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After dinner, Harry and I were wandering the halls of the castle together, no specific destination in mind. We've been talking and joking, but I still felt like what we actually came to talk about hasn't even been mention in the past half an hour.

"So, what did you really want to tell me?" I asked carefully, tilting my head slightly as I waited for his reply.

He sighed. "Well, I talked to Sirius the other day. I thought you'd want to know."

"I do," I nodded, looking at him with a hint of surprise on my face. "How?" He furrowed his brows at my question, and a small smile found its way to my lips. "Sorry. How did you talk to him?"

"Oh," His face lightened up a little when he realised what I was talking about. "He just appeared in the fireplace in our common room after I sent him a letter a few days before," Harry said.

I scoffed at that. "Well, the Slytherin common room has a perfectly fine fireplace. Why didn't he talk to me as well?" The disappointment in my voice and on my face was unmissable, even Harry noticed, patting me on the back.

"I'm sure he would've loved to. He did say to give you his regards," He explained, shaking his head and squeezing my shoulder in an attempt to lighten my mood. "Anyway, he was telling us about how things weren't going so well with the order, and it got us thinking..." He seemed to hesitate for a moment, considering whether to keep going or just drop the subject completely.

Though, while I was still disappointed, curiosity took over fairly quickly, and I looked at him with a small smile on my face, eyebrows raised. "Yes?"

"Well, it wasn't really our plan. It was Hermione's, actually. She practically forced me to do it. I thought it was a horrible idea. At first, anyway-" He rambled on, speaking so fast I almost didn't understand a word of it.

"Harry," I chuckled lightly, furrowing my brows and looking directly at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Dumbledore's Army," He said quickly, a lot quieter than before.

"Dumbledore's what?" The confusion on my face was prominent, and he observed my reaction carefully.

"-Army. Dumbledore's Army."

"Why does Dumbledore need an army?"

He shook his head, but I really couldn't wrap mine around whatever was going on. A little more detail would've been great.

"It's not his army, technically. We just called it that because- I don't really know why," He sighed, then shook his head quickly. "That's not the point. You know when you mentioned that secret army thing at dinner earlier? Well, it's kind of like that. Exactly like it, actually."

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to process and, first and foremost, understand what my brother was telling me.

"A secret army to... take down Umbridge?" I asked, still confused and finding it hard to follow. Just like Ron, Harry really had to learn how to explain things more effectively.

"Voldemort. But close," He laughed nervously. "Hermione thought that if Umbridge isn't teaching us how to defend ourselves, somebody else should. So... I am. Kind of."

"You are?" I asked, my eyes wide but a proud smile forming on my lips nonetheless. We've come to a halt in one of the corridors by now, leaning against a wall just talking.

I was starting to wrap my head around the whole thing.

Harry teaching students who wanted to be taught how to defend themselves. It seemed like a win-win for everyone but Umbridge, and I liked that.

"So, for how long have you guys been doing this? Is that why you've been so busy recently?"

Harry nodded, an apologetic smile on his face. "A few weeks now, I guess. I feel so guilty about not telling you about any of it. After the last two years I didn't want there to be any secrets between us, but-"

"-But the rest of your friends don't think you should tell me. Because all they know me for is the Potter who got sorted into Slytherin and hangs around Draco Malfoy?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes as the words left my mouth.

My brother sighed but nodded. "I guess so."

"What changed then? Why'd you tell me?"

"When you unknowingly brought it up at dinner, it got me thinking. And I remembered that you're a half-decent witch, aren't you? You'd make a great addition," He laughed, and I pretend to be offended by what he said.

"Half-decent? Excuse me?" I gasped, an amused expression on my face. "As long as you're not brewing any potions."

I was still struggling with that subject; but I guess since I didn't get any more tutoring lessons assigned, I did improve after all.

"So? What do you say?" Harry asked, a wide smile on his face as I nodded.

"Sure, as long as I can get there without anyone seeing me. I'm sure you wouldn't want Wren nor Malfoy showing up there at any point."

The smile instantly faded off his face, a scowl replacing it at the mention of the blondes name. "Geez, okay. I get it," I laughed, accompanied by an eye roll. "I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me, at all. I won't tell a soul, I promise."

My pinky was up in the air, and he was inspecting it carefully with furrowed brows. We used to make pinky promises throughout our whole childhood.

Everything we promised, we pinky promised. And we never broke any of them. Not until I left to attend Durmstrang, that was.

Always being there for each other, not leaving each other's sides just became a lot harder than two four-year-olds could've imagined.

He sighed, looking back at me before intertwining his pinky with mine. "I trust you."

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