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A content sigh escaped my lips as I let myself fall on one of the seats in the empty compartment Wren and I had found.

"Well we're lucky today, aren't we?" She laughed as she sat down opposite of me, gesturing around the empty compartment.

"I didn't expect to find an empty one still," I admitted, and she nodded in agreement.

We definitely weren't as early as I was last year. Honestly, I was almost scared we would miss the train completely, so to find an empty compartment was unexpected, to say the least. We would've been happy enough just finding seats next to each other, at all.

"I better go look for Harry," I announced after the train has been moving for a while and she nodded. "You probably should."

I wandered around the train, throwing a glance into every compartment I passed in hopes to see my brother and his friends in one of them.

But so far, I wasn't as lucky as we were with the compartment.

"Do you ever shut up, Crabbe?" I immediately stopped dead in my tracks at the sound and looked around to avoid running into Malfoy. I'd rather use my time to find my brother instead of bickering around with the blonde boy.

Their voices moving closer to me, I panicked. There weren't many options to get out of the small corridor I was in, and before I knew it, I found myself in a random compartment.

I quickly closed the door behind me and then slowly turned around, not really knowing what to expect.

"Harry!" I cheered as soon as I laid my eyes on him. Maybe today was my lucky day, after all.

"What are you doing?" He asked after pulling me into a long hug, a confused look on his face.

"I was looking for you, actually," I explained quickly, leaving out the fact I only ended up in here because of Malfoy. "I read what happened at the Quidditch World Cup, are you guys alright?" I looked around the compartment before taking a seat.

Harry, Ron and Hermione all seemed fine, not even as much as a scratch on their body. They all nodded. "Yeah, we're okay.." Hermione began, "But Harry's scar. It's been hurting a lot over the summer."

"Is that so?" I asked, my voice full of concern as I moved closer to him.

"It's nothing." Harry shrugged, his head turned towards the window. I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's hardly nothing," I huffed, and Hermione agreed with me, happy that someone was finally saying what she's been thinking for a while now. "Are you having nightmares again, too?"

Harry just scoffed, his gaze still lingering outside of the train. "Tell her, Harry!" Hermione urged, and a groan escaped his lips. "Yes, I am! But it's nothing to be concerned about. I've got in under control."

He sounded annoyed, glaring at Hermione for pushing him to talk about the whole thing in the first place. "Well, I know when to give you space, Harry. But maybe you should take this a little more serious. If he's really back, this doesn't just concern you." I sighed before leaving the four of them alone.

I walked back to my compartment, ready to complain about my brother's attitude. "Harry can be an absolute git sometimes-" I groaned, before even looking at Wren.

But it wasn't her I was met with.

"Can he now?" I could practically hear the smirk that was plastered all over his face, and my head shot up at the sound of his voice. "Miss me?"

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" I say roughly as soon as I laid my eyes on him. "Where's Wren, anyways?"

He was wearing a black suit, his platinum blonde hair still roughly the same length it was last year. He looked older, though. More mature; not that he was acting the part.

"Don't worry about your girlfriend, she's probably just getting something from the trolley, God knows," He said calmly, his attention on the scenery outside.

I furrowed my brows at his comment but ultimately decided not to give it a second thought.

"Well?!" I hissed, "What are you doing here, then?" I tried to sound as rude as I could in an attempt to cover any feelings of nervousness coming up.

He took his time answering the question; his eyes still glued to the window. "Just.. checking in," He subtly shook his head before finally looking at me, his grey eyes focusing on mine. "I noticed you were trying to hide from me earlier-"

I felt my cheeks burning up and quickly looked towards the ground. A light chuckle escaped his lips as I did so.

"Not that it's any of your concern, but I was looking for Harry. And I found him," I replied, hoping the redness in my cheeks wasn't noticeable. Preferably covered up by the confidence in my voice completely.

"And that's when you finally realised what a pain the ass your brother is?" He said smugly, referring to what I was talking about when I entered the compartment. "Must run in the family."

"Very original." I rolled my eyes at his comment and finally sat down on the seat that was furthest from his.

"If Wren wasn't here when you came in, how did you know this was our compartment?" I asked, after a while, a hint of curiosity in my voice.

"I recognised your owl," He replied plainly, nodding towards Tucker's cage that was placed on the table.

My owl? I didn't remember ever speaking to him about my owl, never mind showing him what he looked like. "You don't know my owl," I said, rather confused and more to myself than to him, anyway.

"Clearly I do," He spat as he got up and walked towards the exit. He stopped himself before opening the door, coming to a halt right in front of me. "Do enjoy the rest of your journey, Potter," He added with the same attitude before leaving and slamming the door shut behind him.

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