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"Thank Merlin for Sirius Black, or you still wouldn't be able to come to Hogsmeade with us!" Wren cheered just as we set off to get to the little village.

It was around 20 minutes on foot. The sun was shining when we woke up, and it wasn't as cold as you'd expect it to be on a September day; it was perfect for a walk to the village and a Butterbeer there.

The first two weeks of school passed by rather quickly after Umbridge's detention. It was hard to ignore her impact around the school, but I tried my best.

"I am eternally grateful to him," A big smile found itself on my face while we walked along the trail. "Are you meeting Luna there?" I asked with a curious look

"We are. At the three broomstick's," Wren said. "I've been spending so much time with her. It would be nice if you could join. I don't want you to feel like I'm prioritising Luna?" Her brown eyes were looking at me, a hint of guilt in them.

I laughed, waving her off and trying to lighten the mood a little. "I mean, you are," I joked, and her eyes became a little wider. "Relax. I'm just kidding, Wren!" I pulled her into a quick hug, "Thank you for the gesture."

She put on a smile, but it slowly faded before her brows furrowed and she looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite place. "You know, you've been awfully happy these past few days," She began, a hint of suspicion in her voice. "Not that I'm complaining, but I can't just ignore it."

I rolled my eyes, trying to force the smile off my face. "That's ridiculous. I'm averagely happy. As happy as always. Nothing is influencing my mood," I rambled, already feeling the need to curse myself out for how I acted.

All that did was make her more sure of herself and her suspicions.

"It's Malfoy, isn't it?" She sighed, side-eyeing me every now and then while we continued our way down the path.

"And if it is, what about it?" I snapped back as soon as the words left her mouth.

"Nothing," She took a deep breath during which she contemplated what to say next. "I just want you to be careful, that's all."

"And I am, mum!" I joked while rolling my eyes. "It's not like anyone knows about it. I'm just having fun while it lasts." She had slowed down during our conversation, so I gave her a gentle push before running ahead myself.

I heard a loud groan from behind me before her footsteps followed mine in a similar pattern. As soon as Wren caught up with me, I slowed down to a normal pace and watched her glare at me with an amused smile on my face.

"I can forgive your taste in men, but if you ever make me run again; that's it."

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*

"You're an ass, Y/n Potter. That's all I will say," Wren said, teeth gritted while trying hard to keep a smile off her face.

I, on the other hand, was not holding back. My laughter was probably heard throughout the whole of the three broomsticks, but I was having too much fun to care.

"Oh, look, there's Luna now!" I exclaimed, pointing behind Wren who just narrowed her eyes further.

"That's not gonna work again, be a little more original next ti-," She grumbled, a smirk forming on her face once she felt like she had the upper hand.

"Hey everyone," Luna's sweet voice interrupted her, the girl's eyes growing a little when she realised I wasn't actually joking. In all honesty, it just made me laugh harder.

A whole load of students entered the pub at the same time as Luna. It felt like suddenly half the school was in the mood for a Butterbeer and the empty seats quickly filled with students.

I waved at Harry when I saw him walk in, still giggling to myself whenever I remembered Wren's face. He threw me a quick smile before continuing his conversation with Hermione and Ron.

It seemed as if he was with Fred and George as well, but a second after I noticed them, they were already standing next to our table.

"Care to join us, boys?" I smiled up at them, pointing at the empty seats around the table and they nodded with a grin.

"Before anything else, tell me who's who one last time. I swear, I'll remember now!" Wren begged, an apologetic smile on her face that made me laugh. She shot me a sarcastic glare from across the table but quickly diverted her attention back onto the twins.

"I think this is the perfect opportunity for you to put your knowledge to the test, Inkwood," One of them said with a smirk before looking at his brother. "- I couldn't agree more, brother-dearest!" He laughed before they both looked back at Wren.

I know it wasn't fair of me to laugh, I couldn't tell them apart either, but it was just too good not to.

"You can't tell us apart either, Y/n, you have no right to laugh!" He pointed out in between laughter, and I just rolled my eyes.

The next half an hour was spent with Wren and me taking wild guesses, while they did everything in their power to make it impossible for us to actually figure out.

When we guessed Fred, he was George; when we said George, suddenly he was Fred. And there was no end to this in sight. Luna chuckled to herself as she watched her girlfriend grow more and more frustrated by the minute.

Wren really was competitive. And a sore loser.

We were laughing so hard at this point; I almost didn't see Draco approaching our table. I noticed when he first walked in but didn't pay much attention to him after that, as I was in the middle of a conversation with who turned out to be George.

He stopped right next to our table, presumably waiting for me to turn towards him. I gave the rest of the group an apologetic smile before doing so.

My head was tilted when I looked up at him, and my eyebrows raised while I waited for him to say something. After a second of silence, the conversation around the table went on like he wasn't even there.

"Y/n," He said, a smile forced on his lips while he looked at me. I don't think he ever called me by my actual name around other people.

"Draco?" It was more of a question, but before I could say anything else, he squeezed himself onto the bench next to me, making me scoot over quickly.

Sure, I didn't mind being close to him, but that didn't necessarily mean I wanted him to sit on my lap.

I felt Wren's eyes on me and could imagine the confused look on her face without even looking at her.

The blonde was still looking at me before he looked around the table. His gaze flew over Luna and Wren, lingered a little bit longer on Fred and George before ultimately scanning the whole room and landing back on me.

And then, without a word of warning, he leaned towards me, gently grabbing my face, and kissed me. Just like that.

It took me a second to reciprocate, and I could feel the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips once I did.

But just like that, he pulled away and got up. There was an awkward smile on his lips, and he scratched the back of his neck before disappearing through the exit without another word.

"What the fūck?" I whispered, too confused to know what exactly just happened. Every single pair of eyeballs was glued to our table, including Harry's.

I tried my best to ignore his stares and instead turned back to Wren, Luna and the twins. The latter just giving me a knowing look before Fred handed George a few galleons.

"I honestly thought it would take him longer, but I told you," He said to his brother with a smug smirk, and I scoffed sarcastically.

"So much for nobody knowing about you, huh?" Wren chuckled awkwardly, and I huffed.

Yeah, so much for that.

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