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"Draco?" I knocked on the door to his dorm three times, immediately making out noises coming from behind it. It was opened moments later, so quick my arm hadn't even completely lowered yet.

"Y/n?" Blaise quirked an eyebrow as soon as he saw me. "What are you doing here?" His tall figure was casually leaning against the door frame, waiting for an appropriate excuse on why I was knocking on his dorm at 11 pm.

"I still have that letter for Draco. He wasn't at dinner when the owl came, so I just thought I'd give it to him afterwards," I explained quickly. "I kinda forgot about it until now, though," I added, an apologetic smile on my face as I waved the letter in front of him.

"Ah, well," He cleared his throat once. "No clue where he is, I haven't seen him since classes finished." He shrugged.

"Oh." I furrowed my brows, wondering what he could be doing until late at night. It was way past curfew, but I guess as a prefect that wasn't much of an issue, anyway. "Do you mind just giving it to him, then?"

He thought about it, his eyes darting back and forth between me and the letter in my hand. Was it really that hard of a decision to make? Just put the letter on his bed or something.

"Why don't you just come in, you can give it to him when he's back," He said after a while, his hand running over his short hair once, a smirk on his lips.

"Sure?" It was a Friday night, and Wren was hanging out with Luna. So it's not like I had anything better to do, or classes to attend in the morning.

He stepped out of the door frame, gesturing to one of the five beds in the room that I assumed was his. Their dorm didn't look much different from ours. A lot messier, but the general layout seemed to be the same. "Where are the other three?" I asked as I sat down by the foot of the bed, while Blaise leaned against the headrest of it, his legs spread out.

He shrugged once more. "I think I saw Crabbe and Goyle in the common room when I came in; Nott is probably getting with that fifth year. Magnolia Hummingbird, you know her?"

I shook my head, my eyes roaming the room once more and getting stuck on a mountain of wrapped up treacle fudge on his nightstand. My eyebrows raised in excitement as I felt my body longing for the sweet taste of it.

"Are you eating all that by yourself?" I asked with a smirk, and a low chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head.

"Have some, please. I think I went a bit overboard when I borrowed them from the house-elves in the kitchen." He threw a few pieces my way, most of them landing on the bed in front of me, while two or three landed on the floor.

"Borrowed as in stolen?" I clarified, an eyebrow quirked with a smile on my lips. He kept quiet, though the smirk on his lips was very telling. "I gotta say, I didn't take you for a sweet-tooth," I admitted as I picked the ones fallen on the floor up, unwrapping one of them eagerly as soon as I came back up.

"I'm not. Not usually, at least," He said with a laugh. "I've been craving it since I smelled it in the Amortentia this morning," He sighed. "I know it's weird, don't judge me for it." He held one of his fingers up warningly, and a chuckle escaped my lips.

"It's okay. I totally get it. I've been obsessed with it for the longest time," I laughed, chewing a piece as I spoke, my hand in front of my mouth because I was sure the sight wasn't desirable at all. "When I was younger, even my shampoo smelled like it. I'm glad I'm over that phase, at least. But it'll always have a special place in my heart," I grinned, shaking my head slightly as I remembered the times like it was yesterday.

He huffed, suddenly, his eyes panning back and forth between me and the sweets in front of us; his brows slightly furrowed as if he was trying to solve a riddle in his head.

"What's going on in there?" I asked with a smirk, leaning towards him to knock on his forehead playfully. His eyes snapped up to mine, suddenly his face way too close. It reminded me a little of that time Snape forced us to dance.

I quickly leaned back, shaking my head as I cleared my throat in an awkward manner. "Sorry," I mumbled quietly, fidgeting with one of the wrapping papers, my eyes glued to it to avoid eye contact.

"Nothing to be sorry about," He said calmly, just as the sound of the door opening came from behind me. Both mine and his eyes snapped in the direction of the noise, immediately falling on Draco standing in the room with furrowed brows. He closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asked, a slight frown on his face as he walked towards one of the beds, throwing his robe on it; his eyes still on me. He quirked an eyebrow when I didn't reply right away, urging me to do so as his gaze went back and forth between Blaise and me.

"Whatever happened to 'Hello'?" I scoffed, turning around to face him completely. "I'm here playing your personal owl," I continued, rolling my eyes. "This letter came for you, but you weren't at dinner again."

I grabbed the envelope from the bed and held it towards him.

"Who's it from?" He asked curiously, though the serious manner was still written all over his face.

I shrugged. "No clue. I respect people's privacy, you know." That's a lie. I did check, but it didn't say anything.

He huffed amused, his demeanour softening slightly as he grabbed the letter out of my hand.

"Was I interrupting anything?" He asked coolly, his eyes darting back and forth between his friend and me once more while he ripped the envelope open.

"Not at all," I said quickly. "If you must know, we were just talking about my treacle fudge shampoo," I snorted humorously, making his eyes snap in Blaise's direction; the two apparently communicating without words.

Then, his gaze diverted off of him, and he began reading the lines on his letter. I could see his eyes roaming through the words; his posture suddenly tensing up.

His eyes stopped moving, probably rereading a particular word or phrase before they darted over to me, back onto the page, and then onto me again.

I raised an eyebrow as he looked at me blankly, seemingly not even noticing that I'm looking right at him, too. Suddenly, his eyes are back on the piece of parchment, skimming the rest of the words on it quickly, and crumbling up the whole thing afterwards.

"Well, you got me the letter. You should probably leave now. It's getting rather late." His voice was dismissive as he spoke, and I threw one more look at Blaise before getting off his bed.

"How about a simple 'thank you' next time?" I grumbled on my way to the door, annoyed by the way he just kicked me out.

It's not like I'm gonna act like I cared about it. But deep down, I definitely did.

Seconds before I closed the door I heard a "What's wrong with you, mate?" coming from Blaise before the closed door drowned out the hushed whispers.

A/N: Thank you for all the birthday wishes!! You're all the sweetest ily

That includes Oliver Phelps the one and only who wished me a happy birthday as well jlgfutdzrt (sorry just had to flex real quick) I'm gonna post the cameo on my Instagram seselinamae if anyone's interested lmfao ok bye

Hope you liked the chapter!

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