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The room we were in was dark, not at all lit apart from the green fire burning in the fireplace.

I swallowed thickly, still feeling Bellatrix hold onto the neck of my shirt tightly as we stood there.

My gaze flickered through the room; I recognised it. The long table, the many chairs standing at it. The way it smelled of death in here, reminding me of what happened to poor Misses Burbage right on that table.

Exactly four figures were stood in front of me. Their facial features tinted in a green hue from the fireplace. It was enough to make out who they were.

Lucius Malfoy. Narcissa Malfoy. Severus Snape. Voldemort.

Add Bellatrix LeStrange to that list, and you'd realise they're not necessarily anyone's top picks of who you'd like to be stuck in a room with.

I didn't have much time to think, Voldemort stalking over to the three of us already, his face blank and wand in hand.

I took a deep breath, my eyes darting over to Draco in an attempt to figure out a way he'd get out of this without any of the blame.

After all, it was me who had to get out of here. He only stuck with me out of the little bit of goodness in his heart. Something not showing very often, and therefore definitely not something I can let him get tortured or even killed for.

So, what options did I have?

Honestly, there weren't many, to begin with. And seeing as I was slowly running out of time, Voldemort coming to a halt in front of us, the first thing that came to my mind blurted out of my mouth.

"You coward!" I hissed, my voice loud as my head snapped in Draco's direction. My jaw clenched in anger and my brows furrowed as I lashed out, jerking away from Bellatrix.

Though, she just tightened her grip and pulled me back closer towards her, making me stumble slightly while my eyes were still fixated on Draco. "Tell them how you betrayed me, Draco!" I went on. "Go on, they'd be proud of you, I'm sure."

He was frowning, faint lines forming between his eyebrows as he looked at me; observed my actions and listened to my words without a hint of recognition flashing in his eyes.

Instead, what did flash in them was guilt and pain as his facial expression changed to one that could've made it seem like I was the one who betrayed him.

He was always the one who told me I was a terrible liar. Surely he must be catching on to this?

The boy looked rather stiff, just standing in front of me, not quite sure how to react. Nobody said a word. The adults simply observing the situation as their eyes flickered back and forth between Draco and me.

"I trusted you-" I began once more, my suddenly shaky voice filling the room. "I trusted you, and you just came to drag me right back here."

Even though everything I was saying was completely made up, I was truly feeling the emotions I tried to portray.

They resonated for very different reasons. Not because Draco had betrayed me, not because he is the reason we landed right back here.

But simply because we did end up here.

Two weeks of pretty much constant walking, to get to my friends and family and be taken again two hours later.

It didn't seem fair. Not in the slightest. And it was frustrating beyond belief; tears welling up in my eyes at the sheer helplessness I found myself in once more.

"Oh?" Voldemort wondered, exchanging looks with the others. "Now, you two keep on making this, just, so much more entertaining for me," He went on, a smirk forming on his face as he walked closer towards me.

My breath was shallow, looking right at him with a glare so deathly; hopefully, it didn't give him the slightest clue of what I was doing.

"Star-crossed lovers," He snickered, wand tracing along the side of my face before he went on to walk over to Draco.

Bellatrix cackled at his words, this time, pulling my hair further into her as a low hiss escaped my mouth at the pain.

"The proud pure-blood boy, and the filthy little blood-traitor," He spat the words, and I watched Draco furrow his brows in anger and irritation as Voldemort came to a halt in front of him. Both of them holding steady eye contact. "You must be so very conflicted, Draco." He shook his head as he spoke, almost in a mocking manner; his tone condescending.

Draco's head snapped in my direction, jaw clenched as his fist clutched around the wand in his hand. He scanned the room, eyes landing on his father and Snape before lingering on his mother for a bit longer.

The hand that was holding his wand relaxed.

"It's so, how do you say?" Voldemort continued, looking around once more and pretending to think of the right word. "Tragic," He spat. "Don't you think, Severus?"

With that, he turned around, facing him.

"Yes, my lord," Snape stated, his voice calm. His eyes were on me, swallowing thickly before he diverted his gaze almost in shame. "Truly a tragedy."

Voldemort nodded in approval, exhaling loudly as he continued to pace around the room.

"And to think you almost ended up just like it," Voldemort sighed in amusement. "I am glad you found your way to us, Severus."

"I am beyond grateful, my lord," He muttered, almost a little too quiet to mean it. Though, Voldemort didn't seem to notice or mind.

"And I am glad you did, too, Draco," He went on, walking back over to him. "Your mother must be so very proud of you."

Narcissa's breath hitched at the mention of her own name as she watched her son in terror. Draco's father quickly squeezed her hand tightly, pulling his wife just a tiny bit closer as he whispered something in her ear.

She visibly relaxed at his words, though, didn't take her eyes off of Draco, brows still furrowed in worry.

My heart hammered in my chest at the following silence.

Voldemort was looking back and forth between the two of us, not saying a word for way too long. What seemed like minutes later, he broke that silence.

"Have someone bring them up to their designated rooms," He began dismissively. Narcissa sighed in relief, her hand jumping to her chest. "We don't want anyone saying we're rude to our guests, do we?" He snickered in amusement, giving me a last glance.

He was smiling. Smiling so incredibly wide, with his foul teeth showing proudly, I knew this wouldn't be the end of it. It couldn't have been.

What was he planning?

A/N: First things first, many people seemed to forget it was Hermione who apparated Harry and Ron out of the wedding, so no need to be mad at harry pls :( he didn't just LEAVE us lmfao

Second, same thing with Wren LOL it was her mum who apparated her away. Anyway, their storyline seems rather confusing from the outside, for now, I'm sure. But it'll get clearer the further we dive into it. Promise :)

Hope you liked this one!!

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