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"You're bloody lucky you weren't killed!"

I turned around when I registered Hermione's voice, spotting her and my brother walking up the corridor Wren, Luna and I were standing in. I excused myself from the two, gesturing in Harry and Hermione's direction before I disappeared in it.

"I agree with her," I chimed in quickly, leaping down the corridor to catch up with them. Hermione startled slightly as I squeezed myself in between the two of them, taking the newspaper out of her hand to look at it myself.

"Y/n," She then said, her voice soft and a pleased smile on her face. "See Harry, even your own sister says so! You have to realise who you are." Her voice sounded annoyed, though anyone could tell she was speaking from a place of concern.

A concern I definitely shared.

"I know who I am, Hermione, alright?" He huffed, shaking his head in annoyance before looking at me. "Hey, Y/n."

I rolled my eyes at his attitude, knowing the last thing he should've done was snap at her like that. My brows were raised expectantly, nodding towards Hermione without her realising, prompting him to apologise.

"Sorry," He mumbled just as we turned the corner, a little guilt lacing his tone. Though, when I looked at Hermione, a pleased smile on my lips, and she was looking right past Harry, I knew she probably didn't even hear it.

My eyes followed her gaze, my nose scrunching up as they landed on Ron and Lavender sitting at the side of the corridor. She was wrapped around his arm, hugging it occasionally, while her hand went through his hair.

He didn't look half as happy as she did.

"Merlin, get a room," I mumbled annoyed, followed by a playful gag. Hermione smiled slightly at my attempt to lighten her mood but then noticed that, maybe, I mumbled a little too loud.

"Excuse me, I have to go and actually vomit," Hermione said quickly and quietly just as Lavender's eyes snapped in our direction, a stern look on her face.

"What's your problem?" Lavender asked with an attitude, eyebrows raised as she got up from her previous position and came to a halt in front of me.

I furrowed my brows at her attitude, though tilted my head in amusement afterwards; a sly smirk playing on my lips.

"Aw, thanks for asking," I smiled brightly. "There's quite a few, but you're definitely one of them." I watched her eyes widen slightly, taken aback by my response.

Ron immediately got to his feet, shooting Harry a quick glance, brows furrowed; almost looking scared as he came up behind his girlfriend and looked at me.

He knew if he just let her continue, this wouldn't end well; so he tried to calm her down to the best of his ability as I watched them, amused.

"Lavender, please," He chuckled nervously, tugging on her arm to turn her away from me, though she wouldn't budge. "This really isn't something you wanna do."

His voice was no louder than a whisper, though I was just about able to hear them.

"You should really listen to your boyfriend, Lavender," I said with a smile, nodding and looking as friendly as I could. Ron shot Harry another concerned look, eyebrows raised and prompting my brother to do something about this.

But he didn't.

She huffed, something glimmering in her eyes I couldn't quite place. "You've got a lot to say for someone who's sleeping with Draco Malfoy," She spat, her voice still annoyingly high pitched as she did so.

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