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A little bottle, not bigger than my own thumb. A clear substance in it; I wasn't quite sure whether it was liquid or gas. It seemed to be switching back and forth between the two.

I've been sitting in one of the furthest corners of the library for a while now. It's where I had unwrapped the object carefully, finding in it not only what I had just described, but also a little piece of parchment.

It was neatly folded, the handwriting on it very clearly my brothers, though.

Dumbledore's last will and testament.

That was all it read on it. Couldn't he have been just a little more descriptive? Given me a little more detail?

Why in Merlin's name would Dumbledore leave me anything? Harry had very clearly always been the favourite between the two of us.

And I never bothered enough with the man to actually care.

So, to be mentioned in his last will; his testament... It was unexpected, to say the least. Bizarre, even.

And it took me a while to figure out it was a memory. One of those you look at in a Pensieve.

I've never been in possession of one before and therefore wasn't quite sure how they worked. Or where I'd even find a Pensieve in Hogwarts.

Seeing as I was already in the library, I might as well make use of the thousands of books around me, and began wandering around the aisles in hopes I'd find a fitting one in the shelves; my hands tightly clutching around the vial in the pocket of my robe.

I didn't find much, in all honesty. There was the standard stuff about memories; how they were extracted, why one would choose to extract them in the first place.

I didn't really need that type of information. I already had an extracted memory. It was right here; readied for me to look at, and yet; I couldn't.

One thing in one of those books that did help me was the fact that there was only one known pensive to be in Hogwarts, and it was in the headmaster's office.

And I had no intention of breaking and entering in there tonight.

Not now that it was Snape's office. Not now that death eaters were patrolling not only that exact door but the corridors at night, too.

They were definitely more of a threat than Filch was, and, therefore, made sneaking through the castle at night a lot less fun.

A little frustrated, and quite confused, I was aimlessly walking along the empty corridors. They never used to be empty on Saturday afternoons. But students preferred to stay in the common rooms in their free-time now.

It was understandable. They were familiar, secure, and had everything we needed.

Everything but a pensive.

I groaned lowly at the thought of it, still breaking my head about what the memory in my pocket might show.

It must've been important if Dumbledore was so set on having me see it even after his death.

Was it the answer on how to fix all of this? How to get things back to normal? And if it was, why would he leave it to me? I wasn't the chosen one; the one who defeated Voldemort before. I was merely his sister.

The one nobody even knew about before I started at Hogwarts.

Reminiscing in the thoughts, brows still tightly knitted together, I almost missed the subtle sound of stone scratching against stone. When I did notice it, I immediately stopped in my tracks; every fibre in my being on high alert at the unfamiliar and unexpected sound.

Though, I just had to turn my head to the right to spot the source of the sound. And instead of dread, and worry, it was relieve rushing through my veins as I laid my eyes upon the familiar door leading to the room of requirements.

The come and go room. The place where everything is hidden. - A Pensieve, even?

The thought came into my head just as the door cracked open all on its own; almost begging me to step in, and discover what it was hiding.

My gaze quickly scanned my surroundings, making sure nobody was around to see me enter. And the corridors seemed all clear before I took a few purposeful steps towards the door, entered, and closed it behind me.

The sight punched the air out of my lungs; a soft gasp escaping my slightly agape lips.

A wide, circular room with marbled walls and floors and ceilings, so white it was almost blinding. Four columns, made out of the same elegant marble, in the middle of the room; underneath them the only object in the room.

A Pensieve.

Right there, on top of a smaller pillar with beautiful carvings decorating it; a shallow basin made out of white stone, with strange runes and symbols on its outside.

It was filled with a substance, appearing to be the same consistency as the one in my vial-a cloud-like liquid-gas-mixture.

My footsteps echoed through the room loudly, and I don't think I've ever been more aware of the motion of putting one foot in front of the next.

But now, as my eyes wandered through the hollow, white room again, and again, I was painfully aware of it; making sure every single one of my steps was right.

In a room so perfect, so orderly, I felt like the walls were scrutinising me; as if they had eyes; as if they were watching, and judging whether I was worthy of being here.

It looked nothing like it did during its DA days; didn't even feel the same.

Slowly, my hand found its way out of my pocket, the small bottle still in my grasp as I pulled it out. Once more, I turned it in my hand, looking at it from every angle imaginable to see whether I had missed anything on it.

I was hoping for a label. One that would tell me what I was about to stick my nose in; quite literally.

I knew it would've been too good to be true. Dumbledore had always been a man of mysteries. The type who wouldn't just stick a label onto things to make them easier to understand for others.

No, he wanted me to go into this with no expectations. So, I would be doing just that.

Carefully, I took the glass lid off, giving the vial another long look before pouring it into the Pensieve in front of me.

That's how I'm supposed to do it, right?

Should I pour it all? I just did.

The see-through substance transformed into a heavy, dark liquid as soon as it touched the substance in the Pensieve, and I watched it spread out within it.

I didn't even think about it before I stuck my face into the liquid right after; it was like the memory was urging me to do so as it sank further and further into the depths.

A/N: Nowwww get ready for REVELATIONS in the next chapter hehe

I'm so excited and nervous jizutih but I hope you like where this is going!!

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