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their headmistress Madame Maxime!" The doors opened, and 12 beautiful girls, all wearing matching blue uniforms walked into the Great Hall.

They walked as gracefully as they had arrived in their carriage, catching the attention of every boy in Hogwarts. None of them dared to look away, too scared they would miss anything.

"Now that's what I call a woman!" I joked, nodding towards their headmistress. She was at least 12 feet tall, definitely taller than Hagrid, too.

Wren's attention was still on the girls, who were now seemingly floating across the floor. Every single step they took as elegant as the next one. My elbow found her side, and she quickly shook her head before looking at me, eyes wide. "Absolutely," She said, nodding in agreement to something she clearly wasn't even listening to.

"What! I didn't know you thought Malfoy became hotter over the summer!" I gasped, my voice as low as it could be. I watched her expression turn into a mixture of panic and disgust.

"I don't!" She protested, and I broke out into laughter. All rather quietly, of course. "I'm just kidding," I said with the smile still on my face. "Next time just listen to what I say, though," I jokingly patted her shoulder, and she rolled her eyes before mumbling something under her breath.

"Wait a minute, hotter? As in, was already hot?" She side-eyed me, her eyebrows furrowed.

"And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff!" Dumbledore said, simply making me wave Wren off as they walked in.

Alexei was the first one I spotted; naturally, as he was also the first one to walk in, leading the rest of the boys.

I was quick to realise there wasn't a single person from my year with them, the only two people I recognised being Alexei and later on Viktor, who walked in alongside our- their headmaster.

Karkaroff never really liked me, so ruining their entrance by blindly making a run for my friends probably wasn't the way to go, which is why I was trying to stay as calm as I could.

Nonetheless, there was a wide smile on my lips as I watched the group of students absolutely smash their performance. It grew even wider when I caught Vik and Alexei both subtly trying to scan the room, probably trying to find me in it.

I let out a squeal as soon as the formal part of the evening was over and ran towards the two of them as fast as I could. A smile grew on both of their faces when they noticed me, Vik opening his arms and pulling me into a big hug first. "Y/n!"

"I can't believe you guys are here! Like, really here!" I began, the smile not leaving my face. "I thought it would be ages till I'd see you again!"

"So did we, little one!" Alex said while pulling me into a hug as well. "Oleg almost lost it when he heard he couldn't go because of the age-rule. He really misses you, you know," I smiled at the memory of my best friend and nodded.

Oleg and I pretty much spent every day at Durmstrang together. I didn't dare to imagine what it would've been like without him. He introduced me to his older brother, Alexei, which is how I got to know the two of them in the first place.

They both became like big brothers to me. Helping me with my homework, making sure I was okay, scaring off the other boys; the usual.

"I'm gonna have dinner now, but you have to tell me everything I've missed since I left!" I said after a while, and they promised me they would.

With a large grin spread across my face, I walked back to the Slytherin table and took a seat next to Wren.

AN: Not me posting another chapter without draco, chileeeee. So sorry, I just really wanna set this up right, lol. The next few chapter are going to be a bit spicier to make up for it, I promise!! Hope ya'll can forgive me lmaoo

- Selina

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