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My eyes snapped wide open in, what I assumed to be, the middle of the night. The dorm was completely covered in darkness, all I could hear my own, hitched breathing and my heart pounding in my chest.

I was sitting up straight, my arms propping me up on my own bed while looking around the room and trying to find something I could think of that would calm me down.

Though, I couldn't see much and just decided to close my eyes again to focus on controlling my breathing.

"Y/n?" Wren mumbled, startling me slightly.

She was still laying in her bed, though her eyes were open as she rubbed over them with her hand, a yawn escaping her mouth. "Why are you up?" She asked, her voice still sleepy, yet a hint of concern in it.

I shook my head, not quite sure why I was either. "Bad dream," I managed to croak, trying to remember anything at all about my apparent nightmare.

But my memory was blank, completely wiped off any trace of it. Frustrated, I furrowed my brows during my attempt to remember what I just woke up from in a cold sweat, with my whole body shaking.

I wasn't plagued by nightmares very often. Harry kind of took on that role for the both of us; probably having triple the amount of nightmares any child should endure.

"Are you okay?" She asked, sitting up. By now, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and I could see the worried expression on her face as she was trying to figure out what was wrong.

"I'd be better if I'd remember what was so bad about it," I grumbled before a sigh escaped my lips and I threw my arms over my head.

I felt exhausted, like I just ran a marathon; which would be a nightmare in itself, but surely my body reacted to this in a way that made it more concerning than a ten-mile run was.

Wren just looked at me, waiting for even the smallest detail to come back to me; to no avail.

"It's okay," I sighed, shaking my head after a moment while I looked at her. "Just go back to sleep?" A small smile found itself on my lips to ensure her it was okay if she did.

"You're sure?" She asked, though her head was already resting on her pillow again and another yawn interrupted her half-way through her question.

"Mhm," I made myself comfortable in my bed as well, while Wren had her eyes closed and had probably fallen asleep already. At least I didn't hear a sound from her anymore.

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*

It was almost a nightmare in itself to fall back asleep last night. It took many hours, and once I finally did, I only had a few hours to rest before my whole dorm was up, making it impossible to sleep any longer.

At least it was a weekend; because concentrating on potions, or, worse, enduring Umbridge after a night as horrible as my last one would've given me the rest.

"Your dark under eyes tell me you slept like shit last night," Draco observed as I sat down for breakfast. I simply groaned at his comment and decided to ignore his kind words until I had the brainpower to think of a witty comeback.

He shrugged, focusing on the toast on his plate again. Though, I could feel him looking at me every now and then.

My eyes fell on Harry at the neighbouring table. He didn't seem much better than I was. His head hanging heavy, and what was even more concerning were the empty seats next to him that were usually filled with Weasley's.

I furrowed my brows, trying to figure out where the whole family could've gone to.

My brother must've felt my eyes on him because, in one quick motion, he jerked around to face me.

We hadn't spoken since he pretty much told me he couldn't help himself when it came to thinking the worst of me. So, I was confused when he jumped out of his seat and started walking towards me.

"What do you want?" I asked when he stopped in front of my seat, trying my best to present an attitude in my voice despite my lack of energy.

"I wanna talk to you," He sighed, and I looked up at him, an eyebrow raised. Before I could intervene, and lecture him about how he should've thought of these situations before he said what he said, he stopped me. "Something happened," He added, and it was only now that I realised how horrible he really looked.

Did he cry?

The attitude on my face and in my voice dropped as soon as I noticed something was seriously off.

One look at Draco confirmed the thought that he was listening to our conversation closely; not really hiding the fact, either, as he looked back and forth between the two of us, taking a bite of his toast every now and then while he was waiting for either of us to say something.

"Sure," I managed to huff before getting out of my seat and following him out of the Great hall, worry written all over my face.

He hurried down a few hallways before stopping in a random one with the hopes it wasn't very busy at this time of the day.

"Last night I realised you're the only one I actually want to talk to about what happened. I keep messing up, but you're so important to me, Y/n," He began, sounding frustrated and upset as he rambled on. "I get it if you just want to write me off as the worst brother ever, I agree, to be honest, but-"

I cut him off, waving my hand in front of his face to get his attention.

"What happened?" I asked, instead. I appreciated his apology, though the only time he rambled like this was when something serious happened.

Right now didn't seem like the best time to hold petty grudges.

And then he told me about his nightmare. About how it wasn't really a nightmare, and more of a vision, instead. About how Arthur Weasley survived the attack Harry witnessed. About how it didn't feel like he was actually just witnessing. And about Voldemort's connection to the whole thing.

I didn't mention my own nightmare in fear of worrying him about the connection the two might have had. I'm sure it was nothing, though. So, best not to make this even worse for him over it.

"So, now Snape, of all people, is supposed to teach me 'the power of Occlumacy'" Harry mocked in Snape's voice, resulting in an amused smile forming on my face for a second before shaking my head to rid myself off it.

This really didn't seem like the appropriate moment to trash the Professor when all he was trying to do was help.

"Occlumacy, huh?" I repeated, remembering what Draco told me that one night in the common room.

"Yeah, have you heard of it? I'm complete rubbish at it, to be honest. It's rather hard," He sighed, clearly frustrated by his attempts.

"You know what? I think I might know someone who can help you out there."

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