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I ignored the knock on the door an hour later just like I ignored it again the next morning.

I knew it was Draco. Who else would knock on the door of a prisoner?

The reason I didn't open wasn't because I didn't want to see him, per se. Neither was it because I was scared, or upset, or annoyed.

I simply didn't think it would benefit anyone if he saw me with a bloody scratch covering half my face. One that was inflicted by Voldemort, of all people.

The thing felt like it was still burning into my skin hours later, and I just hoped it wouldn't get infected. Though, taking a look at his fingernails, it wasn't far fetched.

Seeing as I couldn't even tend to it with magic; I was completely and utterly helpless when it came to the healing process. And I wondered how muggles had the patience to wait until their body healed itself. It was infuriating.

Two whole days had passed, and though the injury looked less painful now, it was still visible. And I didn't want it to be if I was to let Draco in here.

Which, on the other hand, is something I deeply wanted.

I sighed at the loud and forceful knock on the door, that was so very different from the house-elves ones. Theirs were gentle, and polite; making it easy for me to recognise when it was them bringing me my scarce meals.

Though, this time, words accompanied Draco's knock. That was a first.

"Are you mad at me?"

I huffed at the words, feeling guilt crawl up from within me.

"I'm sorry for fighting with you. I really just-" He cut himself off with a sigh, and I furrowed my brows as it grew quiet on the other side of the door.

Draco Malfoy, apologising?

"Draco," I began, guilt lacing my voice as I spoke. "I'm not mad at you, I promise."

"Well, why are we talking through a wall, then?" He wondered out loud, his voice irritated. I imagined his brows were furrowed slightly as he spoke.

My hand automatically reached for the scratch on my face, and I grimaced when a light pain shot through my body at the touch. Though, it quickly faded once I let go again.

I looked around the room, knowing I had to let him in if I didn't want my guilty conscience to eat me alive tonight.

I was already in bed, so I just decided to slip under the covers while burying the injured side of my face in the pillow.

"Come in, then, I'm sure you still have your wand to open the door," I gave in, and as soon as the words left my mouth, I heard the door unlock and open before closing again.

The boy was stood next to the bed before I could even process it, giving me a strange look once he faced me.

"Can't even go two days without me anymore, can you?" I teased in an attempt to distract him from my weird position. It seemed to work, for now at least, as he huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

"Merlin, I forgot how insufferable you are," He joked, shaking his head as he sat down on the bed next to me, his gaze focused on the window.

"Clearly not that insufferable if you've come here and apologised. Never thought I'd see the day you'd willingly do that. Especially for something you didn't even need to." A small laugh accompanied my words, and I watched him turn towards me with an amused expression on his face, eyebrows raised.

"I just forgot how much I actually hate you," He laughed. "You know what they say; absence makes the heart grow fonder, or something like that."

I huffed in amusement at his words, this time it was me who rolled her eyes.

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