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I nipped on my butterbeer, enjoying the sweet taste and the creamy consistency of the beverage as I half-heartedly listened to Wren's and Luna's conversation; nodding in appropriate situations to let them know I was still listening.

Kind of, at least.

Every now and then my eyes darted over to the table on the other side of our booth, catching my brows furrow when I saw the same four figures sit at it; Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle. Draco nowhere to be seen.

My gaze caught Blaise's numerous times by now, most of the times, he was already looking our way. I gave him a small smile whenever I noticed it but diverted my attention away from them right after.

A loud thump on the table startled me, my head shooting up to find Luna and Wren both humorously staring at me, Wren's eyebrows raised.

"You're not even listening," She stated, shaking her head in disapproval.

"It's the Nargles," Luna added with a slight smile and I huffed lowly. "They make your brain buzz."

"Did you notice Draco is never with his friends anymore? It's like he doesn't exist outside of classes," I mumbled, my eyes flickering over to the table they were sitting at, ignoring both of their comments.

"Nope," Wren laughed. "Clearly you have, though." She wiggled her eyebrows, making a small laugh slip out of my mouth when I looked back at her. "You've been staring at that table all afternoon. And I'm sure it's not because Crabbe and Goyle are looking particularly dashing today."

I shook my head in amusement when I watched Luna hit her chest slightly, a disapproving look on her face. "She's clearly worried, Wren."

"I'm not."

Wrong. I was.

"At least not about him. This is Draco Malfoy we're talking about here, if anything, it's concerning for the rest of us." I quickly corrected.

That was a lie, too.

Since he kicked me out of his dorm last week, I had rarely seen him around, never mind spoken to him. Sometimes he didn't even show up to classes, which was unlike the boy who was worried about not getting all outstandings in his OWLs last year.

Even though I didn't want to admit it to anyone, maybe not even to myself, I was definitely worried.

"Well, there he is now," Wren said suddenly, my eyes darting towards the spot she was looking at.

He was wearing his black suit, his under eyes matching the colour of it. He looked like he hadn't slept properly in days; His skin pale, paler than usual, though his hair was neatly styled.

His eyes scanned the room quickly, flying over his friends without so much as a hint of recognition in them. Though, when they inevitably landed on our booth, his gaze lingered on me for a second before he disappeared into the bathrooms.

I sighed, growing annoyed at myself for even caring in the first place. Maybe I should go after him, though.

I had my hands already propped on the table to push myself up, but I was stopped in my movement right as I stood up.

"Ah! How nice to see you here, Miss Potter!" Slughorn's familiar voice said, a hand on my shoulder making me sit back on the bench.

I looked up to him, a smile on my face as I greeted him. "I've just spoken with your brother. He told me the both of you would be game for a supper party I'm having soon. Select students only, of course. Is that true?" He asked curiously, leaning in closer as he waited for my answer in anticipation.

"I- Of course. I'd consider it an honour, sir," I quickly said without much consideration. It's not like I really had a choice.

"Great, that's just what he said, too." He nodded delighted, his eyes wandering over to the other side of the table.

He looked at the couple curiously, noting the way their hands were intertwined with each others on top of the table. He smiled.

"It would be great if you'd come along, too, Miss Inkwood," He proceeded to say, nodding with a pleased smile on his lips.

"Thank you, sir, I'll be there," Wren said in a polite tone before the professor went along his way. "I didn't know you and Harry are speaking again, have you overcome the awkwardness of your twin walking in on you-"

"-No," I hissed quickly, interrupting her before she could finish that sentence. "We haven't spoken. But of course, he'd know I would go. Especially with my sheer inability to brew a potion right, it'll help me out big time to boost my final grade, I assume." I shrugged, my eyes falling on my brother on a nearby table, his back facing me.

"I guess being a Potter does have it's perks, huh?" Wren asked with an eyebrow raised, a smirk forming on her face.

"This would probably be the first one I've witnessed."

On our way back to the castle, the snow crunching underneath our boots, we ran into Hagrid. I urged both Wren and Luna to go on without me, knowing neither of them would be very interested in a catch up with the half-giant, and they gladly took the opportunity.

I, on the other hand, hadn't spoken to him in so long, we were in dire need of at least a short conversation about anything but the weather.

"It's been a while," He noted after giving me a short hug, a warm smile on his face. "I was hoping Harry would take you with him one day when he came up with Ron and Hermione, but he never did."

"Yeah, well, you know how siblings are," I huffed. "They can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, excuse my language."

He laughed; A deep belly-laugh, nodding vigorously in agreement.

"You don't have to tell me twice," He noted in his thick accent, still amused.

A loud, ear-deafening scream immediately had the corners of our mouth turn into frowns, exchanging one quick look before hurrying into the direction it came from.

"Don't come any closer," I heard him say. His legs were a lot longer than mine, his steps at least twice the size of mine, and he arrived at the scene before I did. "Get back all of you."

Through the heavy winds and the snow being blown all around the place with it, I could only see who he was talking to when I almost ran into the group.

I looked at the unconscious girl in Hagrid's arms before glancing at my brother and his friends.

"Don't touch that, Harry," I hissed, grabbing him by the hood of his hoodie as he went to grab the box that was sprawled across the snowy floor.

A beautiful necklace had fallen out of it. It seemed old; a dark greenish colour to it that looked mesmerising against the white snow.

Though it was obvious nobody should touch it.

"She's right," Hagrid said quickly. "Do not touch that. Except for the wrappings. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded, and I let go of his hood. He crouched down in front of it, the wind blowing the fabric it was wrapped in over the edge of the object; making it perfect for Harry to grab.

"Why is it always you three involved when something like this happens?" I sighed, rubbing my temple as I watched Harry handle the object with the utmost care.

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