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It's been so long since I had seen Malfoy, to say that I had missed him, our bickerings and everything else would be an understatement. Of course, I would never admit that to anyone else; it was hard enough to admit it to myself.

So, I was excited when I saw him get on the Hogwarts Express just as I had arrived on the Platform. And I half expected to see the scowl on his face when his eyes met mine for the first time.

I was with Harry, Hermione, and the whole Weasley family, after all. And we all knew they weren't necessarily his crowd. I didn't take it too personally.

It was only when I caught his eyes the second time, this time not being surrounded by the people he despised, and he still didn't give me the time of day, that I began suspecting something was off.

Of course, there always was something off with that boy. Even if it was only a first-year running into him, or Crabbe saying something stupid, there were hardly days he didn't have an attitude.

But this time didn't feel like one of those times. It seemed personal; his attitude directed towards me, for some reason.

The problem with that was, I came all this way from my own compartment to find him once the Express started moving. So, now I was awkwardly standing in the middle of the aisle, not quite sure what to do.

I huffed, my eyes scanning the space once more. He was sitting with Blaise and Pansy, laughing about something I didn't hear. With Pansy of all people?

It felt like yesterday when I thought back to the countless time's he made fun of her.

He definitely noticed me, too, so the fact he didn't give me even the tiniest bit of recognition just infuriated me. Not that I would let that show. As unbothered as I could, I walked past their seats, head high, and my back straight.

I couldn't just turn around and walk back to my compartment; I didn't want to make it seem like I was there for him. Even if I was.

So, the plan was to leave this part of the train on the other end, wait there for a few minutes and walk back as If I had some serious business to take care of over there.

But, I didn't get that far.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice said, just as I walked past them. It wasn't his, but it was something.

I put on a smile, turning towards them, kind of relieved he was forced to look at me now. "Blaise, Hey," I cheered, my voice soft as I looked him in the eyes.

I felt Malfoy's eyes on me but didn't let myself look back. He started this, so I might as well finished it.

"How was your summer?" He asked, patting on the empty seat next to him, prompting me to sit down. I looked back and forth between Blaise and his hand, waiting for him to remove it so that I could do just that.

"Oh, the usual. It was nice to get a break from Hogwarts for sure. Everyone gets a bit annoying after a whole year," I said casually, shrugging with a smirk on my face. "Yours?"

I heard Malfoy snicker opposite me, but ignored it and instead listened to Blaise blabbering about his summer for a couple of minutes. A few giggles and polite nods at the right time, and it seemed like I was actually paying attention.

I wasn't, really. All I could think about was what the fūck Malfoy's problem was.

Blaise carried the conversation for a few more minutes, making bland small talk before I politely excused myself and went back to my compartment. I heard him mutter a "Wasn't she going the other way before?" and cursed to myself, but left the carriage before I was able to think about it any longer.

I let myself fall into the chair opposite of Wren and Luna, sprawled across it with my eyes closed. "Don't tell me you forgot how insufferable that blonde demon was? Is it coming back to you now?" My best friend said with a smirk when she noticed my annoyance.

Luna gently hit Wren's shoulder with the newspaper she was reading, shaking her head slowly before looking at me. "What happened, Y/n?"

That was probably my favourite thing about the Ravenclaw girl; She didn't have any biases or judged people on stereotypes. She was probably the most open-minded witch I had ever met in my life.

"Nothing," I huffed, clearly annoyed as I sat upright, looking out of the window. "Just-" I interrupted myself with another groan, only now realising how irritating the experience really was.

"We'll talk about it when your head is clearer," Luna said with a smile, diverting her attention back onto the newspaper.

Wren rolled her eyes, giving her girlfriend another look before they fell on me again. "You're lucky she's here," Wren scoffed sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes with a small laugh. "I wouldn't let you get off this easily."

"I'm glad she is, too," I smirked before closing my eyes, hoping once I opened them again, we would have arrived.

Lucky for me, that's exactly how it went. By the time the two woke me up, we were almost the last people to exit the train altogether. I yawned once, scrambling to get my things together and hopping out of the train just moments later.

"Surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter," I heard the familiar voice say, and my eyes immediately followed the sound coming from behind us.

Malfoy was passing my brother, a subtle smirk on his face; just enough to perfectly show how much he despised him. "You better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it!" He spat, jerking forward in an attempt to make Harry flinch.

He did, but snapped back just as quick, lunging forward himself, and making Malfoy stumble a few steps back. "What did I tell you? Complete nutter," He muttered, loud enough for everyone around to still hear it.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry shouted, and everyone around was taken aback by it just for a moment. I rolled my eyes at their dramatics, Wren shook her head at their behaviour, and I don't think Luna even realised what was going on; a soft smile on her lips while looking straight ahead.

She smiled at me as we continued walking, and I was in the middle of giving one back, when something, or rather someone, hit my shoulder with theirs rather harshly.

I saw Malfoy walking past me, obviously hitting my shoulder on purpose as he overtook us. "Watch where you're going, Malfoy," I hissed, but he didn't even look back at me.

So that's what it was, then? Now that Harry was finally able to draw a line between Malfoy and me, recognising that his relationship with Malfoy didn't have an impact on the relationship between us, that exact line got blurred for the blonde; projecting his anger for my brother onto me?

That was just bloody brilliant, wasn't it?

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