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Harry was gone.

Left me standing in Dumbledore's office; cheeks tear-stained as his own eyes watered and threatened to spill.

The door didn't close behind him, and I didn't move from my spot in the middle of the office even after he had disappeared out of my field of vision.

And I stood there for what seemed like hours but were probably mere minutes, silently crying, pitying myself while my brother was on his way to his own death.

My heart was still loudly thumping against my chest, breath heavier than usual when Draco and Wren found me. Whether it took them hours to find me or just a few seconds, I didn't know.

Their presence seemed to snap me out of my thoughts enough to notice the cuts on my face and the rest of my body; burning, itching and stinging quite horribly. Though, they were nothing compared to the pain my brother left behind.

"Harry—He—" I tried to explain to them, my eyes still glued to the floor as I stood completely motionless; the only movement my shaking frame as two loud sobs interrupted my words before I gave up.

Wren quickly overcame the distance still between us to pull me into a tight hug, shaking her head as she played with my hair in a calming manner. "Shh," She whispered lowly. "We know."

I wasn't quite sure if I wanted them to see me like this.

Sure, I've shed my fair share of tears in front of both of them; they were my best friends, after all. But this was different.

This was my lowest. I didn't think it could get any worse. I felt empty, completely and utterly lost.

"We have to—" I tried once more, voice still shaky as my own arms tightened around Wren's body. "We have to do something—" My voice was hoarse and low, sounding like I haven't said a word in months.

Was that how long it took them to find me in here?

It was Draco who spoke now. Though, I wish he didn't.

"There's nothing that can be done, Y/n," He said carefully, stepping a little closer.

His words made me furrow my brows. What he said was the last thing I wanted to hear—the last thing I wanted to think about; to accept.

I scrunched up my nose before my eyes snapped onto him, my body going rigid in Wren's embrace. And he flinched at the unexpected eye contact, taking a precautious step backwards as he noticed the glare on my face.

"Of course you would say that!" I snapped, surprised by the sudden composure in my voice.

Though, how composed was one really when they were shouting.

Rather than dealing with the loss, it felt much easier to simply let go of the emotions and transform them into pure and utter rage. I didn't care who it was aimed at. It felt freeing, in a way.

At least that's what I assumed was happening as I freed myself from Wren's arms, the poor girl utterly perplexed at the motion, and rushed towards Draco's tall frame, forcing him to take a step back with every threatening one I took towards him. "You've always hated him, anyway!" I continued when his back was pressed against one of the shelves with nowhere else to go. "You hated him— still hate him to this day. You're probably quite pleased to finally be rid of him!"

I didn't notice the flicker of hurt in his demeanour, the way his brows twitched at my words, and his breath picked up just slightly. My mind was solely focused on how he probably wanted this to happen. It's all he ever wanted. Harry Potter in Azkaban, or better yet, dead.

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