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My brows were furrowed, my head angled all the way up to read Umbridge's newest addition to her wall of shame. We were huddled in front of it with a bunch of other students; most of them rolling their eyes and complaining about it.

"Seriously?" I asked, still looking up at the framed rule, confused why Draco brought me to see it in the first place. "You thought I would love this? Far from it, if I'm being honest."

"Use your brain, Potter," He sighed with an amused undertone, his eyes scanning the 98th frame on the wall as well.

And so I stared at it for a little longer, wondering how 'Those wishing to join the inquisitorial squad for extra credit' was supposed to be a good thing to read. One that I would, in fact, love.

It wasn't. Not in my opinion, anyway.

"Please don't tell me you're that desperate for extra credit?" I begged, finally diverting my attention onto him. He just shook his head before rolling his eyes.

"So it does run in the family, huh?" He laughed, a smirk on his face while he began walking towards the dungeons. I threw one last glance at the wall before hurrying after him; my hand immediately finding the back of his head for that comment.

"You know, you got away with that once. Because we were in public, now that we're not; what makes you think you'll get away with it again?" He growled, referring to me hitting his head.

I snickered with an eye roll, nudging his side while we kept walking towards our common room at the same pace.

"Just a hunch," I smirked, observing his reaction carefully as his head turned towards me as well.

He shook his head slightly, and I spotted a smile forming on his lips. "You're lucky you're you," He huffed before his hand hit the back of my head as well. Though, in his defence, he was a lot more gentle than I was.

A small laugh escaped my lips, and I rolled my eyes one last time before I cleared my throat. "So? What about Umbridge's new rule?" I asked just as we reached the Slytherin common room and Draco mumbled the password before looking at me.

The stone wall was opening up in front of us, and I stepped in as soon as I fit through the opening-the blonde right on my tail.

"Well, remember that plan we had after your detention?" He asked slowly, his voice low, so the rest of the students in the room wouldn't hear him. "I think this is how we'll get her."

I tilted my head slightly at his words before my eyebrows raised and my lips formed a thin line. I thought for a second and determined that he might be onto something.

"I'm intrigued, go on," I said, a smirk forming on my face as I watched his lips turning into one as well.

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*✧

The Professor looked at me, her brows furrowed, her eyes full of confusion as she looked me up and down a few times to determine why exactly I was here.

"And, what exactly changed your mind, Miss Potter?" Umbridge asked, a smile forming on her lips; though the rest of her face didn't change in the slightest.

"Well, Draco here," I began, taking a quick look behind me to nod at him. "Made me realise that you really do have Hogwarts best interest at heart. And- well, anyone who disobeys your rules must be found and brought to face the appropriate consequences," I said, hopefully sounding convinced of my own words.

It seemed to do the trick, as her facial features relaxed. She nodded while contemplating what I was saying for a while, her eyes wandering around the pink room before looking back at me.

"I am delighted to see how far you've come, Miss Potter," She admitted slowly. "Mister Malfoy seems to be a terrific influence on you."

I just nodded with a smile on my face, and I didn't have to check to know about the massive smirk that had formed on his face. It took everything in my power not to roll my eyes.

Then, she turned around, walking behind her desk and rummaging through a few drawers before seemingly finding what she was looking for.

She came back with two pins in her hand, one for each of us, reading Ministry of Magic on it. A sigh of relieve escaped my lips as she pinned it on Draco's robe; knowing the hardest part was done now.

Honestly, I imagined her to be less gullible, but fortunately, I was wrong.

She turned towards me, pinning the badge onto my robe without even looking at it. Instead, her blue eyes were burning right through mine, her lips a thin line as she scanned my face for any last clues of a lie.

Of course, she found none.

"This is going to be incredible," She said after she was done, clutching her hands together and smiling widely before shushing us out of her office without another word.

She slammed the door right into our faces, and we started walking down the stairs immediately.

"Do you think she knows?" I asked, a worried undertone in my voice as we turned the first corner.

"No way. I never took you for a great liar, but that was a good performance. Even I have to admit," He said, patting my shoulder proudly with a smirk on his face.

"A compliment from Draco Malfoy himself, today must be my lucky day, " I laughed, feeling myself relax more the further we got from that horrendous office.

He rolled his eyes with a smile, turning the next corner while I looked back into the direction we came from one last time.

I furrowed my brows when he came to a halt a little too abruptly, turning back around and immediately standing face to face with my brother.

"Watch where you're going," He hissed, seemingly not even noticing me while his eyes glared at Malfoy.

But then he did, and instead of looking at me, his eyes wandered down towards my robe. And then his eyes grew wide before they ultimately narrowed, and his brows furrowed.

He looked back and forth between me and the badge I was proudly wearing on my chest, and then he groaned.

"Seriously, Y/n?" He said, his voice sounding as annoyed as ever; now looking back and forth between me and the blonde next to me. "Of course this was you."

"Look, Harry, let me explain," I sighed, looking at him with pleading eyes, annoyed that he was jumping to conclusions again.

But instead, he just turned around to walk away, and he already took a few steps away from us. "Don't just jump to conclusions like you always do!" I yelled after him, and he slowly came to a halt.

"If you really think you can explain that somehow; come on then," He sighed, sounding exhausted before he continued wandering down the hall.

So I gave Draco one last glance, knowing, no matter how much he hated Harry, that he would understand, before running after my brother to catch up with him.

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