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Hours later, the room was still dark.

I preferred it this way; sitting on the window sill and looking out into the grand garden on the other side of the glass.

I ended up here after trying to jump out and realising the window wouldn't even budge, and I didn't have my wand to lift the hex off of it. Apart from the fact that I wasn't even allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts in the first place.

It was all a big mess, anyway. One I wasn't quite sure how to get out of yet.

So, before figuring that out, I thought I'd deserve a little break by doing nothing but admiring. You'd think sleeping for over a week straight would have you waking up feeling energised and relaxed, but, really, it was quite the opposite.

I felt groggy, and exhausted, and quite frankly, not very well rested. And I knew the upcoming night wasn't going to make any of that better.

I sighed once, the sound of my own breathing filling up the room before the sound of the doorknob turning made my head snap in its direction.

Before the door fully opened, and before it revealed anyone, I turned towards it, my legs now hanging off the edge. "Draco?" I asked into the darkness, feeling myself grow excited that he had come back.

I wanted to apologise, stop arguing, and figure something out with him. Something that wouldn't end up with either of us dead, now that Voldemort didn't need him anymore.

Though, upon realising who was actually standing in the doorway, my breath hitched in a rather unpleasant manner. My body immediately stiffening at the realisation.

"Not quite," Voldemort said, a hint of amusement lacing his voice as he closed and locked the door behind him. The light in the room turned on at the same time as the door fell into its hinges with a loud thump.

The sudden brightness making me flinch and squeeze my eyes shut just for a second before remembering who just walked into the room.

The little amount of good energy in here was sucked out as soon as he walked in, and it felt a lot colder already. "He's been visiting you, has he? How sweet," He commented plainly, eyes scanning the room before inevitably landing on me. "Now, now. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've sent Bellatrix up here. I felt like we should have a little talk, don't you?"

I couldn't stop staring at the spot on his face where his nose should be, or his bald head, his thin lips. Everything about him was repelling; my body urging, begging, me to move as far away from him as possible.

But my back was already pressed against the window sill, and I couldn't possibly move any further without looking scared. And he just didn't stop moving closer and closer towards me.

"I have nothing to say to you," I managed to say. It took everything within me to sound as calm as I did.

"Ah, yes," He continued, unbothered by my words as a smile so gruesome it sent shivers down my spine formed on his lips. It revealed his foul, rotten teeth.

And then, I watched the grey, old, and dusty garment he was wearing gradually turn into a sleek, black suit. I furrowed my brows at his doing, though he just admired himself before his eyes snapped back onto me.

"What do you think?" He asked, looking down on himself once more, sarcasm lacing his words. "I know how much you like it on the Malfoy boy; maybe this will have you talk."

My eyes twitched in irritation at his words, brows still furrowed with a confused expression on my face.

"You see, Y/n Potter, while you were sleeping, I took the courtesy of rummaging through here-" He tapped his wand against his own head twice, "-a little bit. Honestly, it made me a bit sick. Seeing all this potential wasted on emotions, friendship, love." He shook his head in disdain.

I swallowed thickly at the realisation that he had been in my head. And a panicked look spread across my face as I tried to remember if I knew anything he wasn't supposed to know.

"Stop panicking," He tutted, amused by my reaction as he shook his head; this time in a sarcastic manner. "Nothing in there I didn't already know, luck you. One of my loyal followers had the idea of finding out where your brother is through you." He watched my reaction carefully as the words left his mouth.

I didn't so much as move a single muscle, trying to stay completely unaffected by anything he said. All he wanted was to get under my skin; intimidate me, find my weaknesses.

"But you already knew that, of course."

My earlier composure was thrown out the window at his words, my eyes widening just slightly at his suggestion before quickly going back to their normal size after. But I was sure he noticed, anyway.

"Oh. You really thought I didn't notice you listening?" He asked in amusement. "Shame, she's naive, too." The last words were more of a comment to himself, though his whole presence just irritated me.

"What do you want?" I spat, my posture straightening and eyes narrowing to glare at him. At this point, he was way too close to me. His breath smelled of death, and his teeth looked the part, too.

"Ah, she talks," He snickered. "I want you to know why you're here." His voice was suddenly serious; all traces of sarcasm and irony wiped off of his voice and tone like it was never there in the first place.

"I want you to know the reason your parents are dead. The reason you can't be with Draco. The reason you couldn't be yourself ever since you came to Hogwarts."

My breath grew heavier at his words, knowing what he was insinuating; the words making me feel dizzy and sick.

"Come on. You know what I'm talking about, Y/n." He edged even closer to me, the smell of death still lingering on him, not making breathing much easier. "It's all your brother," He continued. "He's the reason why all of this happened to you, why I tortured you, why Sirius Black died. Why you're suffering. Don't you see?"

My breaths became more shallow in hopes it would help, but it didn't. I felt myself grow angrier and more irritated by the second. Every word coming out of his mouth only making me more furious.

"We have the same goal here. With Harry Potter gone, you can be truly free. Truly yourself. With Draco by your side."

That was the last straw. How dare he?

"I don't need my brother dead to be myself, or to be with Draco," I spat. "I'm not obsessed- it's not obsession, it's love. There's a difference. Not that you'd know it, with your paren-"

In hindsight, that probably wasn't my smartest moment. I realised as soon as his hand forcefully colliding with me cheek interrupted me; his long, dirty nails scratching it in the process, leaving a burning sensation behind.

I bent over in pain; head completely tilted to my right as my right hand held my left cheek in complete and absolute agony. I hissed in pain, watching the blood drip off my hand as I looked at it.

"Stupid, stupid girl," He murmured, turning around as he shook his head in disappointment. "You will remember this moment. Once your whole world crumbles in front of you, you will remember this moment and wish you took the chance you were just given."

His hand reached for the doorknob, and I watched him turn around through gritted teeth and narrowed eyes as my hair messily hung over my forehead.

"But it'll be too late then, Y/n Potter. You'll be begging for another chance, but it will be too late."

A/N: What do you think Voldy could do to follow up on those threats?

Also been waiting to upload this for a while now jbhvgczfx HOW ARE WE FEELING.

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I'm celebrating all by myself today, so I'll be answering dm's on Instagram (seselinamae) and comments and such <3

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