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He led me around a few corners, but it didn't seem like he was heading anywhere specific. And as we came to a halt in the middle of a random corridor, my assumption was confirmed.

The hallway was only dimly lit, and you could hear the music coming from the great hall. It was still loud enough to make out clearly.

I stopped a few feet away from him, taking in his appearance for the first time this evening. He was wearing a robe tuxedo, though the black jacket already hung over his arm, and the white bow tie loosely hanging around his neck made the outfit a lot more casual.

He let the jacket fall on the floor carelessly, not saying anything; instead just extending his hand towards me, his grey eyes looking directly at me as I took it.

The smile on my face was inevitable, and no matter how hard I tried to hide it, I couldn't deny that I was enjoying this.

His hand on my waist and the other one intertwined with mine, we danced to the rhythm of the music coming from the great hall in the middle of the hallway. The moonlight shining through the window, making his eyes appear almost silver.

"I've been waiting for this since I saw you walk through those doors tonight," He mumbled into my ear, pulling me a little closer as we continued dancing slowly.

"Whatever would Parkinson say to that?" I whispered, looking up into his eyes to see his reaction. He scoffed, but a smile formed on his lips afterwards.

"I couldn't care less, Y/n."

I enjoyed the sound of my name coming from him, and I smiled as he said it. "I like that. Y/n." I laughed, jokingly emphasising each syllable of my name.

A laugh escaped his lips as well before they suddenly landed on mine.

This kiss was different, so very different from all the others we've shared so far. Not rushed like they usually were, instead slow and full of passion; making me feel like there was nothing I'd rather do at that moment.

I could feel his smile against my lips, making me giggle slightly.

"What the hell?!"

My head snapped in my brother's direction, and I quickly brought distance between Malfoy and me. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before looking back at him.

But his focus wasn't on me, instead glaring at the boy next to me. "You're a dead man walking, Malfoy!" He snapped, "It's one thing to mess with me and my life, but you don't start bringing my sister into this."

He wasn't saying anything, probably trying not to make Harry blow up completely. I appreciated that. "So, what is it? Are you just bored? Or a bet you made with Crabbe and Goyle, perhaps?"

"You've gone completely mad, Potter," He said, his voice so calm if I were Harry it would've sent me over the edge, too.

"Have I? Is it that far fetched? To think this is just another way for you to make a part of my life more miserable?" I could tell Harry tried to sound calm, but his voice became louder towards the end of his sentence.

"Is it that far fetched to think that not everything is about the famous Harry Potter? That the universe doesn't revolve around you?" Malfoy took a step towards him. Just like Harry, he was trying to stay calm. But I couldn't blame either of them for not succeeding.

"You and me both know you're just going to end up hurting her. And I'm not going to let you!"

"I'm not trying to!" The blonde yelled.

They were both just looking at each other now. Malfoy annoyed he lost his temper when he didn't intend to, and Harry taken aback by his words.

Before I could intervene in whatever was going on, my attention fell on Weasley standing at the corner of the corridor. He realised I noticed him and immediately put up his arms in defence.

"I didn't say anything!" He yelped before I could snap at him and my facial features relaxed a little.

Harry turned towards him, his eyes wide as he looked at his best friend in disbelieve. "You knew?! That's just brilliant!" He groaned, looking back and forth between Malfoy, Weasley and I. "We're not done here." And with that, he stormed off, back into the direction of the great hall.

"Harry, wait! I had no choice, your sister threatened me!" I heard Weasley yell while running after my brother, and I sighed.

"You did?" The blonde asked amused, an impressed smile on his face, clearly trying to distract from the situation.

I nodded distractedly, trying to process what had just happened.

We both stared in the direction they took off to, not sure whether to move or not.

"I should probably-" I said, ending my sentence by gesturing in their direction with a half-hearted smile. "I'm sorry about all that. He's making it way too big of a deal." A sigh escaped my lips, and I had an apologetic expression on my face as I looked at him.

He just shook his head, "Don't worry about it. Your brother has always been a drama queen." He waved the situation off, chuckling at his own comment.

He took the whole thing way better than I would've imagined.

"Well, I had fun tonight. Before all that," I said honestly as I started walking away from him. I turned around one last time. "Thanks, Draco."

I could immediately make out the smile that found itself on his lips the second I said his name, and it made one form on mine as well.

"I like that. Dra-co," He laughed, mocking what I had said earlier with a smile. "Goodnight, Y/n."

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