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The Great Hall was already rumbling with noise; tableware being moved around, loud, stimulating conversations being held and a laugh every now and then coming from one of the four long tables.

"Where on earth have you been?!" Wren said, a sigh of relief escaping her lips when she saw me walk up to her. "I saved you two a seat." She gestured towards the space next to me, and I gave her a grateful nod before sitting down. Draco next to me, though seemingly in a whole different reality mentally. He looked complete detached from what was going on around him.

Wren leaned closer to my ear, her voice a hushed whisper. "Don't tell me you lost your virginity on a train, Y/n?" She gasped, quiet enough for no one to hear her but me.

"Jeez, Wren!" I hissed, hitting the back of her head lightly. "Of course not." I shook my head, though a slight smirk was forming on my lips. Her eyebrows shot up in anticipation as I shoved a piece of treacle fudge in my mouth.

I was starving, but due to my late arrival, the table was already filled up with dessert instead of the actual food. I've been obsessed with the fudge for so long; it was fine by me.

"But?" She followed up, dragging the word out while she was impatiently waiting for me to stop chewing.
"But- I'm just saying I don't know what would have happened if Harry didn't barge in out of nowhere and suddenly stood, like, five feet away," I scowled, and just as his name left my mouth, he walked into the Hall with Luna by his side.

I noticed the two of them walking close by Draco and me on the way back, and while I would have loved to spend some time with Luna, Harry was honestly the last person I wanted to see right now.

I glared at him from across the hall, and once his eyes had found mine in the crowd, he shot me another apologetic look before making his way to his friends in a hurry.

"He- what?" Wren asked, confused, making my attention snap back onto the conversation we were holding. Her eyes were wide. She shook her head. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I wish I was," I groaned, my cheeks taking on a slightly pink colour before our conversation was interrupted by Dumbledore as he began his speech.
"Very best of evenings to you all," He said, and the hall grew quiet at his voice. "First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff; Horace Slughorn!"

The students started clapping obligatory, welcoming the sweet-looking man. He was old, but he seemed nice enough to get me to pass whatever subject he was teaching.

"Professor Slughorn has agreed to resume his old post as potions master. Meanwhile, the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be taken by professor Snape."

The Slytherin table erupted into cheers, making me furrow my brows as I shot Wren a confused look. She just huffed, an eyebrow raised as well.

"Well, about time, don't you think?" She asked sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes. I was already waving the acceptable grade I had in Defence Against the Dark Arts goodbye.

I turned my head to look at Draco, knowing he would be thrilled by the news; Snape had always favoured him, so this would surely be a good thing for him.

Though, instead of the cheering, the clapping, and the cocky smirk on his lips I had expected to see, he had his head in his palm, looking at nothing in particular on the table.

His lips were turned upside down into a frown, but not the angry kind. He looked sad; completely and utterly miserable.

I nudged his shoulder with mine slightly, startling him before his attention shifted onto me. "Hey," I said softly; so quiet I wasn't sure if he heard me over the noise our table was making.

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