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The good thing about waking up late was that lunch was your first meal of the day.

After a long, needed shower and a change of clothes, I made my way to the great hall almost immediately. With my stomach being close to making inhumane noises, grumbling as loud as the end of the world might sound, I pretty much sprinted there.

It was late, even for lunch. So, there were hardly any students still eating. A few were still scattered around the large room, but most of the people inside were professors.

They sat at their designated table again; not sharing one of ours with the rest of the students like they did yesterday, on Christmas day.

I had to admit, while the atmosphere sure was a lot more cosy and comfortable like that, I preferred my meals without my professors listening in on my conversations.

I slumped into one of the seats, a plate and cutlery appearing in front of me as soon as I sat down.

My hunger was just about stilled when I felt two hands grab my shoulders carefully. I startled, anyway, before my head was tilted upwards and I looked right into a pair of grey eyes.

I furrowed my brows, though before I had the chance to say anything, Draco pressed his lips on mine. It took me a second to reciprocate the kiss, but, of course, I did.

"Dreams, huh?" He asked when he sat down next to me; an eyebrow quirked as he referred to the little note I left him.

I felt myself blush slightly but just shook it off when I cleared my throat.

"I thought it was a nice little touch, don't you think?" An innocent smile was plastered across my face as I continued eating casually; Pretending this conversation wasn't nearly as uncomfortable for me as it actually was.

He huffed in agreement and nodded before filling his plate with food as well.

For the first time in a long time, I saw him eat properly, hold a conversation for longer than five minutes at a time, and laugh. Actually, genuinely laugh.

It was relieving to see him act the way I knew him. And for a while, I actually believed this is how it was going to be from now on; Whatever was bothering him before all forgotten about.

"So, I see you learned, then?" He said with a smirk, his hand reaching for the silver chain around my neck and pulling it out of my jumper.

I snickered as he played with his ring, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Shame. I wouldn't have minded repeating last night." His gaze snapped up to mine, his eyes darkening at the thought while the smirk was still playing on his lips.

I huffed, amused; lightly hitting his arm at the suggestion.

"Oh, so that's gonna become a regular thing now?" I asked in a teasing voice, my eyebrows raised as I bit back a grin.

He leaned in closer to my ear. His voice was rough and no more than a whisper when he said, "Only if you want it to be, love."

My lips turned into a deep smile that was impossible for me to hide. "Well," I hummed, bringing a bit of distance between us to look at him. "I'll take your offer into consideration," I said in a polite tone, though the smile probably gave me away.

He shook his head with a smile, his mouth opening to say something, but the voice I registered next was someone else's.

"Mr Malfoy."

Snape's voice wiped the smile off of our faces as soon as we registered it, and we both turned around to face him.

"Sir?" Draco asked, his body visibly stiffening while his brows furrowed slightly. His voice was cold, drained of any emotion he displayed just moments before.

"May I have a word? I'm sure Miss Potter will not mind." He threw a glance my way when my name left his mouth, but immediately turned back to face Draco.

"Certainly," He seethed through gritted teeth, his lips pressed together, forming a thin line as he got up.

"Excuse us," Snape quickly added, before he followed the blonde out of the hall.

I sighed, my eyes quickly roaming the hall to realise nobody even took notice of the little encounter. I waited a bit longer, and then got up a little too forcefully; almost knocking my plate off the table before I quickly hurried after them.

I was lucky to still catch a glimpse of Snape's cloak as they turned a corner to my left, heading right towards the dungeons. Though, they didn't make it to Snape's office.

Instead, their argument started a little before I could catch up to them, and I leaned against the nearest wall to listen in.

I'm sure this would give me some answers to the questions that had been haunting me ever since I overheard their first conversation.

Unlike last time, I was brave enough to sneak a peek around the corner this time; finding the perfect angle to not only listen but see what was going on.

"-And this is your definition of that? Public display of affection is 'not associating with her'?" Snape asked, a condescending tone in his voice.

"I'm sick and tired of avoiding her!" Draco snapped, his facial features tense. He looked so angry; ready to punch the next person who walked past him.

I just hoped it wasn't going to be Snape.

"Oh," The professor exclaimed, dragging out the word unnecessarily long. "So you just decided your pleasure is worth more than possibly her life?" The way his voice sounded almost ironic as he spoke.

The blonde didn't say anything to that, instead burying his hands in his hair while his brows furrowed and he squeezed his eyes shut forcefully.

"It was your idea, so stick with it, Draco."

He took a deep breath. His eyes still closed as he looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm doing what He asks of me; every little thing he asks of me." His voice was low, he sounded exhausted, and he was rubbing his temple in a stressed manner. "I'll succeed with my task, and then he'll leave her out of this. Wasn't that the plan all along?"

Snape replied with a snicker as he shook his head. "You don't know what he's capable of, Draco. You haven't seen it, yet. He'll never leave her out of this if he knows you care for her. He wants to punish you for your father's failure. And he will. use. her."

I held a hand in front of my mouth to quiet my breath. My heart was beating so fast, and my breathing was so loud, I felt like you'd be able to hear it throughout the whole castle.

Now that I had more pieces to complete the puzzle; suddenly, there were too many all at once. My brain working overtime to connect the dots, and paint the picture as accurately as I could while I continued to listen to them, dreading to hear what more they had to say about me.

"He already knows I do. Otherwise, he wouldn't be using her in the first place," Draco said sternly, by the tone in his voice growing impatient with the man opposite him.

"Then make Him think you don't. Trust me. You do not want to live with the consequences."

A/N: Plot action wowwww

If I see one Y/n is too oblivious comment I will cry because in all honesty yall only know what's going on because YOUVE SEEN THE MOVIES / READ THE BOOKS jhbjkngzf let homegirl live she doesn't even want to understand jkhght

Anyway, I'm going live again tomorrow on my Instagram "seselinamae" at 8 pm GMT+1, 11 am PST, 2 pm ET time! I hope I can see as many of you there!! hehe

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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