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"Well, you've got me. It doesn't seem like a bad idea, okay? Actually, it's quite brilliant," Harry sighed, rubbing his temples while he was contemplating the plan.

"You can keep eyes on Umbridge's inquisitorial squad; keep them away from the room of requirements, lead them to wrong conclusions, all that stuff...while, at the same time, seeming less suspicious towards your little boyfriend." He rolled his eyes with a snort, shaking his head at the thought of Draco.

"Exactly my words," I huffed, glaring at him from across the corridor. During our conversation, I had made myself comfortable against the wall that was opposite of the one he was propped against. "I just wish you would've trusted me from the beginning," I sighed, turning my head to look down the long, dark hallway.

I had spent the past two hours trying to explain this to him, but the fact it even took that long for him to believe me just wasn't right.

"I'm sorry, Y/n-" He began, his voice heavy and an apologetic smile on his lips. "I don't know why I'm so ready to believe the worst of you the first chance I get... I don't want it to be like that, but I just can't seem to help myself."

I laughed dryly, furrowing my brows at the attempted apology. "You should be able to. I'm your sister, for Merlin's sake." My voice became a little louder towards the end of my sentence, but I was far from yelling.

"I know, it's just- I trust you, I truly do. Who I don't trust is Malfoy. And as long as he's this close to you, I just can't help myself to assume the worst." His voice was filled with guilt and sincerity, but it was hardly making anything better.

"As you've mentioned," I huffed humorously. "Look, you can blame this on him as much as you want. But you know he's not the reason," I said, looking directly at him from across the hall. "You didn't trust me the second I wasn't sorted into Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff," I laughed lowly. "It's funny, really. When the only reason you got into Gryffindor in the first place is because you asked nicely."


"-No, it's okay," I shook my head, a smirk on my face. "You know, you're not the only one who thinks like that. That girl from the DA, the one that has a crush on you-" I pretended to think for a moment, amused by the way I could see he was trying to figure out who I was talking about. "What's her name again? Oh right; Cho, was it? She thinks exactly the same about me. In fact, she wanted Luna and Wren to break up, too. Maybe you two do belong together," I said, a fake smile plastered across my face before I pushed myself off the wall, arms crossed in front of my chest.

"I'm sure I'll see you around, Harry," I scoffed before walking towards the dungeons and leaving him standing right then and there.

When you were sorted into a house with a bad reputation, sometimes you needed to play the part, right?

I heard an annoyed groan just as I turned the corner, but couldn't care less about what Harry thought of me at the moment. It couldn't get much worse than it was before, anyway.

I walked into my common room, my eyes quickly scanning the room before landing on Wren. And then Draco.

I furrowed my brows as I approached them, confused since when they could be within ten feet of each other without tearing each other's heads off. Better late than never, though.

"Distractions, please," I demanded as soon as I stopped next to the table they were sitting at, and both of their heads shot in my direction simultaneously.

"Y/n!" Wren cheered before noticing my sour face and furrowing her brows. "What's-"

"I don't wanna talk about it," I say quickly, shaking my head and giving her a small smile. "Just- distract me," I huffed, looking back and forth between the two of them.

Draco didn't look as confused as Wren did. Presumably, because he knew I was talking to Harry. And he knew how much of a pain in the ass he could be.

They both looked at me for a second, Wren pouting while trying to figure out what was wrong, while I saw a smirk growing on the blonde's face.

He pulled me towards him in one swift motion, promptly having me land on his lap with a yelp. "Got you," He laughed dryly, wrapping his arms around my torso and pulling me further onto his left leg.

"Just because I don't hate your boyfriend anymore, doesn't mean you can go all PDA on me," Wren scoffed, a disgusted expression on her face that quickly turned into a wide smile.

"He's not-" I began to protest, wondering when half the school just decided he was my boyfriend all of a sudden, but Draco interrupted me before I could finish that sentence.

"Just shut it, Inkwood," He laughed, rolling his eyes at my best friend.

"Oh, look! I got this for you, Malfoy," She suddenly said, bending down to rummage through her bag before taking something out of it and hiding it behind her other hand.

"Huh?" His brows were furrowed in confusion as he watched her carefully, neither of us quite sure what to expect.

I laughed out loud when she revealed her middle finger from behind her hand, a victorious smile on her lips as Draco groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, I gotta give this one to Wren," I laughed, a pout on my face as I ruffled through his blond hair. "You'll get her next time, I'm sure."

"Don't be too sure of that," Wren chimed in, followed by a laugh, and at this point, even Draco had a smile on his lips.

And for the rest of the evening, I had forgotten all about Harry.

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