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"We should do this more often," He whispered against my lips before connecting them with his again. I giggled at the words.

"What? Sneak off into a forest to make out?" I asked rhetorically, my arms still locked behind his neck. A smirk formed on his lips and he nodded.

"Exactly." I could feel his lips on mine again, my back against a tree while he hovered over me, his hands propped on either side of my face.

But instead of enjoying the moment, the sensations forming all over my body, the feeling in my stomach; I froze as I heard footsteps ruffling through the dry leaves on the floor.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered, trying to catch my breath and make as little noise as I could. The blonde just furrowed his brows, looking around once before shaking his head.

"You're just paranoid, there's-" My hand on his mouth cut him off, his loud voice seemingly echoing through the quiet forest.

"Keep it down!" I hissed, my voice still no louder than a whisper. And there it was again; distant voices, sounding like they were in the middle of a heated argument.

This time he heard it too and stayed quiet as I took my hand off his mouth.

I couldn't identify who the voices belonged to, neither could I make out what they were saying.

We were both looking around, holding our breaths to be as quiet as we could. Their conversation had been going on for several minutes now, the only word I understood so far was 'Ministry.'

And then, just like that, it became eerily quiet again. No one talking, yelling, arguing. All I could hear was my heart seemingly about the jump right out of my chest.

I looked at the boy next to me with wide eyes as we heard footsteps getting closer to us; trying to figure out what to do.

We couldn't run, that would be too obvious, our footsteps would be heard from miles away. So, instead, we rushed behind the large tree he had me pinned against just ten minutes ago.

Our chests were heaving up and down almost synchronised as we heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. And then, they stopped, almost right in front of the tree.

It was quiet for a few seconds again, both of us holding our breaths to not be caught. Then, they went along their way. Away from us, and out of the forest.

Though it probably wasn't the smartest idea, I snuck a peak when I thought it would be safe to do so, and gasped at the sight. My eyes were wide as I looked back at Malfoy, but I didn't say anything until I didn't hear anything anymore.

"That was Moody!" I hissed, and the boy cringed at his name. For a moment I forgot the not so pleasant history they had.

"What do you think he was doing?" He asked, his voice disinterested, but I know he couldn't wait to find dirt on the Professor that had humiliated him in front of everyone.

I shrugged, still a hint of concern in my eyes. "Maybe he just went on a walk?" I asked, hopeful.

Malfoy snickered. "Doubt it."

✧·゚: *✧·゚:*

It couldn't have been a coincidence Mister Crouch's body was found on the same day we saw Professor Moody runoff from the exact spot it was found at.

I didn't share my suspicions with anyone; the evidence wasn't even close to enough to bring it to Dumbledore's attention. So instead, I tried to figure out what that man was up to whenever I could.

It's been about three months now, and I've narrowed it down to the storage room he came to at least once a week. I wasn't quite sure what he was taking, but I was determined to find out.

So determined, in fact, I was sneaking through the castle barefooted, hiding behind a corner to take a closer look at what he was doing in the middle of the night.

And there he was, caught in the act, letting various things fall into the pocket of his brown coat. I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out what exactly it was.

Turns out, Draco's tutoring last year did pay off; those were Polyjuice ingredients. Now the only question remaining was either who was he morphing into or, who was he really?

I snapped my head back around the corner when he turned directly towards me, hoping he didn't see me as my heart began to pound against my chest again. He scrunched up his nose, I could tell by the sniffling noises coming out of his direction.

A dirty laugh filled the empty hallway, and I gulped.

"Miss Potter, is it?" He cheered, and I cursed to myself, taking a deep breath before stepping away from the wall, directly into his field of vision.

"Professor," I said, trying to sound sleepy but surprised at the same time. I didn't think it was going to change much about the outcome of this night, but it was worth a try.

He scoffed, almost as if I had offended him. "No need to try cheap tricks. I know you were there the whole time."

I huffed, obviously having expected it; but it still made this a lot more difficult to get out of.

"You were always the smarter one, weren't you? Not as easily gullible as your brother," He said, it was more of a statement than a question, so I just stayed quiet. "I bet it was you I thought I saw that day in the forest as well, huh?"

Again, I stayed quiet, hoping he would just drop it. I knew I was gonna get in deeper trouble than just detentions with this man; whoever he was.

"Of course it was." He shook his head as if it was stupid for him to ask in the first place. "Who were you with?"

"No one, sir!" I said quickly, hoping it didn't sound too suspicious. "I was by myself that day, just enjoying the fresh air.. as one does.."

A smirk formed on his lips, one so gruesome it sent shivers down my spine. "You're a smart girl, Y/n Potter. You know I can't just let you go back to your little friends now?"

I noticed his hand reaching for his wand, and I did the same; hiding it behind my back in a firm grip. "I know just what to do with you, girl," He whispered, and before I could react, his spell flew my way. "Stupefy!"

I felt myself fly back before everything went black.

A/N: I've been waiting for this to go down for soooo long!! I hope you'll like the next chapter(s) as much as I did lol. Get ready for tomorrow! 😼

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